Universe Storage Box

C1570 Power

C1570 Power

Everyone, be it reinforcements from Xinqi County, it was the imperial army that Huang Feng brought. At this moment, it seemed like he had forgotten that he was on the battlefield. In their minds, there was only the huge cauldron, and they were all puzzled. What exactly was this huge cauldron? Why was it floating in the air? And why it had appeared here.    


The only ones who seemed normal at the scene were probably Huang Feng and the three thousand slave soldiers he had exchanged for. This cauldron was summoned by Huang Feng. Of course he knew what was going on. As for the slave soldiers, they only listened to Huang Feng's orders and didn't care much about what was happening in the outside world.    


However, at this moment, the slave army also stopped what they were doing. Of course, this was because of Huang Feng's orders.    


"What is that thing?" Xie Mengjiao stared at the huge cauldron and muttered to herself.    


At this moment, the women were all holding weapons with blood on them. During the battle just now, they had been participating in the battle. Furthermore, they were all not far from Huang Feng. However, these girls were not weak, and they also had the personal guards and Huang Feng to take care of them. Therefore, nothing unexpected happened to them.    


However, it was obvious that these girls were also attracted by this huge cauldron. They didn't know that this thing was created by Huang Feng.    


"Shennong Cauldron." Huang Feng said faintly.    


"Did you make this?" Su Yumo immediately understood what was going on and asked Huang Feng.    


"Yes." Huang Feng replied.    


In fact, when he decided to personally lead the army, Huang Feng had thought of using some special means. If that was the case, it would allow him to pacify the rebellion even more quickly. Furthermore, it would also increase the mysterious aura on his body.    


Through Ning Wushuang, Huang Feng knew that the people of this world... Previously, Huang Feng had told Ning Wushuang that... Ning Wushuang could quickly accept that she was not from this world. This was because feudal superstitious thoughts worked. It was even to the extent that... Many people believed that there were gods in this world.    


Because of this, Huang Feng felt that adding a mysterious veil on his body would be very helpful to his rule.    


And now, the appearance of the Divine Dragon Cauldron was intentional.    


Currently, the Divine Dragon Cauldron had increased a little more than before. It floated above everyone's heads, giving them a huge pressure.    


"Suppress!" Huang Feng shouted.    


Then, the Divine Dragon Cauldron fell from the sky. The people below were horrified to find that the huge cauldron was getting closer and closer to them. They felt an even greater pressure, and wanted to escape. However, they realized that they had no way to escape.    




The huge Divine Dragon Cauldron landed on the ground, pressing down on the soldiers below. Then, a pool of blood flowed out from the bottom of the Divine Dragon Cauldron, filling the sky with a bloody smell.    




Huang Feng shouted once again, and the huge Divine Dragon Cauldron flew up once again, once again floating in the air. Everyone looked at the place where the Divine Dragon Cauldron landed, and immediately sucked in a breath of cold air.    




No one knew who was the first to make a sound of vomiting. Then... This sound was like an infectious disease, quickly spreading. These soldiers who had been on the battlefield and had killed people saw the effect of the Divine Dragon Cauldron. Their faces were pale, and their stomachs were rolling. They could not help but vomit.    


Even Su Yumo and the other girls did the same.    


This couldn't be blamed on everyone because of the effect of the Divine Dragon Cauldron. It was too terrifying. There were at least a hundred people in that area. They were crushed to death by the Divine Dragon Cauldron, and that wasn't all. After all, it was very common for people to die on the battlefield. The key was... The Divine Dragon Cauldron crushed those people into a meat patty. At this moment... When these meat patties were mixed together, there was no longer a complete corpse there. Blood flowed all over the ground.    


Such a tragic situation, even the soldiers who were used to killing could not accept it.    


Huang Feng's expression did not change. This was not the first time he used Divine Dragon Cauldron like this. However, he had used it in the game before. After those people died, he could use it to kill real people. This was the first time that his thoughts moved slightly. However... There was no change in his expression.    


Then, with the help of the cloak, Huang Feng slowly rose into the sky. Everyone's eyes were attracted to him again. Some people even opened their eyes and looked at Huang Feng in disbelief, as if they could not believe what they had just seen.    


Someone could fly! In this world, there was actually someone who could fly. The soldiers below... At this moment, they even forgot to vomit. All of them looked up at Huang Feng in disbelief. The fact that Huang Feng was floating in the air had also broken their common sense. They felt that their worldview had changed.    


Huang Feng stood in the sky and shouted, "Withdraw!"    


Then, under everyone's gaze, the terrifying Divine Dragon Cauldron quickly shrunk until it became the size of a normal incense burner. After that, it floated beside Huang Feng's hand and continued to spin in the air.    


"If there is anyone who can resist, suppress them!" Huang Feng used his inner energy to shout loudly. His voice was so loud that it spread dozens of miles. All the soldiers present could hear it clearly.    


At this point, everyone understood that the mysterious cauldron belonged to Huang Feng. It was under his control. Furthermore, Huang Feng had made it very clear. If there was another person who resisted, he would have the same means as before. He would use the huge cauldron to crush them to death!    


Thinking of the tragic situation just now, everyone could not muster up any thoughts of resistance. Facing the enemy, they could still fight for a bit, but facing that huge cauldron, how could they resist? They had no way at all.    


"Long live the Emperor! Long live the Emperor!" The soldiers who had come with Huang Feng first knelt down to kowtow due to Huang Feng's might. They did not even care about the enemies around them.    


The surviving reinforcements from Xinqi County looked at Huang Feng, who was floating in the air. They did not have much resistance in their hearts. In their hearts, the current Huang Feng was like a god. He wasn't someone that ordinary humans could fight against. Only death awaited them if they fought a Heavenly God.    




One after another, the enemies knelt down in front of Huang Feng and lowered their heads. They shouted together with Huang Feng's soldiers. At the beginning, the sound was not very normal, but very quickly, those sounds converged into a sound. It resounded through the heavens and earth.    


"Long live the Emperor! Long live the Emperor!"    


Such voices could be heard everywhere. Apart from Su Yumo and the other girls, there were very few people standing around. All of them were sincerely kowtowing to Huang Feng. As for fighting Huang Feng, they didn't even dare to think about it.    


"It's over!"    


General also forgot to break out of the encirclement at this time. The cavalry that surrounded them. At this time, they did not attack them. They all knelt on the ground. If they took this opportunity to rush out, they might really succeed.    


However, everything was different now. He knew that everything was over for him. At this moment, most of the people around him had already knelt down. They gave up resisting and sincerely bowed down to Huang Feng. Even his guards had knelt down. After all, not everyone would dare to fight against a god.    


He knew that everything was over. At this moment, even if he wanted his men to kill Huang Feng's men... He reckoned that no one would listen to him anymore. Furthermore... He looked at Huang Feng who was floating in the air, staring coldly at him. A sense of helplessness rose in his heart. He suddenly felt... He had no chance of winning against such a person. It was impossible for him to defeat his opponent.    


Especially the power of the small black cauldron beside his opponent's hand. It was not an ordinary power. From the looks of it, it was a wall that was even sturdier. It might not be able to withstand the huge cauldron's smashing. How was he supposed to fight it? Huang Feng controlled the huge cauldron to smash down a few times, and all the people on his side died. Then what was the point of fighting?    


Right at this moment, Huang Feng's sharp eyes suddenly looked over. Although there was still a long distance between the two of them, General knew that Huang Feng was looking at them. Under the gaze of the other party, he felt a tremendous pressure.    




Finally, under the tremendous pressure, General could no longer bear it. With a putong sound, he fell to his knees. As for the few personal guards beside him... When they saw this situation, they also knelt down. They also heaved a sigh of relief in their hearts. In fact, they had already wanted to kneel down a long time ago. However, before their superior knelt down, they forced themselves to do so. And now, they finally didn't have to force themselves anymore.    


"Long live the Emperor! Long live the Emperor!"    


The shouting continued. Everyone looked at Huang Feng in the sky with a pious and reverent expression. The shouting came from the bottom of their hearts. At this time, no one wanted to resist anymore.    


The chaos in Xinqi County had been pacified!    


Su Yumo and the other girls also looked at Huang Feng in the sky. They were affected by the shouting of the surrounding people. They were also overwhelmed by emotions as they looked at Huang Feng. There was love and pride. A man like this was a true man who could hold up the heavens and support the earth! This was a man worthy of their trust.    


Seeing that everyone was convinced, Huang Feng descended from the sky. At this time, no one dared to attack again. The soldiers who followed Huang Feng stood up at this moment. As for the reinforcements from Xinqi County, they all knelt on the ground. After waiting for the imperial army to take them in, they had no intention of looking for an opportunity to attack.    


Huang Feng looked at the scene with satisfaction. This was the effect he wanted. It seemed that the move he had just shown was very effective. It had completely achieved his goal.    


"After cleaning this place up, it's time to deal with the reinforcements from the other directions." Huang Feng thought in his heart.    


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