Universe Storage Box

C1781 Attention

C1781 Attention

Because of this, Fei Ming paid a lot of attention to Huang Feng and the Space and Time Corporation. After knowing that the Space and Time Corporation was going to enter the game field, he held a meeting with the higher ups in a hurry. He wanted to discuss how to deal with this matter.    


However, obviously, other than him, no one else in the upper echelons of the Ten Dragons attached much importance to this matter. They all felt that Fei Ming was making a big deal out of nothing. As a newcomer, Space and Time was nothing to worry about.    


At that time, Fei Ming angrily said, "All of you will regret your carelessness today!"    


On the surface, the upper echelons did not express anything, but in their hearts, they scoffed at this. They felt that Fei Ming had been too cautious and regarded Huang Feng too highly. He had taken "Time and Space" company seriously.    


However, not long after that, there was a rumor that the Space-Time Game Company was going to be listed in the virtual reality game. They wanted to abandon the traditional mouse and keyboard. They wanted the players' consciousness to enter the game. It was as if they were in the real world.    


At that time, many of the Game Company were shocked, but very quickly, they calmed down again.    


Many of the Game Company knew about the virtual reality technology, including the Ten Dragons. They had researched it before, so they knew a lot about it.    


Indeed, if this technology could really be used in the game... It would definitely be a great innovation. The key was that this technology... Currently, it was not mature and unstable. Many Game Company had produced samples before. However, they could not achieve the expected goal. Moreover, the materials used to produce those equipment were very expensive. This meant that the price of the game equipment was definitely not low. Not everyone could accept it, so naturally, there was no way to promote it.    


Therefore, these Game Company felt that this was just a way to promote the "Time Game" company. At that time, they would still return to the traditional online games. After all, as rookies in this field, if they couldn't think of some strange means... It was very difficult to attract the attention of many people in a short period of time. It was something that many people accepted.    


However, Fei Ming had maintained sufficient vigilance towards this matter. He was not as careless as the others. After learning of this news, he sent people to investigate the Space-Time Game Company and found that they had indeed purchased two factories. They were used to manufacture this special game equipment.    


Therefore, Fei Ming immediately held another meeting and told his findings to the higher-ups of the company, as well as the members of the board of directors.    


However, this matter still did not attract the attention of everyone. Everyone felt that even if the "Space-Time Game" company could produce virtual reality technology, this technology was just a gimmick. It was not stable at all. In fact, during the operation, something might happen. At that time, they wouldn't even need to do anything. The "Space-Time Game" company would collapse on its own.    


It was understandable for them to think this way. After all, in this line of work, whether it was in China or abroad, many Game Company had researched virtual reality technology. None of them had succeeded. As for the "Space-Time Game" company, it was just a rookie. How could he have successfully researched it? No matter how one looked at it, it was impossible.    


Therefore, everyone felt that this might be Huang Feng. It was a stupid move by the "Time Game" company to attract attention and occupy the market. Take out the technology that had yet to be fully developed. At that time, something would definitely happen, so why did they need to take action?    


It was precisely because of this consideration that... Therefore... Many Game Company did not put the technology of the "Space-Time Game" company in their eyes, even though they claimed to be overwhelming. They just stood aside and watched coldly.    


Fei Ming saw that the higher-ups and directors of his company did not realize the danger of the "Space-Time Game" company under such circumstances. He almost went crazy from anger.    


In the end, seeing that he could not convince those people, he could only scold them angrily, "A bunch of short-sighted people!"    


Although Fei Ming was the boss of "Ten Dragons," after all, "Ten Dragons" was a listed company and had a board of directors. There were other shareholders, so this matter couldn't be settled by him alone.    


At this moment, Fei Ming was somewhat envious of Huang Feng. Although Huang Feng had a lot of businesses under his banner, moreover, their development was very strong, but none of them were listed on the market. He had the absolute right to speak there, and no one would oppose him.    


However, no matter how envious he was, it was useless. Fei Ming could only watch in exasperation as the news of the "Game of Time and Space" spread more and more. Fei Ming understood. Now that the momentum of the 'Game of Time and Space' had risen, he wanted to continue fighting it. It was not easy anymore. As long as the game named "The World" launched by the "Game of Time and Space" was not too bad, they would definitely have a place in the domestic market.    


"The wolf is here!" Fei Ming sighed.    


Obviously, even Fei Ming, who had already realized the danger of the "space-time game," did not fully realize all the dangers. He only felt that he could not suppress the game at the beginning. It only made the game market in the country have a wolf. It was just a person who split the cake. Their position as the overlord would not be affected. However, the benefits obtained would definitely not be as optimistic as before.    


Fei Ming was still thinking about how to deal with the game market in the future. When he took over a bigger territory, the game equipment of "The World" launched by the "Game of Time" had officially started to sell, and it was just the sales on the first day. Many people were shocked.    


"Manager Fei, according to our understanding, it is currently only one place in Mo City. There are more than twenty thousand people queuing up for the 'Space-Time Game' sales point. Furthermore, this number was only the number from ten minutes ago. The number of people there continued to increase. By noon, this number would probably exceed 40,000. Or even more. " In the headquarters of the Game Company, Fei Ming's secretary was holding a folder and reporting to Fei Ming with a serious expression.    


This secretary knew that his boss had been paying attention to the situation of the" Game of Time and Space. " Therefore, after getting the data, she came over to report. Because the headquarters of the "Ten Dragons" Game Company was located in Mo City, the first investigation report she received was also related to Mo City.    


"More than twenty thousand people?" Fei Ming's expression was somewhat serious. One should know that it was only around 8: 30. In other words, it had only been half an hour since the sales of the game equipment for the Space-Time Game Company started. So many people had gathered here in just half an hour. So by noon, breaking through 40,000 was not a difficult task. After all... There were still many people who didn't like getting up early!    


Furthermore, this was only because they knew about the Mo City. What about other cities? Was it also that popular?    


"Do you have any reports on the situation in other cities?" Fei Ming asked.    


"Not yet." The secretary shook his head and said, "But it will happen soon. I have already arranged for someone to investigate."    


"Ten Dragons." Although the headquarters of Game Company was located in Mo City, it was located in other cities. Some of them also had workstations, or it could be said that there were other people who could help. After all, as the leader of the game, he had some connections.    


"When you get the latest news, come and tell me immediately." Fei Ming said.    


"Alright." The secretary replied.    


Soon, the secretary appeared in Fei Ming's office again. This time, her expression was somewhat heavy. Being able to work in the Game Company of "Ten Dragons," and as Fei Ming's secretary, she naturally had the ability. She also knew some things about the industry. It was also because of her understanding of those things that she felt the seriousness of the matter.    


"Speak." Fei Ming said directly.    


"Currently, the Space-Time Game Company is in Mo City. More than 5,000 games have been sold, and the number of people queuing... Not only did it not decrease, it has already exceeded 30,000 people, and there is already a television station. There were also some online media agencies that were following the news. In addition, the sales points in other cities were also very popular. It was reported that someone had already queued up three or four days earlier. Some cities don't provide a lot of equipment, so they're close to being sold out. " Fei Ming's secretary said.    


Fei Ming's expression was a little ugly, although he had guessed it earlier. Once the "Space-Time Game" was officially sold, it would be very popular. However, he didn't expect it to be so popular. It wouldn't take long for it to reach this stage. This situation would spread throughout the entire country. At that time, it would be equivalent to helping the "Space-Time Game" to advertise for free.    


"In addition, according to our understanding, due to the problem of production, the 'Game of Space and Time'... In addition, according to our understanding, the game only has one million pieces of equipment arranged in the country, and two million pieces of equipment have been transported to more than ten countries overseas. Although each country doesn't get a lot, it can already open up the markets of those countries. " The secretary continued.    


"This' space-time game 'has quite a bit of ambition." Fei Ming sighed with emotion. Even though the' Ten Dragons' Game Company dominated the country, however, once they left the country... It's nothing. After all, in the game, china was still behind Europe, Europe, and the Wo Kingdom. Under the banner of "Ten Dragons," there were even a few games that were played by those countries. As for the games that they developed themselves, they simply could not leave the country.    


Because of this, when he saw the layout of the "Space-Time Game," he sighed with emotion. But... However, he was also thinking in his heart that perhaps the 'space-time game' was indeed very powerful. However, if he really went to the foreign battlefield... There was still no chance of winning. At that time, it would even drag down the domestic market. It would cause a collapse.    


"In the end, he's still young." Fei Ming recalled Huang Feng's ridiculously young appearance and muttered to himself.    


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