Universe Storage Box

C1749 Things Were Exposed

C1749 Things Were Exposed

With that thought in mind, Huang Feng and the others rested for the night. The next morning, they set off for West Xia. The war between Song Liao was about to end. Previously, Liao Army had attacked West Xia. At this time, it was hard to say whether they would continue to attack.    


Initially, Huang Feng wanted to fight Song Liao. He wanted to do something to destroy the war between Song Liao and the ___. It wouldn't end so quickly, but in the end, Huang Feng had indeed destroyed the war. Furthermore, it was a huge damage. However, it didn't have much of an impact on the entire war. After the death of the supreme commander of Liao Army, he actually managed to take down the Bianliang City in one go. This was something that Huang Feng had never thought of.    


Therefore, Huang Feng could only return to West Xia and make preparations as soon as possible to prevent the Liao Army from attacking.    


On the way, Huang Feng had also heard some news. This included the attack of the Song Dynasty's martial artists on the Liao Army, even though it was during the martial arts seminar. Half of it was destroyed, but there were still many martial artists who decided to go to the Liao Army camp to carry out an assassination. Even at this moment, the Liao Army had already broken through the Bianliang City of the Song Dynasty. They did not change their mind. Instead, the assassination became more intense. They hoped that they could chase the Liao Army out of the Bianliang City.    


However, the Liao Army had already encountered an assassination attempt. That assassination had killed their supreme commander. How could they make the same mistake now?    


Therefore, when the martial artists of the Song Dynasty went to assassinate them... What awaited them was a tight defense. Those martial artists... They did not achieve any good results. On the contrary, after many people entered... They did not come out again. Apparently, this time... The martial artists of Song Dynasty... Yuan Qi... It was a huge loss.    


After that, the Song Dynasty did not intend to seek an explanation for these martial artists. In fact, in order to facilitate the peace talks as soon as possible, they made these brave people... The patriots of the martial arts world were defined as bandits, wanted criminals, and wanted criminals. Therefore... In exchange, he would be able to calm the anger of the Liao Army.    


Because of this, the Song Dynasty martial artists who were attacked from both sides suffered greater losses. Later on, they were no longer able to organize a proper assassination.    


However, in the process of this assassination, some supernova heroes emerged. Hong Qi from the Gang of Beggars was the most conspicuous one.    


When the martial artists of the Song Dynasty started the first wave of assassination against General of Liao Army, Hong Qi had participated in the first wave of assassination. He was a man of incredible martial arts. He had turned the Liao Army upside down. Finally, the Dog Punisher and Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms of the Gang of Beggars were revealed in his hands.    


After that, the assassination failed, and Hong Qi successfully broke out of the encirclement. However... He didn't give up, and once again followed the second wave of assassination. Once again, he entered the Liao Army's camp and killed his way back and forth. In the midst of the Liao Army's heavy encirclement, he killed two of the enemy's generals. After that, they swaggered off, although they were slightly injured. However... There was no danger.    


After that, Hong Qi's shadow could always be seen in the assassination attempt against General of Liao Army. And because of this, Hong Qi's reputation had completely risen. Whether it was the Song Dynasty or the Liao Kingdom, they all knew about the martial arts world in the Central Plains. A powerful figure had appeared.    


Because of this, Hong Qi had become the second wanted target of the Liao Army. Naturally, his first target would be the two assassins who killed their supreme commander.    


However, the martial artists, including Hong Qi and the others... The assassination targeting the Liao Army did not change the final outcome of the war. The Song Dynasty still lost. After a difficult negotiation, it was humiliating to cede land, pay compensation, apologize, and so on. However, the new emperor of the Song Dynasty wanted the Liao Army to leave as soon as possible. He agreed to all of them.    


When such news spread out, it caused a huge reaction. The civilians and the people of the martial arts world regarded this matter as a great humiliation. However, they had no way to change this outcome.    


Then, an interlude occurred. When the Liao Army was negotiating... He solemnly proposed a condition, which was to get the people of Song Dynasty. Hand over the two men who tried to assassinate their commander, and they would kill those two men. He wanted revenge for their commander.    


It was also at this time that the people of Song Dynasty found out that the reason why Liao Army attacked like crazy was because their commander had been killed. Moreover, the murderer seemed to be from their Song Dynasty.    


Therefore, the Song Dynasty began to investigate who was the one who carried out this assassination mission. They wanted to hand the person over so that the Liao Army would cease fire. However, after some investigation, there was no effect at all.    


"Did you do this on purpose to protect those two thieves?" The official in charge of the negotiation of the Liao Army said angrily after he received the investigation results of the Song Dynasty. He was the dignified commander of the Liao Army. If he was assassinated in his own camp and couldn't kill the murderer with his own hands... Where would he put the face of the Liao Kingdom then?    


"Lord Emissary, I'm innocent." The official in charge of the negotiation at the Song Dynasty called out, "We have already investigated, but we really don't know who killed the commander of your country. Maybe it was someone else who acted on their own. So... We can't find anything on our side at all."    


The officials of Song Dynasty didn't lie. They had indeed investigated very carefully. However, they still didn't know who did it. Thinking about it, perhaps one of the officers had done it in private. At this moment, naturally, he would not admit it.    


"Your Song Dynasty is incompetent!" The official of the Liao Army said angrily, "Investigating the two killers, and you even spent so much effort, yet you still couldn't find anything. What a waste."    


Although the official of the Song Dynasty was angry when he was pointed at and scolded, he did not dare to show it on the surface. All he could do was to be careful.    


"These are the portraits of the two assassins that our soldiers drew that night. Look for them according to this portrait. If you still can't find them... There is no need for this negotiation to continue! " The official from the Liao Kingdom said and threw the two paintings to the official from the Song Dynasty.    


The official from the Song Dynasty quickly caught the paintings and opened the two paintings to take a look. After looking at the first painting, he didn't show anything unusual. However, when he saw the second painting, he suddenly stood up.    


"It's him!" The official from the Song Dynasty pointed at the person on the painting and shouted.    


"I know it's him! Now, you have to capture these two people and hand them over to us!" The Liao Army official said.    


"No, I'm not talking about this, Lord Emissary." The man quickly said, "You know, the late emperor of our country was assassinated. We've been trying to catch the murderer, but this murderer... This is the man! "    


As he spoke, the official of Song Dynasty pointed at the person on the portrait and said. The person on the portrait was Huang Feng!    


When the Liao Kingdom official heard this, he frowned and said, "Really?"    


The people of the Liao Kingdom now knew that the previous emperor of the Song Dynasty was killed. However, as for who killed him, they didn't know. They didn't expect that it was the same person who killed their commander!    


"It's true, it's absolutely true!" Song Dynasty official said confidently, "We have already drawn the portrait of the murderer. He is really the person in the portrait of your envoy. However, we have been busy negotiating with each other recently, so we have not issued an arrest warrant yet. Therefore, we have yet to start the arrest operation. "    


The messenger from the Liao Kingdom nodded. "Then, who is this man?"    


"We don't know yet, but we have already investigated him. As long as we find out who these two people are, I will be the first to do so. Inform your envoy. " The messenger from the Song Dynasty said. He didn't feel any pressure when he said this. They were supposed to investigate Huang Feng's identity, but who would have thought that... It turned out that he was the same person as the messenger from the Liao Kingdom. In this way, it wouldn't be a problem for them to inform the people of the Liao Kingdom.    


That person was the common enemy of everyone, and with a common enemy, there would be a common topic of discussion. Naturally, the negotiation went smoother.    


When the peace talks were almost over, the Song Dynasty's side finally investigated Huang Feng's identity: a martial arts expert, the master of Misty Palace, the son-in-law of Western Xia!    


Previously, Huang Feng had shown his face in the martial arts world, and he had also participated in the war of Shaofang Mountain. Therefore, he was not a nobody. Hence, it was not difficult to find out Huang Feng's identity.    


As for the other person that the Liao Kingdom messenger was concerned about, they found out that it was the sworn brother of Huang Feng, Duan Yu, who was the current Emperor of Great Li Kingdom.    


How could two people with such identities assassinate the commander of the Liao Kingdom? The people of Song Liao and Jiang Chen didn't understand. If one were to say that they wanted to help the Song Dynasty, Huang Feng had even killed the emperor of the Song Dynasty. Obviously, he wasn't on the side of the Song Dynasty. Then what was their purpose?    


Initially, the Liao Army thought that the people of the Song Dynasty were teasing them. They could easily find two of them. After all, they were the son-in-law of the Western Xia. The other was the emperor of the Great Li Kingdom. The Liao Army thought that the people of the Song Dynasty were trying to divert their attention. He wanted them to attack West Xia and Great Li, and then the Song Dynasty could reap the benefits.    


However, very soon, the Liao Army received a message from the Liao Kingdom. They told them to attack West Xia after the peace talks, because... West Xia had killed their messenger and defeated their army.    


In this way, the reason why Huang Feng came to assassinate the commander of Liao Kingdom was a reasonable conclusion. Liao Army had also accepted this fact.    


At this time, the peace talks were about to end. According to the latest order of their king, the army of hundreds of thousands was going to attack West Xia. However, before they left, they asked Song Dynasty to send troops as well.    


Song Dynasty had lost the war and had no right to oppose it. Huang Feng had even killed their late emperor. They were going to seek revenge from Huang Feng. Therefore, they gladly agreed to the suggestion of the Liao Army. The two countries sent their troops to attack West Xia. Then, they would attack Great Li!    


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