Universe Storage Box

C1918 Identity Is Fake

C1918 Identity Is Fake

"Be careful." Guo Menghan's mother looked at her daughter and Huang Feng sitting on the tricycle that had not left and shouted from behind.    


"Old man, do you think they can save Little Yong?" After Guo Menghan and Huang Feng left, Guo Menghan's mother asked her husband.    


"How would I know?" Guo Menghan's father said.    


"It's all your fault, old man. The world is bullying us. We can't do anything about it." Guo Menghan's mother scolded her husband.    


Guo Menghan's parents did not say anything. After all these years, he had gotten used to his wife's complaints.    


"I hope my poor son will be fine." Guo Menghan's mother saw that her husband did not say anything and also felt bored.    


"By the way, what do you think the relationship between Huang Feng and our daughter is? Could it be her boyfriend?" Guo Menghan's mother suddenly thought of Huang Feng and said.    


"Maybe." Guo Menghan's father said, "My daughter can bring him back at this time. No matter how I look at it, he can't be an ordinary friend."    


"That won't do." Guo Menghan's mother said, "That Huang Feng doesn't look like a rich person. He doesn't even have a car. The second son of a b * tch in the village is far worse than my daughter. If she marries someone, she will have a house and a car. I don't want Xiao Han to live any more tough life. "    


Huang Feng and Guo Menghan came together, but neither of them drove. Furthermore, Huang Feng had never paid much attention to his clothing. Therefore, Guo Menghan's mother would misunderstand and think that Huang Feng did not have money. It was not surprising.    


"Don't worry about your daughter's matter. Your daughter is already so old. She knows what to do. " Guo Menghan's father, who rarely opposed her mother-in-law, said.    


" I don't want Xiao Han to be too innocent and easily deceived. How can we not help her watch over her? " Guo Menghan's mother said.    


"I think you just want more gifts." Guo Menghan's father said. He knew his wife well and knew what she was thinking.    


"Is it wrong for me to want more money?" Guo Menghan's mother stared at her husband and said, "It is not easy for us to raise Xiao Han up. Moreover, our family's conditions are not good. Xiao Yong went to school. We still need to get married in the future. We need a lot of money. As the elder sister, Xiao Han needs a lot of money. What's wrong with helping little brother?"    


"Xiao Han has not helped much in these few years? She sends money back every month." Guo Menghan's father said, "Xiao Han has done enough for this family. It is related to her own happiness. Let her make the decision. "    


"That is what she should do." Guo Menghan's mother retorted, "We spent a lot of money to raise her back then. Now that she's working, she naturally has to repay the family."    


"You are thinking too highly of men and women." Guo Menghan's father angrily said, "Xiao Han is already very sensible. We cannot always think about making her pay for this family. We also have to think about her."    


"Why don't I think about her? If we give her money, wouldn't we be thinking about her? You want her to live the poor life we used to live in the future? " Guo Menghan's mother refused to be outdone and said.    


"I won't tell you anymore." Guo Menghan's father found that he could not win against his wife, so he hid to the side to smoke tobacco again on New Year's Eve.    


Guo Menghan's mother did not argue with herself about winning. All these years, when she quarreled with her husband, she had never lost. The current her naturally did not have the mood to be proud of herself. Instead, she was worried about her own children.    


She was worried about her son because Guo Yong was still locked up. As for her worry about Guo Menghan, she was afraid that she would be impulsive and find a partner with a lot of conditions.    


"Sigh, no one really makes me worry." Guo Menghan's mother sighed and said.    


On the other side, Huang Feng and Guo Menghan were sitting on tricycles. They were bumpy as they headed towards the county town. The two of them took a taxi to the city center. They went from Guo Menghan's house to the city center. It was indeed not easy.    


"Huang Feng, I'm sorry. I didn't let you rest. I've been on my way." Along the way, Guo Menghan said to Huang Feng apologetically.    


"It's fine. I have had enough rest on the plane." Huang Feng smiled and said, "It's your brother's matter. It's better to resolve it quickly."    


"Yes." Guo Menghan nodded gratefully.    


The two of them went all the way to the place where Guo Menghan's mother kept Guo Yong. When they asked to see Guo Yong, they were stopped.    


"Why don't you let us see my brother? What law did he commit? What right do you have to arrest him?" This matter concerned her brother, Guo Menghan's emotions inevitably went out of control.    


"You are Guo Yong's elder sister? Your brother hit someone. What's wrong with us catching him?" The other party said righteously.    


"Didn't you investigate? They were the ones who hit my brother first, but my brother only hit him a few times." Guo Menghan said angrily.    


"Who told you I didn't investigate? The result of our investigation was that your brother beat him up and hospitalized him." The man said.    


Guo Menghan still wanted to say something, but Huang Feng stopped her. Then, he handed over his National Security Agency member identification card to the man.    


"What do you mean?" That person saw Huang Feng pass him an ID and did not know what it meant. As he took it, he asked doubtfully.    


"If you do not know him, you can call your boss." Huang Feng said lightly, "Now, I want to see Guo Yong. If you don't agree, don't blame me for being rude."    


"You are quite arrogant. Do you know where this place is?" The people beside him couldn't stand Huang Feng's attitude and scolded him.    


The person who took Huang Feng's ID stared at Huang Feng's ID for a long time and then looked at Huang Feng with hesitation.    


Huang Feng ignored the person who spoke and took back the ID from the person who spoke just now. He said, "Did you see it clearly? I want to see someone now."    


The person hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay, follow me."    


"Brother Wang, you..." The person next to him saw that his colleague actually agreed and shouted with some doubt.    


That person only waved his hand and then took Huang Feng and Guo Menghan to a room. He also asked someone to bring Guo Yong out before leaving.    


"Brother Wang, why did you let him see someone? The higher-ups have already instructed..." When that person came out, his colleague could not help but ask.    


"Do you know what certificate he just took out?" The man called brother Wang said with shock and doubt on his face.    


"What certificate?"    


"The certificate of National Security Agency!" brother Wang said, his tone full of shock.    


"National Security Agency? I've never heard of it." After thinking for a while, the person beside shook his head in doubt. Obviously, he had never heard of this department.    


"I only heard of this department by chance." brother Wang said, "This is a special department and also a relatively secretive department. It is normal that you have never heard of it. Many people do not know about the existence of such a department. However, in reality, this department really exists. Furthermore, it possesses tremendous authority. If that person is really someone from the National Security Agency... Even if he were to kill us just now, it is very likely... After this, we just need to explain a little. "    


"What? You can kill people like this?" The people around them exclaimed, even if they were people with special privileges. Usually, they wouldn't dare to casually shoot people. That was a very troublesome matter. He did not expect that the people from the special department, the National Security Agency, would... I can't believe you killed so easily.    


"Of course." brother Wang said, "What they do is to kill people, but they are all against serious domestic and international crimes. They have the license to kill people."    


"My goodness." It was obviously the first time that the person beside them had heard of such a department. His face was full of shock. "Is that person really from that special department?"    


"I'm not too sure either. I've only heard of the existence of this department. As for the people from this department, I've never seen them before."    


"So, it could also be that he's a fake?" The person next to him said, "That person called Guo Yong. We have investigated the situation at home before. He is just a person from an ordinary family in the countryside. How could they know someone from the special department? I think that person is most likely a fake. "    


" It's hard to say. " brother Wang frowned and said, "If he really is from the special department, if we disobey their orders... Even if he shoots us to death, we have no place to reason with him. He just needs to charge us with obstruction of the law. So... I'll let him meet that Guo Yong first. Anyway... It's not a big deal."    


"That's true. It's always right to be careful." The person beside him said.    


"However, we have to let our leader know about this as soon as possible. After all, he was the one who told Guo Yong about this matter. Now that something unexpected has happened, it's better to inform him as soon as possible." brother Wang said.    


Brother Wang's idea was very good. He asked Huang Feng to meet Guo Yong first. As long as Huang Feng didn't take Guo Yong away, it would be fine. He would report Huang Feng's matter to the higher ups and let them handle it. He was just an ordinary employee. There was no need for him to show off in this.    


Moreover, this matter was originally his head's responsibility. It was very normal for him to tell ___ about this matter. No one would be able to say that he wasn't.    


"Right, let's do it like this!" The people beside him also agreed.    


Neither of them could determine Huang Feng's identity, but if it was true... That was not something they could afford to offend. Therefore... The most correct thing to do was to hand this matter over... And the person who instructed them to handle this matter was clearly a suitable candidate.    


Thus, the two people who had made the decision hurriedly called their leader. After reporting this matter, they also pointed out Huang Feng's identity. As for whether Huang Feng's identity was real or fake, it would be up to them to decide. He would decide for himself. Anyway, after this call... This matter had nothing to do with them.    


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