Universe Storage Box

C1985 The Collapse of the Alliance

C1985 The Collapse of the Alliance

Huang Feng and Tang Jie could both feel that those foreign powers had suffered a great blow. There was bound to be an impact, but both of them knew it. Those foreign powers wouldn't give up so easily. Therefore, before they decided to give up, they would definitely have a crazy counterattack for a period of time. And during this period of time, Huang Feng and the others would feel a tremendous pressure. However, they only needed to endure this period of time. What would happen next... It would be easier to deal with them now.    


"I understand." Bai Xiaorou nodded.    


Huang Feng did not hide anything from Bai Xiaorou about his factory. Therefore, Bai Xiaorou also knew very well about the situation at Huang Feng's factory. She also knew what kind of pressure Huang Feng and the others would face next. And Huang Feng's pressure was also her pressure. Not to mention the private relationship between the two of them. Even if Bai Xiaorou was completely in charge of guarding Huang Feng's car factory, it was enough for Bai Xiaorou to take this matter seriously.    


Sure enough, in the next few days, Huang Feng's car factory suffered fierce attacks. Those people seemed to be crazy and kept attacking the factory, even the people in the factory.    


The result was that the highly skilled security guards that Huang Feng sent over. A few people were injured, and Tang Jie was kidnapped for the second time. However, this time, he didn't succeed, but he was also injured. Even some of the senior executives in the company were attacked to different degrees. Luckily, Huang Feng had some estimations about this situation. Therefore, he did not let those people get what they wanted.    


Under the ferocious attacks of those people, the security guards that Huang Feng arranged there also felt a great pressure. Finally, when the National Security Agency members beside Bai Xiaorou moved out, they were able to ensure that those people were taken down.    


Although Huang Feng felt a huge pressure on his side, however... Under the joint efforts of him and Bai Xiaorou, they still managed to hold on. The factory did not suffer too much loss. Even the production was not affected at all. One car after another was sent off the production line.    


At the same time, the losses suffered by those foreign powers were also huge. Their crazy actions also angered Huang Feng. Because of this, Huang Feng didn't show any mercy to those people. He had already killed them all. Anyway, he wasn't going to let them stay and ask them anything.    


As for Bai Xiaorou, she didn't need Huang Feng to say anything about this matter. They also knew what to do, so... In a short period of time... Experts sent by foreign forces died in the factory. Or they were taken away by Bai Xiaorou's men. Once they were taken away... It would be very difficult to come out again.    


Because of this, the momentum of the attack came down a few days later. Those people seemed to know that the matter was real and could not be done for. Their final madness was over. If they continued... They would not gain anything, and they would suffer even greater losses. Because, after this series of attacks, as long as they weren't idiots... They would strengthen the defenses of the factory, and they wanted to get what was inside. It would be even more difficult.    


The information Huang Feng obtained from Tang Jie seemed to prove this point.    


"You said someone contacted you and wanted to buy a car from the company?" Huang Feng looked at Tang Jie, who was lying on the hospital bed, and said.    


At this time, Huang Feng and Tang Jie were in the hospital. Although Tang Jie had managed to survive the danger once again, his injuries were even worse this time. Although Tang Jie had already accepted Huang Feng's suggestion, he had given himself a suspension car, but it wasn't omnipotent. Tang Jie could not stay in the car for twenty-four hours. Therefore, he would always give those with malicious intentions a chance.    


Because of this, Tang Jie was attacked again, even though he was saved by Huang Feng's men at the critical moment. But I got hurt again. Furthermore... His injuries were even more severe than the previous one, even though it wasn't a fatal injury. However, Huang Feng still let him stay in the hospital for a few days.    


Today, when Huang Feng came to visit Tang Jie, Tang Jie told Huang Feng a piece of news: those people who talked to him on the phone before, this time. Someone had already put into action. There were already people among them. They clearly stated that they wanted to buy some hovering cars from the Space-Time Car Company that could be used to fight on the battlefield. The person who specifically talked about the cooperation was already on the way to China.    


This person's actions also indicated that there was a gap in the alliance that those people previously did not have. They were no longer acting in a unified manner. Some people had finally compromised with Huang Feng.    


As long as one side compromised, when the others knew about this, as long as they didn't want to be left far behind. Then... Their attitudes would change, and they wouldn't be like before. In fact, more and more people would make the same choice as the previous person.    


"That's right. They contacted me last night. Now, they are already on their way to China." Tang Jie said, although he was injured. However, the smile on his face couldn't be hidden. Obviously, he understood what this phone call meant. He naturally had a reason to be happy.    


"So, the person who contacted you is not a senior executive of some company, Wang Yao said. But someone from a certain power?" Huang Feng seemed to have heard something from Tang Jie's words. He had thought that the ones who would compromise first would be the people from those companies. After all, to those people, earning money was the most important thing. But now, it was obvious that Huang Feng's car would definitely earn money. And it would make a lot of money. The higher-ups of those companies would compromise. It was not strange at all.    


However, what Huang Feng didn't expect was that the one who compromised first wasn't those people from those enterprises, but some people from some major powers. This was very interesting.    


"That's right." Tang Jie nodded and said, "Although the other party did not say much, I am sure. Those people were definitely not the higher-ups of some company. From his tone of voice, it could be seen that... You can feel that they're all in power."    


Although Tang Jie had yet to meet those people, his judgment was still there. Furthermore, as a person who came from a wealthy family, his judgment of these people's identities was especially important.    


" No matter who they are, it won't affect our cooperation with them. " Huang Feng said, "As long as one person takes the lead, no matter what their identity is, it doesn't matter. Then, their so-called alliance will be very difficult to maintain. After that, when the others called him, he could appropriately reveal some information about this matter to those people. I think as long as those people aren't stupid, they will know what to do. "    


"I understand" Tang Jie said.    


Obviously, Huang Feng's intention was very obvious. He wanted to tell the others about this on purpose. It made those who hadn't paid the bill feel anxious. After all, although those forces might be cooperating... However... In many places, it was obvious that there would be more competition. Unless they were willing to accept the fact that they were lagging behind... Otherwise... They definitely wouldn't allow one of them to own such a floating car.    


"Also, those guys have been too much lately. When you make your judgment, don't be polite to them at all. They know what they have done. So, give them a good beating! " Huang Feng said.    


Although those people's attacks didn't cause too much damage to Huang Feng's side, but it also gave them a lot of trouble, obviously, Huang Feng wasn't someone who would only suffer losses without retaliating. Therefore... This revenge still has to be done.    


"Of course. If I can't kill them, I won't be able to live up to my two injuries!" Tang Jie said with a malicious smile.    


This was the second time Tang Jie had been injured in such a short period of time, although it wasn't a fatal injury. However, that wasn't because the other party showed mercy, but because the security guards arranged by Huang Feng were very powerful. Therefore, Tang Jie didn't have a good impression of those people. Although he knew that most of the time, he also understood. In the business world, for the sake of benefits, one could do whatever they wanted. However, since the other party had already made a move, he naturally wouldn't be polite with him. Furthermore, they were in an advantageous position right now, so he would definitely not be lenient to them.    


Huang Feng smiled and said, "It's good that you understand. You can do whatever you want with this matter. You are good at negotiating. Now is the time for you to perform."    


Since someone had already "surrendered," what they needed to do next was... It was no longer a matter of force, but negotiation. Negotiating with many forces and companies, in this regard... In this aspect, it wasn't something that Huang Feng needed to worry about. As long as Tang Jie was here, it would be fine. After all, he was also good at this aspect.    


"Don't worry. I will make those guys pay the price this time!" Tang Jie said.    


Although Tang Jie and Huang Feng had reached a consensus a long time ago, they still needed to cooperate with the foreign companies and forces. However... There were still many things to discuss about how to cooperate. And after what happened earlier, Tang Jie was obviously going to make those people vomit blood.    


Huang Feng nodded and stayed in the ward for a while longer before leaving.    


After leaving Tang Jie's place, Huang Feng went to see Bai Xiaorou and her subordinates. This time, it was all thanks to those people. Some of them were also injured, although it wasn't a big injury. However, Huang Feng still had to go over and take a look to express his concern. After all, those people's injuries were related to his own car company. Furthermore, he was a member of the National Security Agency. No matter what, he should go and take a look.    


Huang Feng's arrival had received quite a lot of welcome. Huang Feng was now a famous figure in the National Security Agency. Although he didn't have much contact with the other members, but... The others knew him quite a bit.    


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