Universe Storage Box

C1907 It's a Joke

C1907 It's a Joke

Ten days later, when Huang Feng reappeared in Furong Town, he saw a group of people at the entrance of the town, looking up at the sky. When they saw Huang Feng, they were very excited.    


"He's here, he's here!"    


"Little Divine Immortal is here."    


... "He's really here. It looks like my kid didn't lie to me. Kneel down, all of you."    


A group of people pointed at Huang Feng who was getting closer and closer in the sky and said excitedly.    


When Huang Feng got closer, the group of people knelt down in a flurry. They were extremely respectful to Huang Feng, and didn't even dare to raise their heads.    


"It's our honor for Little Divine Immortal to come to our Hibiscus Town. As the mayor of Hibiscus Town, I represent everyone in the town to welcome you, Little Divine Immortal. " The old man kneeling in front of Huang Feng said respectfully. He didn't even dare to raise his head.    


"Old man, get up!" Huang Feng quickly went forward to help the old man up. On Earth, this old man was kneeling down in front of him. That would be a loss of life. Ever since Huang Feng found out about the existence of the Divine Immortal... For these things, you'll have to pay attention.    


At the same time, Huang Feng once again felt how revered the status of the cultivators in this world was. Not to mention the Sect Leader of his own sect, even the youngest disciple of a certain Cultivation Sects. If he was here, he was afraid that the treatment he would receive wouldn't be any worse than this.    


This was a world where strength was respected, and the status of cultivators was especially high.    


When the old man saw Huang Feng personally helping him up, his face turned red with excitement. Huang Feng was even afraid that he would faint from excitement.    


"Little Divine Immortal, the people who are second to you are all here." The mayor pointed at the young man behind him and said, "Besides, there are still some young men in our town, and they are all here. Little Divine Immortal, see if they can join your sect. "    


Huang Feng looked behind the mayor. Sure enough, there were more people coming than he had confirmed before. These people were all fifteen or sixteen years old, and most of them had been eliminated by other sects. Normally, if they hadn't been selected by the Cultivation Sects before they were 16 years old... It was destined that they wouldn't have the chance to cultivate for the rest of their lives.    


Therefore, many young men would be chosen by the big sects from the age of thirteen or fourteen. And when they reached the age of fifteen or sixteen, they were basically chosen by other sects. And now, they were still here, it could only mean that they were all eliminated.    


And now, everyone knew that those who were eliminated before... Some of them had been selected by the Cultivation Sects. The remaining people were naturally very excited. Therefore, after knowing the time when Huang Feng would come here again... All of them had been waiting here for a long time.    


Huang Feng looked at these young men. From their eyes and the eyes of their parents, he could see desire. All of them were looking at Huang Feng with anticipation.    


Huang Feng thought for a while. Under the expectant gazes of the crowd, he nodded and said, "Yes, they can all come with me. However... I will make it clear that what I value is not talent, no matter how stupid a person is... I can find a suitable cultivation method for him, what I value is character... Whoever has a problem with character, I will definitely return him. If it's serious, I will even personally clean up the sect! "    


"Little deity, please rest assured. The children of our Hibiscus Town will definitely have no problem with their character." The old mayor quickly promised.    


"That's right, little deity. If there's anything wrong with my child, you can beat and scold him."    


"That's right, that's right. My child will be handed over to the little deity. In the future, you can do whatever you want."    


When the parents of the youths saw that Huang Feng had accepted their child, they were all extremely excited. They quickly promised Huang Feng.    


When Huang Feng saw this familiar scene, he felt somewhat emotional in his heart. The care of parents towards their children, no matter which time and space it was. It was the same. On Earth, Huang Feng still remembered. When he was young, when he was just in primary school, his parents... They also told his teacher that as long as he made a mistake... He would just let his teacher beat him up and scold him. He would never complain about anything.    


Of course, children nowadays might be different. Now, many parents treated their children as their family's treasures. They were unwilling to see them suffer any grievances.    


However, no matter what, Huang Feng was still very satisfied with the attitude of these parents.    


When those young men saw that Huang Feng was really willing to accept them, each and every one of them was also extremely excited. They had already participated in more than one sect's selection. They were rejected again and again. They felt that they really didn't have the chance to cultivate anymore. They could only wait until they were sixteen years old before completely giving up.    


However, at this moment, Huang Feng suddenly appeared. He had given them a chance to cultivate. It was imaginable how excited they were right now. Each and every one of them swore in their hearts that they would cherish this opportunity. No one wanted to be forced back by Huang Feng. They would lose the chance to cultivate.    


As usual, Huang Feng gave some money to the parents of the youths to settle down. After that, he left with the group of children.    


After that, Huang Feng went to other towns without exception. Every town received more young men, and those towns were the same as Hibiscus Town. After learning that a sect had recruited people, they were all waiting for Huang Feng to come again. After all, Huang Feng hadn't stayed in every town for long. After choosing a few youths, he left. Therefore... The other people in the town didn't know about this.    


However, after Huang Feng left, those young men would naturally tell their families about this. This way, it would slowly spread in the town. Because of this, every town was waiting for Huang Feng's men. There were more people waiting for him than he had expected.    


Therefore, in the end, Huang Feng brought his men back to Hundred Thousand Mountains. The number of disciples he had recruited had already reached five hundred. This was not a small number, even if it was a sect like Heavely Profound Sect. Each time he accepted a disciple, he would at most take in a few dozen disciples. At most, he would take in one to two hundred disciples. Who would accept so many disciples in a short period of time like Huang Feng?    


After all, those sects had conditions for taking in disciples. Furthermore, the conditions were quite harsh. Therefore, in a town... It was already considered not bad to accept one out of ten youths who had accepted the examination. Even if it were a few towns added up, it wouldn't be too much.    


As for Huang Feng, it was as if everyone wanted him. This way, he would naturally recruit more people. However, it also seemed a little too casual.    


When Huang Feng returned to Hundred Thousand Mountains with more than five hundred disciples, the news of him recruiting disciples had already spread in Cultivation Realm. Everyone had already known the entire process of this matter.    


After all, Huang Feng's strength was there, and no one dared to ignore him. Before this, when everyone knew that he was going to establish his own sect, when Huang Feng was looking for a base, many of them were very concerned about this, fearing that Huang Feng would take a fancy to their own base. If that was the case, the matter might become difficult to deal with.    


As for Huang Feng, this was within everyone's expectations. He had chosen Hundred Thousand Mountains in the end. It was also unexpected that in Cultivation Realm, it was a good place. All the good places had been divided up. Huang Feng wanted to find a good place. It wasn't easy. Therefore, it was understandable that he would choose the Hundred Thousand Mountains in the end. After all, no one would dare to divide up that place.    


However, unexpectedly, none of them had expected this. Huang Feng would have chosen such a dangerous place for his sect. However, when they thought about the Xiao Bai beside Huang Feng, they felt that it was understandable. With the Xiao Bai around, Huang Feng did not need to be afraid of the Vicious Beast.    


Regarding this, those sects were very envious. After all, everyone knew that the Hundred Thousand Mountains was rich in resources and spiritual energy. If it wasn't for the fact that those Vicious Beasts were really not to be trifled with, they would have long been occupied by other sects.    


And now, Huang Feng was actually able to build a sect base there. This really made everyone envious.    


After that, Huang Feng began to go out and accept disciples. At first, everyone was worried. He would choose those high-quality youths, but who knew? When Huang Feng chose disciples, it was as if he was playing around. He wasn't serious at all. He wanted everyone, and he hadn't tested them at all. There were even many people who had been eliminated by other sects. Those people were all proven to be unsuitable for cultivation.    


However, Huang Feng didn't care about these people. He accepted all of them into his sect. He truly welcomed all of them.    


Originally, those who were still a little wary of Huang Feng had chosen a good place like Hundred Thousand Mountains, but at this moment, they couldn't help but relax.    


Hundred Thousand Mountains was a good place. It had resources and spiritual energy. However... If there was no one suitable for cultivation, then no matter how many resources and spiritual energy there were... And now, Huang Feng had chosen... They were all eliminated by other sects, and were proven to be unsuitable for cultivation. Then, there was no need to worry anymore.    


Many of the higher ups of the sects even found out about this matter. They felt that Huang Feng was really playing with them. How could a disciple accept a disciple like this? It seemed like this was the Huaxia Sword Sect's disciple. * Hong Long...... *    


Previously, some people were worried that the development of Huang Feng's sect would affect their own sect. Now, basically, no one would think this way. Huang Feng's sect was destined to never develop.    


When Meng Yaoer found out about this matter, she was still worried about Huang Feng. She was wondering if she should remind Huang Feng. However, she instinctively felt that Huang Feng was not an unreliable person. However, she also did not understand why Huang Feng would do that. Why did he do this?    


Of course, Huang Feng didn't know what those people were thinking. However, even if he knew, he probably wouldn't care. In the eyes of those people, trash wasn't necessarily the same as him.    


At this moment, Huang Feng was leading more than five hundred of his disciples. On the way back to the encampment of Hundred Thousand Mountains, these disciples... Each and every one of them was extremely frightened. If it wasn't for Huang Feng being by their side, they would have turned around and ran away a long time ago.    


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