Universe Storage Box



On one side, Huang Feng was not participating in the battle, but on the other side, Arvid was also not screaming in pain as he coldly looked at the increasingly intense battle in front of him.    


The strength of the Vicious Beast tide and the Devils army were still very strong. Although the Mortal World side was prepared, and used their own great formations, very well, to block these allied armies, but under the fearless charge of the Vicious Beast and Devils disciples, the array formations set up by the various sects were already on the verge of collapse.    


Of course, the Vicious Beast and Devils disciples had still paid a huge price, and many had died. However, they did not have any intention of stopping, and continued to crazily assault the great formations of the human sects, as if they did not care about their own casualties.    


As for the leading figure of this group, Devil Emperor, he merely coldly looked at all of this, similarly with no intention of stopping.    


"What exactly is going on? Are all these Vicious Beast and Devils disciples crazy? "A charge that doesn't care about the loss?" De Hou said as he was slightly out of breath.    


As the attacks of the Vicious Beast and Devils disciples increased, there were more places that needed help. He could only go everywhere to help them, although he was not injured, he still felt a little breathless, and a little tired.    


"I also feel that it's strange, why do these Vicious Beast listen to Arvid so carefully, where's that black Flood Dragon? Could it be that it had reached some sort of agreement with Arvid so that these Vicious Beast would listen to his orders? It's just that, with such a large number of Vicious Beast, wouldn't the black Flood Dragon feel heartache? " Grand Nun Jing Wen also asked puzzledly.    


Everyone would not be surprised if the black Flood Dragon came to an agreement with Arvid, because even though the black Flood Dragon was a Vicious Beast, it had already cultivated to human form. It had a rather high intelligence, would negotiate with Arvid when the time was right, and it was not strange at all.    


Furthermore, the black Flood Dragon was saved by Arvid previously, and it was only because of this point that the black Flood Dragon would consider the offer from Arvid.    


It was just that, the situation in front of them, made everyone confused. Although the Devils disciples and Vicious Beast were all frantically attacking, it was clear that the Vicious Beast was still at the front and the Devils disciples were at the back, which meant that they treated the Vicious Beast as cannon fodder. Thus, although there were casualties in all three sides, it was clear that the Vicious Beast was the one with the most casualties.    


Could it be that the black Flood Dragon agreed to such a thing from the beginning? If that was the case, then even if the Vicious Beast and Devils alliance won in the end, then the price paid by the Vicious Beast side was also very big.    


After all, the black Flood Dragon was not a fool. Right now, the human sects were still there, and they could cooperate with the Devils people. However, once all the big sects with Mortal World were destroyed, then there was a high possibility that the Devils would make a move against the Vicious Beast.    


And because of this, if there were too many casualties, they would most likely be conveniently taken care of by the Devils people afterwards.    


All these, the people from the various big sects in Mortal World could imagine that there was no reason for the black Flood Dragon to not think of it. Could it be that it was that confident that Arvid would not make a move against it?    


Obviously, at this time, no one knew that the black Flood Dragon had already died. Arvid had absorbed its Cultivation Level, so he temporarily ruled over all the Vicious Beast.    


With the current arrangement, it was clear that Arvid wanted to borrow the strength of the Vicious Beast s to weaken them. Although he had temporarily taken control of all the Vicious Beast s, he was not a Vicious Beast himself, and that was only because he had the aura of a black Flood Dragon.    


Therefore, Arvid could not guarantee that these Vicious Beast would rebel at any time. They were, after all, not a true group, and relatively speaking, were Devils disciples, so they were more trustworthy.    


"Bang bang!"    


Suddenly, a series of intense explosions rang out and following that, all kinds of miserable cries could be heard. De Hou and the rest looked towards the direction of the sound and saw that it came from a formation set up by a small sect. Under the constant barrage of Vicious Beast and Devils disciples, it finally collapsed.    


Even Sect Leader De Hou saw that sect's Sect Leader s were also sent flying. While they were in the air, they had already vomited blood.    


"This is bad!"    


De Hou cried out in alarm, wanting to rush over to help, there were too many areas that he needed to save the fire just now. He was just too busy to help, but one of the sect's formation arrays had been broken.    


However, before De Hou could even get there, the Vicious Beast and Devils disciples all rushed towards the sect members as well. Without the support of the formation, everyone's strength was about to drop by a level.    


Screams continued to ring out. There were human, Vicious Beast, and even Devils disciples, but after this formation was broken, there were still many other sects that had their formations broken. Only a few large sects' formations were still barely maintained.    


Without the formation, the disciples of the various major sects could only fight on their own. The scene immediately fell into a chaotic battle, and from this moment on, the number of casualties on Mortal World's side skyrocketed.    


Previously, with the support of the formation, even if a disciple was injured, there would very quickly be someone beside him blocking them and treating them. Thus, although there were some casualties on Mortal World side earlier, overall, those injuries were not too big.    


However, now that there was no formation, everyone had to fight their own battles. This way, the number of casualties would rise dramatically, since Vicious Beast and Devils disciples were relatively stronger in individual combat, after all, they were usually on their own, and when fighting, they were used to fighting alone, which was obviously different from Mortal World disciples who focused on coordination.    


Seeing the scene slowly sink into an even greater chaos, the scales of victory seemed to slowly tilt towards the side of the Devils and the Vicious Beast s. De Hou and the elders were truly anxious now, they began to fight with their lives on the line, and they were no longer as relaxed as before.    


At the same time, everyone's heart felt heavy, because, in the air, there was still Arvid, whose strength had suddenly become extremely strong, who did not make a move.    


And in the beginning, De Hou and the elders were still holding back, just to prevent Arvid from doing that. But, the current situation did not allow them to hold back any longer, so, at this time, they no longer had time to care about Arvid. They could only hope that they could preserve the situation as soon as possible.    


As for what Arvid would do, everyone could only hope for him.    


Only, there was only one Arvid now. If that black Vicious Beast also appeared, then Huang Feng would not be enough to use. Thus, their side would still be in great danger.    


Thinking of this, everyone felt very uneasy.    


With the addition of De Hou and the rest, the situation on the scene slowly stabilized. However, that was only to stabilize, in truth, even with the addition of De Hou and the rest, they were unable to completely reverse the situation. Now that the two sides were in a stalemate again, it was extremely difficult for them to truly gain the upper hand.    


However, Arvid was not here to watch the show, he had left some backup, and that was his subordinate, the general level, who had yet to take action. At this time, he saw De Hou, Sect Leader and the others, who had truly begun to participate in the battle.    


At the same time, Arvid himself also did not choose to continue watching. His body also swayed, and in the next second, he appeared beside a clan elder from a small sect.    


The elder did not expect Arvid to suddenly appear and make a move on him. He was currently fighting a Vicious Beast, although he had the upper hand, he did not dare be careless, thus, he was not prepared for Arvid's sudden appearance.    




Arvid did not hesitate at all, he struck the person hard, and as though the elder had suffered a heavy blow, a clear sound of bones breaking sounded out, after that, his body flew out, and spat out a large mouthful of blood in the air, but by the time he landed, he had completely stopped breathing.    


With just one palm, he had instantly killed an elder level character. Although the opponent was a small sect's elder, his strength was not bad. However, under Arvid's attack, he could not withstand one move.    


This caused De Hou, Sect Leader and the others who were secretly watching Arvid's movements to be extremely shocked.    


Although everyone could feel that Arvid's aura was much stronger than before, and his strength had possibly increased by a lot, it was almost impossible for one person to increase his strength by that much in a short amount of time. Therefore, De Hou and the others could not completely accept this fact, and even thought in their hearts, maybe this Arvid had used some special method to raise their imposing auras, so his strength did not change much, or perhaps, even if his strength had increased a bit, it would not be as much as it was now.    


It was simply too unbelievable.    


's strength had indeed increased a lot, if it was Arvid who was able to kill the elder before, then killing him with a single palm was almost impossible, furthermore, Arvid's speed was just too fast, so fast that even though everyone had been paying attention to him, it was not able to notice his movements, and by the time he reached the elder's side, it was already too late for them to remind him.    


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