Universe Storage Box

C1895 Little White's Phenomenon

C1895 Little White's Phenomenon

"Huang Feng, your friends are really amazing!" Meng Yaoer exclaimed beside Huang Feng.    


The others might not know about the relationship between the Xiao Bai and Huang Feng, or perhaps they had some guesses, but they were not sure.    


However, Meng Yaoer, who had always been by Huang Feng's side, was different from the others. From the beginning, she already knew that the Xiao Bai and the other three little fellows were summoned by Huang Feng.    


Ever since the Xiao Bai and the eaglet came out, Meng Yaoer had been concerned about their situation. Therefore, she clearly saw the strong side of the Xiao Bai and the other three little fellows.    


"Right? I just said that they are very powerful." Huang Feng said with a smile.    


In fact, Huang Feng was also surprised by the performance of the three little guys. He had never thought that after not seeing them for a while, these three little fellows had become so powerful. They were the most ordinary Ferghana Stallion from before, and now, they were facing a Golden Core Stage Vicious Beast. As for the eaglet and Xiao Bai... It's going to be more powerful.    


Luckily, Huang Feng had used the Holy Purple Fruit earlier, allowing his strength to increase. Otherwise, his current strength might not even be comparable to the Xiao Bai. Thinking about how his strength was not as good as his pet's, Huang Feng felt embarrassed.    


However, now was obviously not the time to feel awkward. Instead, he should be proud of them. Because of the appearance of the Xiao Bai and the other little fellows, the situation of the entire battlefield... After all, the outcome of the battle... The result of a direct confrontation with a top expert... It had a lot to do with the outcome.    


Besides Huang Feng and the others, the experts of the Vicious Beast and Devils were also paying attention to the Xiao Bai.    


At this time, Arvid had already defeated many experts from the Mortal World. At this moment, he had also noticed the three little fellows, especially the powerful performance of the Xiao Bai.    


Arvid frowned. He had never thought that the experts from the Mortal World would be so powerful. Such an expert had actually appeared. Originally, after Huang Feng was injured, he thought that the Mortal World wouldn't be able to stir up any waves anymore. He didn't expect such a change to occur.    


However, Arvid only frowned at this. He didn't take it to heart. The strength displayed by the Xiao Bai... It was quite strong, but it was only very strong. It still couldn't pose too much of a threat to him.    


However, Arvid didn't want to let the Xiao Bai continue like this. If that happened, it would affect the morale of their side.    


Thinking of this, Arvid sent his opponent flying with a palm. However, with a flash, he had already rushed towards the direction of the Xiao Bai.    


At this moment, the Xiao Bai and the Vicious Beast were fighting. The final result was that the Xiao Bai actually had the upper hand. Although it was also in a slightly embarrassing state at this time, its opponent was clearly in an even more miserable state. One of its eyes was already blind, and it was bleeding profusely. The fur on its body also fell quite a bit. It had a leg. He was also limping as he looked at the Xiao Bai. There was vigilance and fear!    


However, just as the Xiao Bai was about to pursue and defeat the Vicious Beast, it suddenly felt a sense of danger, as if it was being stared at by a poisonous snake. All the hair on its body stood on end.    


The Xiao Bai suddenly turned its head and saw an extremely fast figure rushing towards it. The Xiao Bai subconsciously wanted to dodge, but it was still a step too late.    




A massive force slammed into the Xiao Bai's body, causing it to fly backwards. Many of its silver fur fell off, and it let out a sorrowful cry.    


When Huang Feng saw this situation, his heart skipped a beat, and he wanted to go and help.    


However, before he could move, the Xiao Bai rolled a few times in the air. It actually stabilized its body and stood in the air. With a fierce look in its eyes, it glared at Arvid, who had launched a sneak attack on it. Drops of blood dripped down from the corner of its mouth. It made him look even more ferocious.    


"What's wrong? Not convinced?" Arvid looked at the Xiao Bai in surprise, but his mouth was full of disdain.    


"Roar..." The Xiao Bai lowered its head and roared. After that... Suddenly, it raised its head and looked at the sky. It was supposed to be a cloudless sky. Suddenly, a dark cloud appeared, blocking the sun. What was even more amazing was that after the sun was blocked, not far from the sun, a bright moon appeared.    


Whether it was a human or a demon, they saw this scene. Or even Vicious Beast, they were all extremely shocked. One should know that... It was currently daytime, or even noon. It was in the middle of the day. The sun was at its fiercest, so it was impossible for the moon to appear.    


And now, the sun in the sky was blocked, and a bright moon appeared. It was very surprising.    


However, this wasn't the end. The bright moon that suddenly appeared suddenly shot out a ray of light. The light seemed to have a solid substance, and it directly shot towards the Xiao Bai's body.    


Very quickly, the Xiao Bai's body was wrapped by the moonlight. The wounds on its body were no longer bleeding, and the fur on its body became even more silvery and translucent.    


"This..." Sect Leader De Hou and the others looked at this strange scene. Looking at the Silver Moon Roaring Sky Wolf bathed in the gentle moonlight, they didn't know what to say for a moment. He had never seen such a scene before. He also didn't know what was going on.    


The Xiao Bai, which was also known as the Silver Moon Roaring Sky Wolf, was now in its complete state. Its body seemed to have grown a little longer than before. It closed its eyes. Its face was filled with enjoyment. This gentle moonlight was like family. It gently caressed it.    


Following this, a sacred and gentle energy spread out from the Xiao Bai's body. It spread in all directions. When the humans and Devils sensed this energy, they didn't feel anything special.    


However, after those Vicious Beast sensed this energy... They all had an expression of worship and reverence. The Vicious Beast that was flying in the sky earlier had now descended one by one. They all knelt down in the direction of the Xiao Bai. Their heads were tightly stuck to the ground, as if they were looking at the Xiao Bai. It was all blasphemy towards the Xiao Bai.    


As for the Vicious Beast on the ground, there was even less of a need to talk about them. At this moment, they had already knelt down, as if they were worshipping a god. That expression was even more intense compared to when they were facing the black Vicious Beast and Arvid. No one knew how much respect they had for the black ___ and ___.    


Previously, when these Vicious Beasts faced the black Flood Dragon and Arvid... It's a sign of submission to the strong. But now... When facing the Xiao Bai, it was like facing a god. It was a feeling of respect and worship that came from the bottom of his heart. It was a feeling that could be blasphemed just by looking at it.    


Even the Vicious Beast that was fighting with the Xiao Bai after this, at this moment... The ferocious expression on its face disappeared, and turned into an extremely docile expression. It knelt there respectfully, and there was no trace of resentment in its eyes towards the Xiao Bai.    


Everyone present looked at the scene in front of them with great astonishment. They did not even understand what had happened, and why these Vicious Beasts... They suddenly showed such a respectful attitude toward the Xiao Bai. It had to be known that not long ago, both sides had been in a heated battle. They wanted to kill each other, but now, such a huge change had occurred.    


The first person who understood what was happening was probably Huang Feng. Because, only he knew that the Xiao Bai was not an ordinary wolf. That was the legendary Silver Moon Roaring Sky Wolf, that was a Divine Beast!    


And the current Vicious Beast was merely an ordinary breed. Even the previous black Flood Dragon was only a Half-immortal Stage. There was still a huge gap between them and the Divine Beast. Even if the black Flood Dragon appeared now, it would have to kneel down respectfully in front of the Xiao Bai. He didn't dare to resist.    


It was just like when humans saw a legendary High God. Furthermore, there were quite a few legends about this High God. If humans saw a High God that only appeared in legends, it would be the same as the current Vicious Beast. It was a form of worship and respect that came from the bottom of their hearts. They simply could not muster up any thoughts of resistance.    


At this time, the Xiao Bai's aura was illuminated by the moonlight. It was continuously rising. At the same time, the moonlight was also being emitted from its body. It slowly spread out and spread to the surroundings. The injured Vicious Beast... After feeling the moonlight, the injuries on its body... They're recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. Even the Vicious Beast that had suffered internal injuries earlier... It was also recovering at a constant rate.    


When Arvid saw this scene, he knew that something bad was about to happen. Previously, he had only used the Qi of the black Flood Dragon in his body to control the Vicious Beast. However, he also knew that this kind of control was not foolproof. It was only temporary. Those Vicious Beast were not truly loyal to him.    


And now, the thing that he was worried about had finally happened. When these Vicious Beasts faced the Xiao Bai, their heartfelt respect came from the bottom of their hearts. Arvid could see it clearly. Under such circumstances... He also requested the Vicious Beast to attack the Xiao Bai, or the numerous sects in the Mortal World that were supported by the Xiao Bai. That was obviously impossible.    


Fortunately, Arvid did not place all his hopes on these Vicious Beasts. He believed in himself the most. Otherwise, he would have gone crazy from the sudden betrayal of these Vicious Beasts.    


However, even if he didn't place all of his hopes on the Vicious Beast, the rebellion of these Vicious Beasts and the increase of the Xiao Bai's Qi, he couldn't let them continue like this.    


Therefore, after watching the show, Arvid made his move again. His target was the Xiao Bai in the moonlight!    




When the Xiao Bai saw Arvid rushing over, it roared again. Then, it charged at Arvid without showing any signs of weakness.    


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