Universe Storage Box

C1780 Order

C1780 Order

"President Huang, the game equipment has officially started selling. However, due to the time difference, there are some places overseas that might be delayed for a while before they can be sold." He Bo reported to Huang Feng in his office.    


Today was the day when the game equipment of "The World" was officially sold. Huang Feng also came to the headquarters to take charge and keep an eye on the latest situation.    


"How are the sales results?" Huang Feng asked.    


"It's on fire!" He Bo said excitedly, "On the domestic side, every city has lost some sales points, and the latest news has been sent over. Every city's sales point is surrounded by people. Before we officially start selling, we have already lined up in a long line. It is said that in order to buy the game equipment, some people queued up three to four days in advance. According to our observation, the 1 million pieces of equipment that we have prepared in China are definitely not enough. Even the first batch of players isn't enough."    


Speaking up to this point, He Bo looked down on those people who were short-sighted before. Those people felt that even if this game was popular, there would be a limit. One million units to satisfy the needs of the early stages of the country, there was no problem at all. Therefore, in terms of production, they did not pay attention at all.    


Now, it seemed that those people's estimations were wrong. Although this game hadn't gone through internal testing, it had gone through open beta directly. However, it was very popular. Previously, those people seemed to have underestimated the word "time and space." Now, the word time and space... It was already a golden signboard in China, no matter what products the company introduced. It would be popular among many people.    


In China, there were many game players. What they lacked was just good games. Not to mention 1 million, even 10 million could be sold. Of course, that was after the spread of public opinion. However, no matter what, one million units in the early stage was definitely not enough.    


Huang Feng nodded. Although he also knew that this kind of excellence would be popular... However, he also did not expect that at this stage, there would actually be people queuing overnight. Furthermore, it was a few days earlier, which surprised Huang Feng. After all, this was just a game, even though it had the meaning of creating a new era. However, it was not a necessity. Huang Feng could imagine that there would be many people playing this game. However, he did not expect it to be this crazy.    


As expected, he still could not understand the thoughts of those real game fans. Although he liked playing games when he was in college, it was not to the extent that he was obsessed with them.    


At this moment, He Bo's phone rang. He picked up the phone. The smile on his face became wider. After hanging up the phone, he said to Huang Feng, "Someone is calling. The 5,000 game equipment allocated to Bing City has been sold out. He wants us to send the goods here as soon as possible. "    


Bing City was only a second-tier city in China. Furthermore, its location was quite remote. Therefore, Huang Feng and the rest did not arrange too many supplies there. In the end, it had only been two hours since the official sale. Five thousand game equipment had already been sold out. This speed was a little too fast.    


Due to the limited number of games, Huang Feng and the others also made the rules. Each person could only buy one, and they could only buy it with their ID card. They wanted to try their best to prevent the appearance of the yellow cow, even though they couldn't completely prevent it. However, it definitely had some effect.    


After selling these 5,000 units, it meant that they had sold 5,000 units. In just two hours, they had sold 5,000 units. Such a result was quite good.    


After that, He Bo received calls from his subordinates one after another. In some cities with fewer stores. They had all been sold out or were about to be sold out. He asked the headquarters to continue distributing goods. However, He Bo did not have the strength to fulfill such a request. In comparison, there were only one million units in total, and all the cities wanted them. He could not increase the number of goods for all the cities.    


"Ask the factory to work overtime to produce the units. Tell the staff that... During this period of time, let everyone work hard and double their overtime pay. People can rest, and machines cannot be stopped. We need to store up to 5 million units in China as soon as possible. In addition, we also need to increase the speed of our purchases overseas. There are many game manufacturers now... We have to wait and see before they realize what is going on... We need to take over the market!" Huang Feng said to He Bo.    


Huang Feng would never blindly be arrogant. Although his virtual reality game was ahead of the other Game Company games, however, the other Game Company games were not just for show. They would not just sit there and wait for death. They would definitely fight back. In order to defeat them, they would use all kinds of methods.    


And now, the reason why the Game Company was still watching from the sidelines... The virtual reality technology was indeed awesome. However, it didn't mean that with awesome technology, there would be awesome games. Previously, this game didn't have an internal test. So, they didn't know how this game worked.    


After all, this was a new technology, so how stable was it? In the process of using it, would there be any problems? These were all things that they needed to observe. They also knew about this technology... It was more advanced than their traditional keyboard and mouse game. However, new technology had to be tested by the market.    


Because of this, they were still waiting and watching.    


"I know" He Bo nodded and said. He also had a sense of urgency. It was like fighting a war. They wanted to kill the opponent before the opponent could react. Otherwise, the enemy would surely resist. Besides, he would only get worse and worse. The more they resisted, the more intense it would be. Would they be able to defeat them in the end? It was hard to say. Even if he could defeat them... They might have to pay a hefty price.    


"Also, don't stop the publicity work. The spokesperson I found has already started filming advertisements. After the filming is done, you will immediately enter the market and let everyone know about your games" Huang Feng said.    


Li Bingyun, Zhu Xiyu, and Lu Xuan had already started filming the promotional advertisements today. He believed that with their experience and ability, they should be able to finish filming very quickly. Moreover, the quality would not be bad. At that time, the only thing left was to put it on the market. He Bo needed to do this job.    


"No problem. Right now, the reputation of the National News is very high. Also, our relationship with the other media is still okay." He Bo said.    


Of course He Bo knew that the boss behind the National News was Huang Feng. So, what news was there previously? However, he did not neglect the other media because of this. Because of this, his relationship with other media outlets was not too bad.    


Huang Feng nodded. "Also, pay more attention to the situation of the other Game Company. I think they will not be able to sit still for long!"    


Previously, the reason why the other Game Company did not make any moves was because they did not understand the game "The World." Once this game was officially listed, when other companies realized that this game was so popular, they would definitely not be able to sit still. When the time came, no one knew what methods they would use.    


"I understand." He Bo nodded. The business world was like a battlefield. He had always known this and would never let his guard down.    


Huang Feng's guess was right. While he and He Bo were discussing how to prevent the other Game Company from causing trouble, the other Game Company were also paying close attention to the situation of the "Game of Space and Time."    


"Ten Dragons" Game Company was the number one Game Company in the Huaxia Country. It had been developing for many years. It was very powerful. In the past, it had relied on a game imported from abroad. It created a grand occasion where millions of people were online at the same time. One should know that... At that time, the other Game Company were still stuck at the stage where tens of thousands of people were online at most. In an instant, he increased the number by dozens of times. The impact could be imagined.    


Over the years, although many Game Company had appeared, the "Ten Dragons" Game Company was still the leader of this industry. They were already used to being the leaders.    


However, the current situation seemed to be changing because the sudden appearance of a Game Company might change the current structure of this industry. That was "Time Game Company."    


As for the name "Time and Space," the people of "Ten Dragons" were naturally familiar with it. In fact, during this period of time, especially after the Spring Festival, "Time and Space became more and more famous in the country, and more and more people knew about him. In many people's eyes, he was a hero of the family, internationally... He had earned enough face for the people of China, and many people were proud of him. Including many people from the "Ten Dragons."    


However, no one would have thought that this "Time and Space" company would actually cross realms again. Moreover, this time, they had directly entered the game field. The boss of the Ten Dragons, Fei Ming, even held a meeting with the higher-ups of the company on the first day he found out about the establishment of the "Time and Space Game. There was only one topic to discuss, and that was how to face the decision of the "Spacetime Game" company.    


At that time, many people felt that Fei Ming was making a big deal out of nothing. " When the space-time company enters the game, it's just a newbie. Even if he did well in other fields... However... In the game, he still had to start from scratch. ... It was full of trust, but 'Ten Dragons' was the overlord of the game world, and many popular games were running. There was no need to be afraid of the "Game Company of Time and Space."    


However, Fei Ming didn't think so. He could see the threat of the "Spacetime" Company. This "Time and Space Company" was really strange. It just liked to cross worlds and never limited itself to one field. What was even more evil was that they did not care which field they went to. They could even become a pivotal force in this field very quickly. No matter if it was sewage processing equipment, food, medicine, film... It was the same for cars and so on. They had never failed before.    


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