Universe Storage Box

C1763 Another Chaotic Battle

C1763 Another Chaotic Battle

Huang Feng looked at the carriages of goods being transported into the city and was very satisfied. The surrounding soldiers were also discussing animatedly, but it was obvious that... Everyone was very happy, and their morale was very high. After all, to be able to obtain so many things from the enemy... Everyone was very satisfied. Not only did they strengthen themselves, but they also weakened others.    


"I never thought that Song Jun would actually agree to give us these things." Huang Feng said to Bai Xiaorou, who was beside him.    


Many people in the army already knew that Bai Xiaorou was a girl. A woman appeared in the military camp. This was a strange thing in itself, not to mention... This woman was worthy of everyone's attention.    


However, they had initially looked down on Bai Xiaorou, thinking that Huang Feng had brought her here because he wanted to enjoy her. After seeing Bai Xiaorou's performance on the battlefield, they were speechless. Bai Xiaorou's performance was very fierce. Furthermore, she had also learned a fatal skill. Killing enemies on the battlefield was much better than killing soldiers. Even when compared to those fierce generals charging, it was not the slightest bit inferior.    


Because of this, no one dared to look down on Bai Xiaorou anymore. They did not pay any attention to her daughter.    


"I guess they are also afraid. After all, the Liao Kingdom is very powerful, and Song Jun is also afraid of being destroyed by them. It is always good to have one more helper. Even if it is this helper, he still harbors ill intentions." Bai Xiaorou said.    


Huang Feng nodded and said, "That should be the case. I guess they are still thinking of destroying the Liao Kingdom with us first. Then, they will take the opportunity to eliminate us."    


Huang Feng could guess what Song Jun was thinking. In fact, he also wanted to destroy the Liao Kingdom. After all, there were three major powers on the battlefield. They were all hostile to each other, and everyone wanted to eliminate the other two powers.    


However, this situation was different for Huang Feng and Western Xia. After all, they were facing the combined army of Song Liao and the other two countries alone. Now, they only needed to face one team and one more ally. Although in their hearts, this ally was also eager to kill him. However, in a short period of time, at least before the Liao Kingdom was destroyed... He didn't need to worry about it anymore.    


As expected, the battle started once again. After the Liao Army had reorganized their troops, they impatiently launched an attack on Song Jun. At the same time, ... They also left some teams behind to guard against the Western Xia Army behind them. They had seen what had happened between the Western Xia Army and Song Jun. However, they didn't put it in their hearts. The Liao Army was proud at this moment. Their powerful combat strength allowed them to look down on all the other armies in the world. Even if Song Jun and the Western Xia Army joined forces... In their point of view, it was just that the number of people had increased, making it easier for them to eliminate them together.    


However, they had forgotten that Huang Feng had used a bomb to greet them. However, at that time, it was Song Jun who stood at the front. As cannon fodder, the Liao Army didn't have many casualties. Therefore, they did not pay too much attention to it.    


After the battle started, it quickly entered a white-hot stage. The Liao Army launched a fierce attack on Song Jun's camp, as if they wanted to defeat Song Jun in a short period of time, then turn around and attack the Western Xia Army.    


Song Jun instantly fell into a passive position. If it wasn't for the fact that the Western Xia Army had launched a sneak attack on the Liao Army, he was afraid that they would have already collapsed.    


In the battle last night, although Song Jun had suffered greater losses than the Liao Army, in their minds, this had given Song Jun some confidence. The Liao Army wasn't that terrifying. As long as they fought with their lives on the line, they would be willing to sacrifice their lives. That would still cause some casualties to the Liao Army.    


However, when the battle started again during the day, they finally realized how wrong their previous thoughts were. It wasn't unreasonable for the Liao Army to look down on the world. Last night was a chaotic battle. They still couldn't see clearly, but today, they finally understood the fear of the Liao Army.    


Large groups of Song Army soldiers were easily killed, and Song Army soldiers were defeated. If not for the generals holding the line and gathering the defeated troops, they would have been finished.    


However, the generals of the Song Dynasty also knew that if this continued, as such, they kept asking for help from the Western Xia Army. They were begging the Western Xia Army to attack the Liao Army's backline and share the burden with them.    


Huang Feng didn't delay any longer. He didn't expect that the Song Dynasty would be so weak under the full force attack of the Liao Army. The gap between their strength was so huge.    


After receiving the distress signal, Huang Feng immediately sent out all the Western Xia Army in the city to attack the Liao Army's backline. Huang Feng also wanted to settle the situation in one battle, so there was no need for him to defend the city anymore.    


The morale of the Western Xia Army was still very high. After all, a war had broken out between the two allied forces all of a sudden. To them, this was a very good thing. Furthermore, last night, they had taken advantage of the situation and gained a lot of advantages. They had killed at least ten thousand men from the Liao Army. As for which side had more men... They had no idea. After all, the sky was too dark at that time. However, no matter which side they were from, they were their enemies. It was the same.    


Therefore, after the victory, and the collapse of the enemy's alliance, the Western Xia Army's matter was naturally raised.    


However, Huang Feng also understood that the high morale wouldn't increase their combat strength by a large margin. It would be useful on the battlefield, but it wasn't to the extent of reversing the situation. Therefore, this battle was still not easy to fight.    


However, Huang Feng had his trump card, so he wasn't too worried.    




When Huang Feng led his army to the rear of the Song Liao battlefield, some of the Liao Army were already waiting there. They weren't surprised by the sudden appearance of the Western Xia Army. In fact, the three sides of the battlefield knew each other very well. Therefore, it was impossible for them to launch a sneak attack.    




Huang Feng also shouted out loudly. After that, he took the lead and charged towards the Liao Army's formation. The Liao Army's formation was filled with cavalry. At this moment, they also rushed over, wanting to slaughter the Western Xia Army.    


However, before they could reach Huang Feng and the others, a familiar yet frightening explosion sounded once again. One bomb after another fell from the sky and landed in the middle of the cavalry. In an instant, everyone was thrown off their feet. The entire charging troop... At the same time, the entire charging team was thrown into chaos.    


At the same time, on top of the Liao Army's head, a huge bird was slowly flapping its wings. On the back of the huge bird, there was a person sitting on it. It was Bai Xiaorou. She threw bombs from the sky one by one. It immediately caused chaos in the Liao Army.    


The sound of the explosion was especially damaging to the horses. These cavalry did not have the experience of facing such a bomb. Because of this, the horses did not stuff anything in their ears. Their eyes were not covered, and they were affected by the explosion. Each and every one of them panicked.    




Huang Feng and the others were approaching the Liao Army's army. However, the Liao Army was still unable to reorganize their defense line. This time, they were left behind by the Liao Army to guard against the Western Army's army. Most of them were cavalry. In General of Liao Army's mind, they were planning to destroy the Great Song army first. Then, they would attack the Western Xia Army's army. Therefore, the Western Xia Army's army... They just needed to stall for time.    


The cavalry were obviously more used to this mission. They could come and go like the wind, and they could entangle the Western Xia Army, but they wouldn't be ambushed by the Western Xia Army.    


However, their idea was good. However, at this moment... A disastrous outcome happened. The entire Liao Army campsite collapsed. The scene that happened in the city at the border between the Liao Kingdom and Western Xia... It had happened here once again.    


Once the cavalry lost their charging speed, they would not have any advantage against the infantry. In fact, they might even be at a disadvantage.    


At this moment, not only did the horses of Liao Army not help them, they even messed up the Formation of the Liao Army.    


The distance between the two sides was getting shorter and shorter. Seeing the Western Xia Army getting closer and closer to them, the soldiers of the Liao Army were very anxious, but there was nothing they could do.    




Huang Feng sent a cavalryman flying with a palm strike. That cavalryman instinctively wanted to resist, but was sent flying by Huang Feng with blood spurting out of his mouth.    


There were two Liao Army who wanted to sneak attack Huang Feng. Huang Feng kicked an injured horse away. That horse flew up and brought the two Liao Army away. After that, it was pressed down heavily by the horse.    


Both sides had already started fighting. Bai Xiaorou controlled the eaglet and flew towards the back of the Liao Army. She continued to throw bombs. There, the Liao Army had yet to encounter the Western Xia Army.    


The explosion continued, and beside Huang Feng... There were a few special people following them. Their figures were very ghostly. Most of the time, they wouldn't attack, but once they attacked... They would take away a human life, and the target they chose... It was also obvious that they were at the commanding level.    


The Formation was in chaos, and the commanders were constantly dying. Soon, the Liao Army had fallen into a situation of individual combat. Furthermore, there weren't many people left in the Liao Army, only around twenty thousand of them. After all, General of Liao Army's plan was only to delay the Western Xia Army. It wasn't the time for the final battle with the Western Xia Army.    


Because of this, the twenty thousand soldiers of the Liao Army lost the momentum of their cavalry charge. They immediately fell into a disadvantageous position, even though they were all very brave. The Western Xia Army was not comparable to them, but the Western Xia Army had two hundred thousand soldiers after all. One of them was Ling Feng, who was a peerless expert. The other twenty thousand were the Liao Army. It wasn't a problem at all.    


Therefore, when the battle between the Liao Army and the Western Xia Army started for less than a quarter of an hour, the General of Liao Army at the front had received a signal for help from the back. They were no longer able to resist it!    


"How is this possible? Even if twenty thousand elite cavalry could not destroy Western Xia Army, however, self-preservation isn't a big problem. How could it collapse so quickly?" The first reaction of the general of the Liao Army after receiving the news was disbelief.    


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