Universe Storage Box

C1950 Training

C1950 Training

"These new recruits are getting more and more insensible." After the new recruits left, the person with the rank of General changed his gloomy face and instead looked at the cookhouse squad leader with a smile.    


Alvin looked at the general in surprise and then looked at his superior. For the first time, he felt that his superior might not be simple.    


"They didn't say anything wrong. I am a cookhouse soldier to begin with." The cookhouse squad leader said without changing his expression. At this moment, the other soldiers also started to line up to get food. With the previous few recruits as a lesson, all the soldiers now... When they were eating, they did not dare to move. In fact, they even... After the old squad leader finished serving food, these soldiers would even thank him. Their attitude was very respectful.    


"Who dares to treat you as a cookhouse soldier?" That general immediately blew his nose and glared again, "Old squad leader, I already said that I would transfer you out. Don't get tired here. Go to a more relaxed department."    


"No need. I think it's pretty good to be here." The old squad leader said without looking up.    


The general did not seem surprised by the old squad leader's words. After all, this was not the first time he had discussed this topic with the old squad leader. The old squad leader had always maintained this attitude and refused to leave.    


"Alright, as long as you're happy. In the future, if that bastard doesn't have eyes, you can tell me." The general said.    


"With your actions today, who else dares to cause trouble here?" The old squad leader said.    


"Hehe." The general smiled and didn't say anything else.    


After that, the general and the few people who came with him also ordered some food here and went to eat with the soldiers. They did not appear to be superior.    


During the entire lunch process, there were no more accidents. Everyone realized that this cookhouse squad leader was not to be trifled with, so there were no blind people who caused trouble here.    


After the meal, the soldiers who were eating, the general and the others, had already left. The entire canteen once again returned to silence. Only Alvin and the old class monitor were left.    


"Squad leader, are there only the two of us here?" Alvin had been here for more than half a day, but he did not find a third person in the cookhouse. He was a little puzzled. Usually, there would be more than one person in the cookhouse.    


"Yes." The old squad leader nodded. "Why? Don't you want to stay here with me, this old man? Then I'll transfer you away. "    


"No, I'm just a little curious." Alvin said hastily.    


"Put away your curiosity and go wash the dishes." The old squad leader said.    


"Okay." Alvin did not ask any further and went to wash the dishes swiftly.    


In the next few days, Alvin slowly got used to life here. He also knew the name of the old squad leader, Bernard. Besides, they were indeed the only two people in their cookhouse.    


And the team they were in was indeed part of the engineering camp. However, this engineering camp seemed to be different from the other engineering camps. They were not only simple engineers, but also very skilled. Moreover, these soldiers trained a lot every day. They were no less than ordinary soldiers.    


And the number of soldiers in this camp was not too large. So, the pressure on the canteen wasn't too high. Alvin and Bernard were both nimble people. Therefore, they were able to get busy every day. They just felt a little tired.    


As for why there were only two people in this cookhouse, when Alvin first started, he didn't know the reason, but he probably knew later. His superior didn't seem to be simple, and his temper was a little strange. He didn't like the people who came before, and they were all kicked away by him. He was transferred to another cookhouse. And during the few days that Alvin had just arrived... Bernard kept making all kinds of requests to him. Alvin woke up in the morning. He rarely had time to rest until he slept at night. It was enough to tell how busy he was.    


However, Alvin didn't complain at all. He was very meticulous when it came to what his class monitor told him to do. Even Bernard, who liked to pick a fight, couldn't criticize Alvin too much.    


Alvin, on the other hand, had a lot of things to do because of the cookhouse soldiers. Therefore, he did not have any training tasks. However, he always used some free time. He would remember the training content of the soldiers he accidentally saw while he practiced. His days were fulfilling and free.    


Just as Alvin had thought, he did not have to worry about eating every day.    


However, Alvin still did not know why those people respected his class monitor so much.    


"You have been here for ten days, right?" After dinner, Bernard said to Alvin casually while smoking.    


"Yes, today is exactly ten days." Alvin replied while washing the bowls.    


This was the norm between the two of them in the past few days. Right now, it was Alvin who did all kinds of chores. Bernard, on the other hand, smoked while looking at him. He rarely helped out.    


"How do you feel? This old man is very hard to get along with, right?" Bernard said.    


Indeed, Bernard's temper was not very good. Alvin usually did things a little slower. Furthermore, it was very hard to hear him scold him. At the same time, most of the time, Alvin was the one who did most of the things. Bernard was only responsible for cooking.    


If it was any other ordinary person, they might not have been able to stand Bernard making things difficult for them. When they made some resistance, some of the new recruits couldn't stand it and chose to go against Bernard. In the end, they were naturally transferred out of the cookhouse. They went somewhere else.    


However, for others, this might be for them... At least, somewhere else... They would not be deliberately put in a difficult position. Moreover, they would not be scolded so easily. More importantly, there were more people in the other cookhouse. Comparatively speaking, there were less things on everyone.    


However, Alvin was not such a person. As an orphan, eat! Hundred families of food! He had heard a lot of curses from his childhood. Those curses were much uglier than Bernard's. In fact, he had been bullied and beaten up before. Although Bernard liked to make things difficult for others, I like to scold people, too. However, to Alvin, these things... It wasn't a big deal. Such a thing... He had encountered so many things in his life.    


"I don't feel troubled at all." Alvin shook his head and said, "I know the class monitor is a good person."    


"Humph! I am not a good person." Bernard snorted and said, "Hurry up and do it. I have something I need you to do."    


"What is it?" Alvin asked.    


"Don't ask so much. You will know later." Bernard said.    


"Alright." As expected, Alvin didn't ask any more questions and continued to wash his bowl.    


Very quickly, Alvin finished what he had to do today. He looked for Bernard again, wanting to see what he had to do.    


"A few days ago, you went to peek at the training of those people in front of you?" Bernabeu said calmly.    


"No, no." Alvin denied, "I just happened to pass by and took a few glances. I didn't mean to peek."    


"It's good that you didn't peek. What's so good about their training?" Bernard said with disdain, "From today onwards, you will train with me."    


"Training?" Alvin was a little puzzled. Usually, these cookhouse soldiers would also have training. However, it was not too much, nor was it too deliberate. The country had a lot of troops, and they did not need these few people. They usually spent most of their time in this canteen.    


But Bernard was now formally telling him that he wanted to train. This made Alvin somewhat puzzled.    


"That's right. It's training. From today onwards, I will train you. You can either persist. If you can't, you can apply to leave. I won't stop you." Bernard said.    


Alvin understood after listening to Bernard's words. He estimated that the training he was talking about was not an ordinary training. He had said these ugly words before. Obviously, Bernard thought that he could not persist.    


However, Alvin did not suffer a lot from snacks. He was not afraid of suffering, and he would not do anything that would make him stop halfway.    


"Class monitor, you can train as much as you want. I will not give up." Alvin said.    


"It's useless to say that now. I hope you can still say that after a week," ___ said. Bernard said, "Alright, carry the weight on your back now. Come out with me."    


After Bernard said that, he turned around and left first. Alvin was slightly stunned for a moment, then went to get the weight and followed him out.    


The two of them went to the sports field. At this time, the other soldiers had already rested. The entire sports field seemed very quiet.    


Bernard did not ask Alvin to train immediately. Instead, he let Alvin warm up first before starting to train him.    


Training content was also very common. It was squats and push-ups. Running and so on, but the quantity was very large. Furthermore, , Bernard had also said that these were only basic training. It was only because Alvin had never received training before. So... Now, he could only start from the basics.    


Actually, Alvin had watched the training of the other soldiers a few days ago and was very tempted. Now that he had also started training, he was still very happy. However, very soon, he could not be happy anymore. Because the amount of training that Bernard requested was too much. Many a time... He had just finished one project, but Bernard didn't give him any time to rest. Letting him carry out the second project made Alvin very tired.    


Of course, Bernard didn't forget to mock him. He told Alvin that if he couldn't hold on any longer, he could tell him at any time. He could stop training and pretend that nothing had happened.    


Alvin would not give up easily, even if he had reached his limit. He gritted his teeth and held on.    


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