Universe Storage Box

C810 Someone from the Peng Family Came Again

C810 Someone from the Peng Family Came Again

"If you don't marry me, who will you marry?" Huang Feng said proudly, "In this world, other than me, is there anyone else who can reach this requirement?"    


"Stinking beauty." Su Yumo said in annoyance.    


"Alright, you can stay at the heaven's pride level with a peace of mind. See how I fulfill my promise to your mother." Huang Feng said confidently.    


"Alright." Su Yumo did not insist anymore. She was already hesitating. She did not want her to abandon Xie Mengjiao at this time. "But if you need help, just tell me."    


"Of course." Huang Feng said, "I will not be polite with you."    


After hanging up the phone, Su Yumo looked at Xie Mengjiao and said, "See? Huang Feng is still very considerate of you."    


"Humph, he has a conscience." Xie Mengjiao said, "But this guy actually said that I am a crazy girl. This is really too much."    


"Alright, let's not fuss about so much. He also did not mean it." Su Yumo pushed Xie Mengjiao out and said, "Alright, it's time to get off work. Let's go home."    


"You really aren't going to help him?" Xie Mengjiao was still a little worried even though Su Yumo stayed here. It was beneficial to her and she also needed Su Yumo's help. However, she also did not want to delay Su Yumo's matter because of her matter.    


"I'm not going." Su Yumo shook her head and said, "Actually, thinking about it carefully, Huang Feng could earn so much money in such a short period of time. With my help, it doesn't mean much. It doesn't matter if I go or not. It will not affect the final result."    


"Alright then." "But we have also worked hard. We cannot let Huang Feng look down on us," Xie Mengjiao said.    


"Yes." Su Yumo replied, but she was still thinking about Huang Feng in her heart.    


Huang Feng did not have that many thoughts. In his opinion, Heaven'S Pride Group needed Su Yumo more, and Su Yumo was more suitable for that place. After all, she was already familiar with that industry and liked to do that.    


As for his side, it was because he would have more and more businesses in the future. It would also become more and more complicated, so it wouldn't be limited to just one industry. Furthermore, Huang Feng really did not want Xie Mengjiao's dream to be destroyed because of him. Although the two of them usually bickered, but at this moment... He obviously wouldn't go and ruin the situation.    


At night, the head guard of Peng Family had already flown to Jiang Prefecture with a few of his subordinates. After getting off the plane, he began to investigate Peng Chengfu's matter. He didn't delay even a second.    


Therefore, Cai Tian, who was at home thinking about his past, immediately received a call from the head guard.    


After finding out the identity of the other party, Cai Tian seemed to be very flustered. After all, he was just a rich second generation who would eat and wait for death. This was the first time he was involved in this kind of murder, so it was inevitable that he would be nervous.    


"Calm down!" Cai Youde, who was standing next to him, couldn't help but remind him.    


Cai Tian nodded nervously, then said to the phone, "Hello, I am Cai Tian. Master young master Peng did have contact with me before."    


"Does Young Master Cai know where my young master is now?" The head guard did not suspect Peng Chengfu. The reason he called was because he wanted to know more information.    


"I don't know." At this moment, Cai Tian's forehead was covered in sweat. Fortunately, the guard didn't suspect him directly. Otherwise, he would have been exposed long ago.    


"After I separated from young master Peng that night, I did not see him again. No one answered my phone. Later, my phone was turned off." Cai Tian replied to the guard according to what his father had told him.    


"Does that Young Master Cai know where my young master usually goes?" The guard continued to ask.    


"I'm not too sure about that. After all, that's young master Peng's privacy. I don't want to ask too much. He will come to me occasionally. I don't know where he would go at other times. " Cai Tian said. At this time, he wanted to reduce his suspicion as much as possible.    


"Alright. Thank you, Young Master Cai. If there is any problem, I will call you again. Thank you for your cooperation. " The head guard said, although he had been speaking politely recently. In fact, he didn't have much respect for Cai Tian. After all, he was from the capital Peng Family, even if he was just the guard leader. However, the people he usually met were either rich or noble. A local family clan like the Cai Family, he really didn't put them in his eyes. Otherwise, he wouldn't have called so late at night.    


"Alright. young master Peng and I are good friends. He has gone missing. I am also very worried. If I can help him, I will definitely help him." Cai Tian said.    


After hanging up the phone, Cai Tian found that his palms and back were sweating. He couldn't help but feel nervous. Once the people of Peng Family found out that he was the one who killed Peng Chengfu... Not only him, but also his entire family would suffer a devastating blow.    


"Look at you, you're just a useless man. Now, those who know about this matter... Besides you, everyone else is already dead. What is there to be afraid of? As long as you don't make a mistake, they won't know. " Cai Youde educated his son.    


"But I'm just nervous." Cai Tian wiped his sweat and said, "I'm afraid that guy will notice something. Fortunately, he doesn't seem to suspect me yet."    


"Of course he won't suspect you. You have been trying to please Peng Chengfu before, so you have no motive to kill him." Cai Youde said.    


"That's good, that's good." Cai Tian felt slightly relieved when he heard what his father said. "However, the reaction of the people from the Peng Family is really slow. Peng Chengfu has been dead for a few days, and they have just arrived."    


"Don't worry about that for now. When he calls, do what I told you to do." Cai Youde said.    


"Got it, Dad." Cai Tian said.    


Those guards did not get more useful things from Cai Tian, so they could only choose to investigate by themselves. Fortunately, the Peng Family had some connections here, and... These guards were also good at investigating. After all, they were all special forces soldiers.    


"The people from the capital Peng Family are here again." When Huang Feng returned to his residence, Bai Xiaorou said to him.    


"Someone is here again? Who is it?" Huang Feng was stunned for a moment, then he understood what was going on. It seemed like the people of Peng Family had finally realized that something might have happened to Peng Chengfu. It was very likely that this person was here to investigate him.    


"There are still some guards. It might be related to the disappearance of the guards last time. After that guard came to Jiang Prefecture, he disappeared and didn't return to the capital." Bai Xiaorou looked at Huang Feng and said, "Did he come to find you?"    


Bai Xiaorou knew that the other party was here for Huang Feng, so she suspected that the disappearance of the guard was related to Huang Feng.    


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