Universe Storage Box

C1988 Rescue

C1988 Rescue

"I'll go." Li Huaimin suddenly said, "Dad, I want to go overseas and catch those guys myself."    


Li Huaimin also did not forget those people from before. It was because of them that he was seriously injured. Furthermore, those people had done those things in Yang City. Li Huaimin, who was born and raised in this world, couldn't wait to catch them with his own hands. Should he lock them up or kill them?    


"You? No!" After Li Huaimin's father heard his son's words, he shook his head and said, "Your injuries are not completely healed. You can't go."    


"Dad, I'm fine. Look." Li Huaimin stood up and stretched his body in front of his father. He indicated that he was fine. "Dad, let me go. I must catch those bastards with my own hands!"    


"No." Li Huaimin's father still refused. Previously, his son had been seriously injured by those people. He was worried that his son would take the risk again.    


"Dad!" Li Huaimin shouted, "I must go! Are you worried that I will get hurt again? Last time was an accident, but I was not prepared that time. That's why I was heavily injured by them. I guarantee that nothing like this will happen this time."    


" I know what you want to do, but I also know what you're capable of. " Li Huaimin's father said, "You have seen what those people are. They are a group of ferocious criminals. It's very dangerous for you to go there. I'm worried about you. "    


"Isn't it also dangerous for others to go?" Obviously, Li Huaimin did not choose to give up because of his father's obstruction. "Anyone who goes will go. If I go, at least I have some understanding of them. After all, they had fought before. Besides, when I was in the Special Forces... I've been carrying out a lot of dangerous missions? I didn't see you stop me before, even if I didn't catch those guys... After I return to the team, I will still carry out some other dangerous missions."    


Li Huaimin's words were true. The team he was in... It was a team that needed to carry out dangerous missions frequently. There were also many dangerous missions that they had carried out in the past. He had also been injured before, and his mother had never allowed him to be in that team. However, his father had always been very supportive of him.    


And because of this, after hearing what his son said, Li Huaimin's father... He furrowed his brows. Previously, he thought that his son wanted to stay in the special forces. He had supported his son and felt that his son should be trained. However, after witnessing his son being seriously injured... His thoughts changed a little. After all, he only had one son... It was true that he wanted to train his son, but he also didn't want to lose his son.    


"Dad, let me go." This mission is not much different from the previous ones," Li Huaimin continued. Besides, you want to catch those bastards. Our special forces... We are the most suitable team to carry out a mission, aren't you going to hand this mission over to us? "    


Li Huaimin was right. Such a dangerous mission... Moreover, he still had to go overseas. If his father really wanted to catch those people, the special forces were definitely the most suitable team to carry out the mission. This team was extremely powerful and had rich experience in completing missions. Apart from them, the rest of the teams were obviously weaker.    


Therefore, it would be better to let the Special Forces go in the end. As the deputy captain of the special forces, Li Huaimin had a lot of Combat Experience. If his father did not stop him, it was indeed very likely that he would go and carry out this mission.    


Therefore, Li Huaimin's father finally let out a sigh of relief.    


"You can also carry out this mission." Li Huaimin's father said. Seeing the smile on his son's face, he continued, "However, you may need some help this time."    


"Help? No need! What kind of dangerous mission has our Special Forces not carried out? Who has the right to help us?" Li Huaimin said. Indeed, their special forces was the strongest force in Yang City. There really weren't any teams that had the right to help them.    


"National Security Agency!" Li Huaimin's father said.    


"National Security Agency?" Li Huaimin was slightly stunned and said, "Dad, you mean to ask the people of National Security Agency to help us?"    


"That's right." Li Huaimin's father nodded and said, "This mission is different from the past. Those people are extremely dangerous. I am not at ease with your special forces acting alone. With the people from the National Security Agency following, I can be at ease."    


"Dad, there is no need. We can do it ourselves." Li Huaimin said. Although he usually admired those comrades from the National Security Agency, however, as members of the special forces, they had their own pride. They didn't want to admit that they were weaker than the people from the National Security Agency.    


"Alright." Seeing his son's insistence, and thinking about it again, the Special Forces had indeed carried out many dangerous missions on their own before this. Li Huaimin's father did not insist. "Go back to the team tomorrow and make some preparations. These two days... I will give you their details. "    


"Understood" Li Huaimin nodded and said, "I have been lying on the hospital bed all this time. Finally, I can stretch my muscles and bones."    


"When you are carrying out a mission, be careful. Don't rush in recklessly. Do you understand?" Li Huaimin's father reminded him.    


"I know, dad. It is not the first time I am on a mission like this." Li Huaimin said.    


"Yes." Li Huaimin's father nodded, but in the end, he still felt a little uneasy.    


Two days later, Li Huaimin and the others set off. This time, Li Huaimin was the leader of the group. He personally led a team of fifteen people to carry out this mission. Besides punishing those bastards, he also wanted to take back the information that they had stolen. Therefore, the mission wasn't easy.    


On the other side, Huang Feng didn't know about this matter. When he found out about it, he received a call from Li Bingyun's father.    


Huang Feng was a little surprised that Li Bingyun's father called him personally. Although Li Bingyun's father had saved Li Huaimin previously, his impression of him should not be too bad. However... In regards to the matter between him and Li Bingyun... They did not officially let go of the matter. Of course, their attitude was much better than before. Huang Feng and Li Bingyun believed that it was only a matter of time before they agreed to let go. Otherwise, they would have called Li Bingyun back a long time ago. It was impossible that they did not know that Li Bingyun lived with Huang Feng. But now, they had turned a blind eye to it. This already showed some of their attitudes.    


However, Huang Feng was still a little surprised that he could receive a call from Li Bingyun's father. After all, this had never happened before.    


However, after hearing the content of the call, Huang Feng's expression was not as relaxed as before.    


"Uncle Li, don't worry. I will definitely save Huai Ren." Beside Huang Feng was Li Bingyun, whose face was full of worry and tears.    


It turned out that Li Bingyun's father's phone call was not a simple greeting call, but a request for help from Huang Feng.    


Previously, after Li Huaimin and the others chased them out of the country, things went quite smoothly in the beginning. However, when they entered the enemy's headquarters, they were ambushed. Li Huaimin finally broke through the tight encirclement with great difficulty. After that, he had no contact with the other side of the country. As for what the current situation was, Li Bingyun's father did not know either.    


Therefore, Li Bingyun's father was prepared to seek help from the National Security Agency. However, before he made the call, he thought of Huang Feng, so he called Huang Feng first.    


"Alright." Li Bingyun's father said, "I will call your bureau chief. You should prepare first. As for the specific details, I will tell you one by one."    


"Okay." Huang Feng nodded.    


After that, Huang Feng hung up the phone. At this moment, Li Bingyun suddenly rushed over. She looked at Huang Feng with watery eyes and said, "Huang Feng, you must save my brother. You must save him."    


"Bingyun, don't worry. I will definitely bring your brother back safely." Huang Feng said.    


"Mm." Li Bingyun said with a sobbing tone.    


Not long after, Huang Feng received a call from the police station. They asked him, Bai Xiaorou, and the others to go overseas to rescue Li Huaimin and the others. The people who carried out the mission this time were the members of Bai Xiaorou's team.    


However, Huang Feng thought about it and decided to leave first. He asked Bai Xiaorou to follow behind with her people because... Li Huaimin had lost contact with them. The situation was very dangerous, and his life could be in danger at any time. Every minute that was delayed was an additional minute of danger. If he went there alone, it would be much faster.    


At the same time, it would be much more convenient for him to act alone. He could also use many of his techniques. Bai Xiaorou clearly understood this. Therefore, she did not oppose Huang Feng's decision to move forward alone. She only reminded Huang Feng to be careful.    


"You can wait at home with a peace of mind. I will definitely bring your brother back unharmed." Before leaving, Huang Feng promised Li Bingyun again.    


"Okay." Li Bingyun nodded. At this time, she was still very worried about her brother. However, her emotions had calmed down a lot. "Huang Feng, you also have to be careful. Don't rely on your own abilities to be strong. I was careless. Those bad people are very bad. "    


"I know." Huang Feng patted Li Bingyun's head and said.    


After that, Huang Feng chose to fly into the sky that night. His current flying speed was even faster than a plane. And now, he was alone. So... There was no need to hide anything. It would be faster.    


Bai Xiaorou and the rest, on the other hand, tidied up a little. They set off early tomorrow morning. Huang Feng's car factory could not completely leave them now. Therefore, Bai Xiaorou could not take everyone away this time. Therefore, in the eyes of the people above, this mission... It was still rather difficult to keep in touch with Bai Xiaorou at all times. If there were any changes, they would immediately send people to help.    


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