Universe Storage Box

C1970 A Fierce Counterattack

C1970 A Fierce Counterattack

"Awesome, today's battle is awesome!"    


In the central Asia of Hanssen's camp, Hanssen and Huang Ping were sitting there. Although they did not go to the front line, the situation at the front line... One after another, the news was transmitted over. Both of them were talking about the situation in front of them. Because of the situation in front of them... Everything went smoothly, so the two of them didn't rush over personally.    


And after a few hours of battle, those joint teams... They were all defeated by Hanssen and Huang Ping. Good news came one after another. Hanssen and Huang Ping were in a good mood. It was getting better and better, especially Hanssen. The smile on his face... It had never disappeared.    


Before Huang Ping and the others arrived, although Hanssen and the others were able to occupy a piece of land here, furthermore, they were able to obtain some benefits, but Hanssen knew that... Their situation wasn't safe. Compared to the other major powers... Their biggest weakness was that they didn't have a backer. They didn't have a very strong backer.    


Therefore, Hanssen personally went to the Huaxia Country in order to find a backer. However, his original target had been killed by him. The person he wanted to kill had become his backer. It had to be said that everything was the will of the heavens.    


Initially, he didn't have much confidence in Huang Feng. However, reality had told him that Huang Feng was a very powerful backer, a backer that wasn't any weaker than the countries behind the other major powers!    


Ever since they joined Huang Feng, their weapons and equipment, as well as their combat strength... Originally, they could only live in fear on this piece of land. They slowly gained confidence, especially with Huang Ping's help. They took the initiative to attack the Mi Country's camp.    


Although they didn't manage to defeat the enemy's camp in the end, but it's a huge loss to the other side, at the same time, it had also greatly boosted the morale of their side. It was also from that moment on... In Hanssen's heart, he now had more ideas and ambitions for the future, and with Huang Feng's help, he would be able to become stronger. He was not willing to continue living like this. He wanted to obtain more.    


Of course, Huang Feng also wanted him to do more.    


After Huang Feng sent those hovering cars, Hanssen's heart was already restless. However, he didn't expect that the other major powers would take the initiative to attack first. They had once again joined forces and launched an attack on them.    


To be honest, even though Hanssen had some confidence in himself, but... He was still able to do what Huang Ping had done. He just sat there calmly. However, good news came one after another from the front. Hanssen's heart finally relaxed. He finally felt relieved. At the same time, he was sure that he was different from before. He was going to rise!    


After understanding all of this, Hanssen was very excited in his heart. The smile on his face naturally didn't disappear.    


"Mr. Hanssen, I think now is not the time to celebrate." While Hanssen was thinking about how he should celebrate tonight, Huang Ping stood up and said, "Because we are well prepared for this battle, and the enemies do not know about us. In addition, our weapons and equipment are much better than theirs. So, although we are facing enemies dozens of times stronger than us, however, our own casualties are not that great... So... I think we should do something right now. "    


Indeed, although the number of people of those allied forces was greater than Hanssen and Huang Ping's, It was a lot more, but the advantage of Hanssen and Huang Ping's weapons and equipment was too obvious. It was as if they were using machetes, spears, and other cold weapons. Hanssen and Huang Ping were using automatic rifles. Cannon and other firearms were the same. The difference in weapons and equipment was too great.    


In addition, the forces of Mi Country were willing to be cannon fodder for the other forces. They deliberately concealed the true strength of Hanssen and the others. Although... This had caused the other major powers to be wary of Hanssen and the others' strength. * Hong Long...... * In this way, in the end... ... Hanssen and the others had a huge advantage. This battle could be said to be a complete victory, not only had they completely repelled their opponent. They had caused a lot of casualties to their opponent, but also very few casualties on their side.    


"Captain Huang, what do you mean?" Hanssen asked.    


"There is a saying in our country: 'No reciprocation is impolite'. Since they can attack us, why can't we attack them?" Huang Feng said confidently, "Just like what we did to the Mi Country camp. And... This time, we have to be even crazier and launch an attack on all the surrounding powers at the same time. At the same time, we have to take revenge and drive them away! "    


"If we attack so many factions at the same time, won't we take some risks?" Hanssen had no objections to the other major powers continuing their revenge. He even wanted to do the same, but the number of people on their side was limited. It was obviously risky to attack so many major powers at the same time.    


"It's a bit risky, but I feel that I have a very high chance of success!" Huang Ping said, "This time, those major powers have suffered heavy losses, and those who escaped... At this time, their morale is low. Furthermore, they have suffered heavy losses. Without any new reinforcements, they are at their weakest. We should seize this opportunity."    


Huang Ping paused and said, "Also, don't we still have some advanced weapons that we haven't used yet? It's time to show our faces. The opponent's strength has been greatly weakened. Even if we can't defeat them in one fell swoop and want to retreat in one piece, there's still no problem, isn't there?"    


Hearing what Huang Ping said, Hanssen's eyes lit up. Indeed, it would be best to launch an attack before those major powers could recover.    


Furthermore, although they had used some of their advanced weapons this time, there were still some weapons that they hadn't used yet. Plus, their opponents had become weaker. Just like what Huang Ping had said, even if they could not take down their opponent's camp, however, if they wanted to retreat unharmed, there was no problem.    


"Alright, I'll listen to you. We'll immediately launch a counterattack!" Hanssen violently pounded the table and said with high spirits.    


After that, Huang Ping and Hanssen's subordinates were called back. After a short reorganization, they set off again. However, this time, they weren't going to guard their own base. Instead, they directly left their base and headed towards the location of the other factions around them.    


Although Huang Ping had said that he would launch an attack on all the other major powers at the same time, however, he didn't go crazy. He didn't dare to divide all of their forces. In that case, even if they won in the end, there might be more casualties. This wasn't what Hanssen and Huang Ping wanted to see.    


Therefore, although Hanssen and Huang Ping wanted to make use of this period of time, to destroy as many forces as possible, but only to divide your own team into four. At the same time, they moved in four different directions and attacked the other four major powers at the same time.    


Although they were only divided into four groups, Hanssen was still a little worried. However, Huang Ping's confidence and the weapons and equipment Huang Feng provided him... This gave him a lot of confidence that he could continue to attack the other forces.    


The attack went smoothly, even exceeding Hanssen's expectations.    


Just like what Huang Ping had said, the other major powers were at a loss for words. They had just been defeated. They had suffered heavy losses, and their morale was low. Plus, they didn't understand and feared Hanssen's new weapons and equipment. This made it impossible for them to exert their full strength. When Hanssen and the others attacked... Especially when they used new weapons to attack, the people of those major powers... Soon, they collapsed.    


And among them, the hovering car was still very useful. The other powers also have their own headquarters. They had built a lot of defensive fortifications around the perimeter of the base. They were used to resist the invasion of others.    


If they attacked from the front, Hanssen, Huang Ping, and the others might not be able to break into the encampment. After all, they had been divided into four teams, and each team had the number of people. They had all been reduced by a lot, even if they were able to fight their way in at the end. It was likely that they would suffer great losses too.    


However, with the suspension car, things would be completely different. The defensive fortifications were practically useless in front of the suspension car. They were completely useless. The suspension vehicles passed directly above the fortifications. After that, grenades were thrown down one by one. The machine guns in the vehicles were also roaring. The entire fortification was destroyed in an instant.    


Therefore, Huang Ping, Hanssen, and the others were able to easily enter the interior of those bases. At this time, the people of those strongholds had already suffered heavy losses. Plus, they were afraid of the new weapons, including the hovering car. They didn't have much fighting spirit left in their hearts. The strength they had displayed... Naturally, there was a limit to it.    


In just one night, Hanssen and the others had broken through the bases of seven or eight major powers. They killed the people of the other major powers from within. They either chased them away or chased them away. At this time, the people of those major powers... After two consecutive defeats, they had lost a large number of people... They could only watch helplessly as Hanssen and Huang Ping's men took over their territory. They had expanded their territory.    


At the same time, everything that had happened here had been taken over by the people of those major powers. Some people from those countries... Soon, they found out everything that happened here. While they were shocked and in disbelief, the investigation against Hanssen and Huang Ping had also started at the first moment.    


Of course, amongst these major powers, the ones who knew the most about Hanssen and Huang Ping were the people of Mi Country.    


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