Universe Storage Box



Seeing that Arvid had succeeded in fusing with the black Flood Dragon, and his strength had become even stronger, the people from Devils naturally had a reason to be happy.    


Originally, the reason the people from the Devils came to the Mortal World was to seek revenge for the enmity ten years ago, so as to rule over the entire Mortal World.    


In the beginning, everything was still rather smooth. The people from the Devils had first found out about it from the Mortal World, and thus learned a lot about it. After that, they had even smoothly resurrected the Devil Emperor, and with the help of the Mortal World, they successfully ambushed the disciples from the various sects in the Mortal World.    


Things had gone smoothly at this point, however, people from the Devils did not expect that their actions, would anger the aboriginals of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and those Vicious Beast had exploded, attacking them. Regardless of whether it was the people from the Devils or the disciples of the Mortal World, as long as it was within the Hundred Thousand Mountains, they were all attacked by the Vicious Beast.    


Although Devils was not weak, it was still a bit inferior compared to the native Vicious Beast s here. After all, not everyone came to Mortal World s side.    


Therefore, when they had no other choice, the people from the Devils began to disperse under Arvid's lead. Some people lost themselves in the Hundred Thousand Mountains and were killed by the Vicious Beast.    


Just as the people of Devils were thinking about what to do next, whether it be to continue attacking the human sects, or to return to the Demon Realm first, and leave it for later, they suddenly realized that the attacks of the Vicious Beast had not stopped yet. Only, at this time, the Vicious Beast were no longer limited to the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and had surrounded and killed the people of the Devils and the disciples of the Mortal World.    


Those Vicious Beast s, under the lead of a Humanoid Berserk Beast, exited the Hundred Thousand Mountains and directly rushed towards the human cities and towns. Wherever they went, life would be annihilated and no one would be left alive.    


After discovering this situation, everyone in Devils, including Arvid, was overjoyed. Naturally, they no longer had the thought of leaving immediately, but instead hid in the shadows, unmoving, and looked for opportunities.    


And all along the way, they had personally witnessed the Vicious Beast's carnage. First it was the human town, then it was the sects in the Cultivation Realm of Human World.    


However, these Devils people seemed to have discovered that what these Vicious Beast were doing, seemed to have a purpose. They destroyed the encampments of these entire Mortal World cultivation sects, and forced them to go towards the Mortal World's biggest sect.    


Afterwards, they gathered all of the Vicious Beast and began to attack Heavely Profound Sect together.    


Those people who were hiding in the shadows, however, discovered that even if it was the Cultivation Sects s, they were still not the opponents of those Vicious Beast. To their horror, they discovered that within the Vicious Beast, there was actually an existence that was quite terrifying.    


Just when the people of the Devils believed that the Cultivation Sects of the Mortal World was definitely about to be destroyed, a young man appeared out of nowhere.    


When Arvid saw this scene, he was shocked, but at the same time, he was scheming against the man and the beast on stage. He had been sealed for ten years, and now, he had been resurrected with great difficulty.    


Therefore, Arvid, who was hiding in the shadows, did not leave. Instead, he continued to look for an opportunity.    


Although the young man on the stage had the upper hand and had even wounded the black Vicious Beast severely, it was obviously not easy for the young man to win against the black Vicious Beast. Therefore, his focus was always on the black black Flood Dragon and this gave Arvid the chance.    


Taking advantage of the other sects in the Mortal World not being able to react, Arvid suddenly appeared and severely injured the young man. After that, he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity and chase after him, killing the young man, and resolve this issue. After all, the relationship between their Devils and the Mortal World was hostile, so for such an expert to appear, it was definitely not a good thing for the people from the Devils.    


Therefore, Arvid wanted to kill the young man. However, at this time, the people with Cultivation Sects had already reacted and firmly stopped him, not giving him a chance. And at this time, Arvid clearly did not have any intentions of putting his life on the line, because he had other plans, and turned around to leave immediately.    


Those people from the Mortal World, perhaps didn't know why Arvid took the black Flood Dragon away. Perhaps he wanted to heal the other party and join hands with them to deal with the numerous sects with Mortal World.    


However, only Arvid himself knew that he did not take away the black Flood Dragon to save her, but instead, think for his own sake, because there was an array formation within their Demon Realm that could transfer the Cultivation Level from one person's body to another person. However, this array formation's requirements were extremely harsh, and not only were the materials needed to set up the array formation extremely rare, even those who supported its use would only be able to take care of it once in their entire lives.    


And luckily, there were some people who understood this formation amongst the people Arvid brought this time. Thus, the moment he made his decision to attack, he had already made his decision.    


After that, he brought along black Flood Dragon in hopes of finding a safe place to set up the formation, but the other Vicious Beast had chased after them too quickly, so he decided to carry out the formation in the Hundred Thousand Mountains.    


Although this process was a little dangerous, with the Vicious Beast coming over, the final result still made Arvid and the other Devils people very satisfied.    


Arvid brought everyone back to the cave. The black mist on top of the array had already disappeared, and the majestic black Flood Dragon from before had turned into a dragon corpse that had no aura, lying there quietly.    


"I just went out in a hurry, and I haven't finished fusing with all of its Cultivation Level. In the next few days, I'll be going into closed door cultivation, so I'll leave everything outside to you guys. When I come out, I'll go attack those sects again, and calculate everything from ten years ago!" Arvid said to the few Devils cultivators beside him.    


These people were all the stronger people around Arvid, and were people he trusted as well. Thus, he was not afraid to explain his own true situation to them.    


"Yes, Lord Devil Emperor." Everyone replied.    


In actuality, there wasn't much to do outside at this time. The Vicious Beast had already been recruited by Arvid, so it would be absolutely safe for them and the rest of the Devils.    


As for the Mortal World, after going through the previous attacks of the Vicious Beast, they should still have not recovered their vitality. It would be good if the rest of them did not attack them, they would not be able to come over, so, there was no need to worry.    


Right now, everyone only had to wait for Arvid to come out from closed door cultivation. At that time, it would be the time to fight against the numerous Mortal World sects.    


In regards to the decisive battle, many of the people from Devils were confident, their previous strength was not inferior to the many sects with their Mortal World, and now they had even subdued many Vicious Beast s, making their strength even more powerful, and more so by more than twice.    


Although a peerless genius had appeared on the side of the Mortal World, his strength was terrifying, but that person had been severely injured by Arvid's sneak attack previously, and wanted to recover in a short period of time, it was simply impossible. Even if he died right now, the crowd would not be surprised, because Arvid's attacks were not light.    


On the other hand, Arvid had still managed to fuse with the black Flood Dragon's Cultivation Level, so even if the youth could still fight, he was not Arvid's match. The current Arvid was even more terrifying than the black Flood Dragon before!    


And because of this, many people with Devils maintained an optimistic attitude towards the upcoming decisive battle.    


And now, all they had to do was wait for Arvid to come out of seclusion.    


Arvid nodded, then walked into the depths of the cave. Outside of the cave, there were many people from the Devils on guard.    


had just absorbed all of the black Flood Dragon s and they had not completely fused with his body yet, they had only entered his body. Arvid also believed that once he could absorb all of the Cultivation Level s and use them for himself, his strength would definitely become stronger than it was right now!    


In regards to this, Arvid was also filled with anticipation. In his opinion, even with his current strength, adding the Devils disciples and Vicious Beast s under his command, defeating the entire sect that specialized in Mortal World was already something that was not impossible.    


Therefore, he was not in a hurry to attack the cultivation sect with his Mortal World, but rather, completely integrate with the black Flood Dragon s before leaving. At this time, the cultivation sect with Mortal World was no longer worth of time for him to think about, what he needed to consider now was his own Cultivation Level s.    


The black Flood Dragon already had the strength of Half-immortal before, and Arvid himself wasn't weak either. With the two combined, Arvid had the hope of reaching the peak of the Half-immortal realm, and even taking this opportunity to break through the Half-immortal with a single sentence, becoming a true Immortal isn't impossible!    


When he thought about this possibility, Arvid's heart burned with passion. Therefore, after he dealt with the matters of the Vicious Beast, he impatiently went into seclusion, and did not immediately bring people to attack Mortal World s. Although he could actually go now, and had the strength to do so.    


But, it was clear that the current increase in his personal strength was even more important to him, and it was precisely because of this decision that gave Huang Feng more time to rest, and more time to breathe.    


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