Universe Storage Box

C1967 He Flew up

C1967 He Flew up

"This... this is my God, what's going on?" Blanco looked at the two cars in the air in horror and stuttered, not knowing what to say.    


The other people beside Blanco reacted in the same situation as him. Their eyes were wide open and they looked at the two cars in front of them as if they had seen a ghost.    


"Head... head, why is this car flying this time? Flying?" One of Blanco's subordinates said in shock.    


The weapons and equipment on Hanssen's side had already surpassed theirs. They found it hard to understand, but they could still accept it. What was going on with the scene in front of them? This was really hard for them to accept. It was even hard to imagine.    


The things on Hanssen's side were already so much ahead of them?    


"You ask me, who do I ask?" However, this person's words woke Blanco up. He said to his subordinate beside him, "Quickly dodge!"    


Obviously, he had already realized the danger, especially when the two cars had two black gun barrels pointed at them.    


At this time, Blanco's subordinates clearly also realized the danger. They hurriedly scrambled to the side to hide.    


However, their movements were clearly a little slower. Or perhaps, the people in the two cars in front of them... They were just waiting for them to make a move, and these people had just made a move... The machine guns in the two cars kept shooting out bullets. In an instant, countless bullets hit these people. They spat out a mouthful of blood.    


"Spread out! Spread out!" Blanco roared madly. At the same time, she moved her feet and continuously shot at the two cars in front of her.    


However, the result was the same. The bullets hit the two cars, but they could not break the surface of the cars, let alone hit the people in the cars.    


This situation made Blanco feel deep despair. Her hands shot like a machine, but he already knew that it would be difficult for him this time.    


Sure enough, not long after, the machine guns on the two cars... They did not let go of Blanco and the rest at all. The two cars' firepower was very fierce. In just a short period of time, they killed Blanco and the rest on the ground.    


"Mission completed. Let's go." Hanssen's subordinates in the two cars looked at Blanco and the others who were lying on the ground without any sound and nodded in satisfaction.    


Sitting in the car, they felt a great sense of security. The defense of this car not only shocked Blanco and the others, but also them. They all had similar feelings. This was the first time they had seen a car with such strong defense. Seeing the desperate expressions on the faces of Blanco and the others, they knew. What kind of pressure would this car's defense bring to the enemy?    


Furthermore, this car could actually fly!    


Originally, in urban street battles, cars were not very useful. Even if the defense of this car was very strong... Sometimes... It could only be used as a tortoise shell that could not be moved while defending. After all, the entire city was full of ruins. There was no way to drive a car, once it couldn't move agilely... It was equivalent to a live target, no matter how powerful the firepower was. No matter how strong the defense was, it was useless.    


However, when this car had the ability to fly, all of this had a fundamental change, even if it wasn't as high as a helicopter. However, compared to ordinary cars, it was also more flexible. Wherever he wanted to go, he could basically go.    


In addition, the super powerful firepower of this car and its powerful defensive ability... This made this kind of car simply an existence akin to a killing machine on the battlefield. Looking at the despair in Blanco and the others' eyes just now, they knew. How effective could this thing be? It could not only kill enemies to a large extent. It could also destroy them mentally.    


"Let's go!"    


Then, the two cars turned around and left, leaving only some broken bricks and corpses of Blanco and the others that gradually turned cold. The smell of blood had already spread in this small space.    


Not long after Hanssen's car left, Blanco's headphones rang again.    


"Blanco, what's the situation over there? When you hear the reply, immediately reply."    


"Hey, Blanco, are you there? What's the matter over there? Answer, quickly reply!"    


Obviously, no matter how anxious those people on the other end of the headphones were, Blanco, who had completely lost her breath, obviously could not answer his words.    


"Sir, we can't contact Blanco." On the other side, a person wearing the same clothes as Blanco said to a middle-aged man behind her.    


When the middle-aged man heard this person's words, he frowned. He contacted Blanco not because he wanted to care about Blanco's situation. It was because the pressure on their side was getting greater and greater. He hoped that Blanco's side would... He wanted to give Hanssen and the others a few shots to relieve the pressure on his side.    


However, the current situation seemed to have changed a little. He was actually unable to contact Blanco's side. This meant that something might have happened to Blanco's side.    


"Was there only two cars going there just now?" The middle-aged man, who was also the commander of this force, asked his personal guards.    




"You didn't see any other enemies?"    




"[This is strange.]" That middle-aged man frowned even more deeply. If it was only two cars, Blanco's firepower... They were the fiercest. There was no reason that they wouldn't be able to destroy two cars.    


Could it be that someone had secretly sneaked over to Hanssen's side? Or could it be that there were other powers that had been defeated by Hanssen and the others? In the end, Hanssen went from one of them to the other side?    


The middle-aged man couldn't figure out what had happened. Since he couldn't contact Blanco, he couldn't figure out what was going on behind him.    


"Chief, sir, those two cars are here again!" At this moment, the soldier who was in charge of contacting Blanco pointed to the distance and said in surprise, "They seem to be coming for us!"    


When the middle-aged man heard this, he was immediately shocked and hurriedly looked into the distance. As expected, the two cars that just passed by their side. They had returned once again. However, unlike before, their previous destination had been very clear, and they had headed straight for their rear. Apparently, they wanted to get rid of the long-range firepower on their side. They didn't even look at them, nor did they linger.    


But now, the two cars were directly heading towards them. Their destination was also very clear, and they were coming from behind. And he had just lost contact with the back. Could it be... ...    


However, reality obviously didn't give this commander too much time to think about those things. The two cars were approaching them at a very fast speed.    


"Don't panic, we're behind the bunker, they won't be able to get past us." The middle-aged man looked at the pile of ruins in front of him. It was a small building that had collapsed and formed just in time to stop the two cars from moving forward.    


"Shoot! Blast those two cars!" The middle-aged man continued.    


Initially, when they saw those two cars, they had wanted to blow up those two cars. However, at that time, the other party was too fast and they had not prepared for it. Hence, in the end, they had not been able to do it.    


And now, the two cars were charging toward them. Regardless of what was happening behind them, the middle-aged man felt that... He shouldn't have let the two cars go. The other party was wandering around his defense line time and time again. This was totally not putting them in his eyes.    


The subordinates around the middle-aged man couldn't bear it any longer. Previously, when they let these two cars pass, their faces were already somewhat ugly. But now, the other party had actually returned. Wasn't this deliberately provoking them?    


Thus, intense gunshots rang out very quickly. Those people could not be bothered to shoot at the front. For a moment, they actually turned the spearheads around and started shooting crazily at the two cars.    


"Crackling" sounds rang out once again. The two cars once again suffered enough damage. However, just like Blanco and the others before, these people in front of them... They quickly discovered to their surprise that their bullets could not cause any damage to the two cars. They could only watch helplessly as the two cars kept getting closer to them.    


The middle-aged man frowned again, although he knew it earlier. These two cars were very likely to be bulletproof. However... He didn't think that the bulletproof abilities of these two cars... With so many bullets hitting them, yet, they didn't cause too much damage.    


However, that middle-aged man wasn't too worried. Even if that car was really bulletproof, its bulletproof ability was still limited. As long as he kept shooting, he would always be able to pierce through the other cars.    


However, the other side couldn't do any harm to them. This way, they would have enough time and opportunity to slowly attack the other side. At least, they would be able to destroy the other side.    


Thus, the middle-aged man felt that there was no need to worry about anything.    


However, his thoughts were quickly mercilessly destroyed by reality. Because, he quickly discovered to his horror that the two cars... When they rushed to the ruins in front of them, they didn't slow down at all. Just as the middle-aged man thought that the person in the two cars had a stroke in his head... He discovered that the two cars actually flew up.    


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