Universe Storage Box



"You guys stay here and guard. I'll go out as well!" With that said, Mond disappeared into the cave and entered the battlefield.    


Although they were all among the top ten generals, there was a difference in strength between the top and bottom, and Mond was the strongest amongst these generals. It could be said that his strength was second only to Arvid's among all the Devils s.    


Mond was also Arvid's most trusted subordinate, he was also loyal to Arvid. Previously, he had always wanted to stay in the cave and protect Arvid.    


Only, the situation outside was currently critical, so Mond was unable to continue staying in the cave. His appearance would be of great help to the Devils s side, and would be able to stabilize the situation on Devils's side.    


However, the Vicious Beast knew that the black Flood Dragon was inside the cave, and that it was in a dangerous situation. Therefore, even though they were at a disadvantage, they did not have any intentions of giving up, and rushed towards the Devils one after another. Usually, on the side of the Devils, if they killed a Vicious Beast, they themselves would be injured by the Vicious Beast, or even die.    


Because of this, the battle was very intense. Both sides did not probe each other, and from the very beginning, the battle had entered a white-hot stage.    


And Mond, who had just joined the battle not long ago, was already covered in blood. There were his own blood, and there were also those of the Vicious Beast s.    


During this period of time, Mond had killed quite a few Vicious Beast, but these Vicious Beast still did not care for their lives, and as if they were crazy, they continuously attacked him. Usually, when he had killed a Vicious Beast, before he even had a chance to breathe, another Vicious Beast would appear in front of him.    


There were a lot of Vicious Beast here, and their numbers were even more than the people in the Devils. And because of this, Mond felt that he wouldn't be able to kill all the Vicious Beast, but after killing one, two, and two, ten more popped out!    


Facing this situation, even the powerful Mond felt pressure, and his movements became distorted, his speed became slower by a bit, and the wounds on his body also started to appear this way.    


Amongst them, he had even seen a warlord ranked existence. The opponent was not weak, but he was actually besieged by several Vicious Beast of similar strength. Adding on to that, it was possible that they had already been fighting for some time, so his reaction speed was also slow. was extremely shocked.    


He could only defend, and simply had no strength to fight back. Furthermore, the wounds on his body became heavier and heavier, and if not for the Devils disciples trying their best to save him from death, he would have already fallen there.    


However, even if they were saved, that Devils general was still severely injured and quickly fell into a coma. In a short period of time, it would be impossible for them to fight again.    


When Mond saw this scene, he couldn't help but frown. The current situation was extremely disadvantageous for them since this was the home ground of the Vicious Beast after all.    


"I wonder, when will Devil Emperor's side end?" Mond thought in his heart, the only person he could hope for now, was Arvid.    


Arvid was originally the strongest out of them, and adding on, he was currently receiving the black Flood Dragon's power, his strength would definitely be even stronger. As for how strong he would be, Mond did not know, but he was sure that it would definitely be stronger than before.    


Furthermore, once Arvid came out, they did not have to defend here anymore. Even if they could not beat him, they could retreat, because that would give them the initiative to attack.    


Just as Mond finished thinking, a burst of powerful energy erupted from the cave behind him. The energy rushed into the sky and pierced a big hole in the cave ceiling, and a ray of light that seemed to be solid shot out of the cave, shooting towards the sky.    


Afterwards, that terrifying energy spread out from the sky and spread out to the surroundings. In the surroundings of the cave, the Devils and the Vicious Beast were initially battling intensely, but at this time, they all felt this terrifying aura.    


And within this aura, Mond could feel Arvid's aura. At the same time, there was another berserk aura.    


"Lord Devil Emperor ?" Mond looked at the cave behind him, an expression of doubt, shock, and ecstasy flashed past his eyes.    


Subsequently, a figure flew out from the cave and arrived at the center of the battlefield, standing in mid-air.    


And at this time, in the air above the battlefield, there were originally Devils and Vicious Beast s battling, but at this moment, all of them stopped in mid-air.    


And this figure, was Arvid!    


Only, the current Arvid was a little different from before. Two horns had appeared on his head, and the horns on the head of this black Flood Dragon from before, were extremely similar.    


At the same time, some black colored scales appeared on Arvid's body, which were extremely similar to the ones on the black Flood Dragon's body.    


Arvid stood in the air and looked around. After that, he released the powerful aura from his body, and the disciples of the Vicious Beast and Devils felt the immense pressure, causing them to lose their balance and fall from the sky to the ground, barely managing to maintain their balance. They landed on the ground, preventing themselves from getting smashed into meat patties.    


However, Arvid did not stop there. He scattered the aura on his body onto the ground and after that, the people on the ground, including the Vicious Beast and the Devils, once again felt that powerful aura from before.    


"Your Majesty!" Some Devils disciples took the initiative to kneel down before this aura.    


After that, one after another, Devils disciples, including Mond and all the other high ranking officers all knelt down with a pious look, and shouted "Devil Emperor Emperor!"    


The voices of "His Majesty the Devil Emperor" resounded throughout the entire Hundred Thousand Mountains, startling countless birds, and the faces of the disciples of the Devils were filled with fanaticism and worship. The feeling Arvid gave the people of the Devils was as if he was a god descending to the mortal world.    




A Vicious Beast kneeling down. It was not on its own accord, but because it was affected by the aura, it could not help but kneel down.    


Arvid's aura was strong and overbearing. At the same time, within this aura, there was also the aura of a Flood Dragon that caused many Vicious Beast to fear him. In the face of this aura, they did not have much resistance and were similarly deeply impressed.    


Therefore, when many Vicious Beast face this imposing aura, it is natural for them to have thoughts of submitting.    


After that, "putong" "putong" sounds continuously sounded, and one after another, Vicious Beast kneeled down, and lowered their heads towards Arvid.    


Vicious Beast and human beings were different after all. Their thinking was much simpler: they admired the strong and respected the strong, and the aura of the black Flood Dragon, in their hearts, was a representation of the strong.    


Previously, they could risk their lives to fight for the sake of this aura and rescue the black Flood Dragon, but now, they could easily submit to this aura. Very few would think of how Arvid's aura came about, and he was even the Vicious Beast who killed the black Flood Dragon.    


The Vicious Beast s obviously wouldn't think too much about it. In front of this power, they were convinced. Furthermore, this power was even stronger than the previous black Flood Dragon's, making them lower their arrogant heads.    


Arvid stood in the air and watched this scene in satisfaction. Although his people and the Vicious Beast had just experienced a huge battle and their losses weren't small, he did not want to kill all of these Vicious Beast s.    


He did not want to give up this power, but he had not forgotten that in this world, there were not only Vicious Beast s. There were human sects as well, waiting for him to conquer such an enemy.    


Therefore, at this time, he naturally hoped to increase his strength a little, and these simple-minded, yet powerful Vicious Beast were the most suitable candidate, especially now, when these Vicious Beast were willing to submit to him, and he would not easily kill these Vicious Beast.    


Arvid was still wary of a young man who suddenly popped out of nowhere. He knew how powerful that black Flood Dragon was, but in the end, he was actually heavily injured by a young man from a human race. He could not help but be shocked and vigilant.    


Furthermore, he had plenty of disciples in his sect with him at the Mortal World, so he didn't dare to be careless. At this time, being able to tame these Vicious Beast was definitely a good thing for him.    


"Congratulations your majesty." When Arvid descended from the sky, a few warrior level people came over and congratulated him.    


If not for Arvid's timely appearance, their battle with the Vicious Beast would have been even more tragic and their losses would have been even more severe. Arvid's appearance on the other hand, prevented such a situation from occurring.    


At the same time, they felt a strong aura from Arvid's body. This aura was even stronger than Arvid's from before, and even the black Flood Dragon's from before!    


This meant that the formation just now was truly a success, and it should be considered a success. Arvid's current strength was far stronger than before, even stronger than that black Flood Dragon.    


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