Universe Storage Box

C1839 What the Hell

C1839 What the Hell

Sect Leader Qing Song stood in the air with a confident expression on his face. His clothes were fluttering in the wind.    


The few Vicious Beasts were stunned when they saw Sect Leader Qing Song suddenly flying in front of them. They didn't immediately attack him.    


At this moment, everyone on the battlefield was paying attention to this place. After all, these few Vicious Beasts were too powerful and brutal. If they rushed over, no matter if they were humans or Devils, they would be severely injured!    


Because of this, everyone was very concerned about the situation here, so they naturally saw Sect Leader Qing Song in the sky.    


"Sect Leader Qing Song? He's here? When did he come? Why didn't he come over to help?" When Sect Leader De Hou saw Sect Leader Qing Song, he was slightly puzzled.    


Before this, they had all agreed to gather at the place they had reserved in advance. Then, they would launch an attack on the Devils together.    


As a result, he had no idea what was going on with the people of the Heavenly Martial Sect. None of them were able to arrive on time, including Sect Leader Qing Song. No one knew where they had gone.    


Before this, De Hou, Jing Wen, and the others were still worried about whether the people of Heavenly Martial Sect had ambushed the people of the Devils. That was why they hadn't rushed over.    


However, it seemed like the situation wasn't like this. Sect Leader Qing Song didn't look like he was injured at all. In addition, the people who had flown up earlier... They seemed to be elders of Heavenly Martial Sect, and they were all fine.    


Since they were all fine, how could they have lost contact with each other? Besides, they were already in the vicinity, why didn't they come in to help them?    


At this moment, not only Sect Leader De Hou, but also Sect Leader and the elders of the other sects had doubts about the Heavenly Martial Sect.    


However, the current situation didn't allow them to think too much. The situation in front of them was too critical. Those Vicious Beast were very strong. Furthermore, they were extremely brutal. Even Elder Qingfeng wasn't able to kill them in an instant. Although Sect Leader Qing Song was slightly stronger than Elder Qingfeng... However... However, he wasn't that much stronger. He was facing so many assassins by himself. It was too dangerous.    


Therefore, Sect Leader De Hou and the others didn't suspect Sect Leader Qing Song. Instead, they were worried about him.    


However, they were too far away from those Vicious Beast. Furthermore... Besides that, there were still people from the Devils entangled with them. Even if they wanted to help, they had to. They could only look forward to it in their hearts. When Sect Leader Qing Song was no match for him, he would be able to escape successfully.    


"Grand Nun Jing Wen, organize the people to leave as soon as possible. Sect Leader Qing Song is currently delaying the Vicious Beast, giving us more time to escape." Sect Leader De Hou said to Grand Nun Jing Wen.    


Obviously, at this time, Sect Leader De Hou had no intention of doubting Sect Leader Qing Song. He was still thinking about the positive side of Sect Leader Qing Song.    


Grand Nun Jing Wen nodded with a serious expression. She also didn't expect that Sect Leader Qing Song, who was usually inconspicuous, would have such courage. He was going to face so many Vicious Beasts alone to buy them some time.    


However, she did not know if Sect Leader Qing Song would laugh in his heart after knowing what they were thinking.    


The people of Devils were also paying attention to the Vicious Beast and Sect Leader Qing Song. Arvid even frowned. He could feel that... The strength of the giant tiger was incredible. Although he could also fight it, * Hong Long...... *    


Besides that giant tiger, there were also a lot of Vicious Beast. Hence, once these Vicious Beasts broke through, their side would have to suffer losses.    


And now, there was actually a human expert who went to face those Vicious Beast alone. This caused Arvid's heart to palpitate. The strength of those Vicious Beasts... Presumably, everyone present understood what was going on. And under such circumstances... To be able to face so many Vicious Beasts by himself, this was clearly a sign of absolute strength.    


Once the other party finished dealing with the Vicious Beast and came back to deal with them, his side might not be able to withstand it.    


"Could it be that that person is a hidden expert amongst the humans?" Arvid looked at Sect Leader Qing Song's back and thought in his heart. He had just arrived in the human world not long ago. He had never met Sect Leader Qing Song before. Ten years ago, when Arvid was dominating the world, Sect Leader Qing Song wasn't Sect Leader, he was just a small figure. Naturally, Arvid didn't know him.    


Because of this, he saw that Sect Leader Qing Song dared to face so many Vicious Beasts alone. In his heart, Arvid had regarded him as a hidden super expert amongst the humans. As for the human world... Arvid had never underestimated them. Their numbers were greater than the Devils's. Furthermore, there was no lack of geniuses. There were also some hidden mighty experts. It wasn't something that was strange.    


However, they were currently in a heated battle when a human expert suddenly appeared. It was obviously not a good thing for them.    


Arvid began to think about what he should do next.    


Just as the humans and devils on the battlefield were paying attention to the confrontation in space, the Vicious Beast suddenly moved. Its speed was so fast that it caused the space in the sky to distort.    


Sect Leader Qing Song was in high spirits. He could feel that the people below were paying attention to him. He enjoyed the feeling of being the center of attention. If he could destroy these Vicious Beasts in front of everyone's eyes... That would be a great deterrent to the Devils, and also a great motivation for the humans. At that time, his prestige would increase by a lot.    


"Fine, let me deal with you big bugs." Looking at the few giant beasts charging at him, not only was Sect Leader Qing Song not afraid, he was even more confident and excited. Today was the day he became famous in the world!    


Thinking of this, Sect Leader Qing Song took out a small pagoda from his chest. Looking at the ink-black pagoda, Sect Leader Qing Song's eyes were filled with anticipation. A strong confidence was revealed. It was precisely because of this Linglong Pagoda. Your own goal can be achieved.    


"Today, you and I will become famous under the heavens. After that, you won't have to be covered in dust anymore. " Sect Leader Qing Song said in a low voice. After that, he raised his hand and faced the Vicious Beast. He threw the Linglong Treasure Pagoda and shouted loudly, "Go, take them away and melt them! Kill them! Let the world know how powerful you are! "    


After being tossed by Sect Leader Qing Song, the small pagoda flew straight towards the Vicious Beast. Those Vicious Beast were creatures that could cultivate and possess intelligence. When they saw Sect Leader Qing Song throw out such a thing, they thought that it was some powerful treasure of Sect Leader Qing Song. Their movements paused for a moment.    


After that, under everyone's gaze, the small pagoda... The entire scene became silent. Including the Vicious Beast, the humans, and the Devils, everyone thought that Sect Leader Qing Song was using some kind of powerful treasure. Therefore, they were all waiting for the magic treasure to take effect.    


Of course, the mentality of everyone present was different. Some of them were filled with anticipation, some were nervous, and some were nervous. That tiny ink-black tower had once again become the center of attention.    


However, a shocking scene happened!    


After the ink-black tower smashed into the huge tiger, it made a soft sound. After that, it actually fell straight down and finally landed on the ground!    


The scene was deathly silent. No one had expected this to happen. Especially Sect Leader Qing Song himself. His confident smile had already stiffened on his face. How awkward and awkward was that? Of course, most of them were still confused and confused.    


What was wrong with this Linglong Treasure Pagoda? How could it be like this?    


After obtaining this pagoda, Sect Leader Qing Song naturally used it. Therefore, he understood the function of this pagoda. And its powerful ability. However, this pagoda seemed to have malfunctioned all of a sudden. It was useless, it had no effect at all. It was just like an ordinary toy pagoda.    


"How could this be? This shouldn't be, how could this be?" Sect Leader Qing Song was stunned. He muttered to himself. He was using his mind to control the pagoda. As a result, the pagoda didn't react at all. This result... It made Sect Leader Qing Song completely confused. He had no idea what was going on.    


However, Qing Song was stunned, and the others weren't. Especially the Vicious Beast in front of Sect Leader Qing Song. Those huge tigers had been smashed by Sect Leader Qing Song. Although it didn't hurt, nor was it injured, it could still feel... They had been insulted by him, and he was also a powerful Vicious Beast. In the end, this damned fellow dared to challenge it. And, he even used a broken rock to smash himself. Did he think that such a small thing could crush him to death?    


The giant tiger felt that its dignity had been seriously challenged. Its Qi was also rising continuously. Its anger was also growing crazily. It raised its head and roared. After that, it rushed towards Sect Leader Qing Song at an even faster speed.    


At this moment, Sect Leader Qing Song had yet to react. He was still thinking... What was going on with his pagoda? Where did the problem lie? He was still trying his best to control the pagoda with his mind, trying to make it fly again.    


And in the next second, the giant tiger had already flown to his side. While the disciples of the Heavenly Martial Sect were exclaiming in shock, a claw slapped towards Sect Leader Qing Song's head. Sect Leader Qing Song fell to the ground like a kite with a broken string. He left a large amount of blood in the air.    


However, perhaps because it felt that it had been fooled, the giant tiger didn't have any intention of letting Sect Leader Qing Song go. It rushed towards him, wanting to kill this person who dared to toy with it!    


When the elders of Heavenly Martial Sect saw this scene, * Hong Long...... * Sect Leader who had saved them saw these elders rushing towards him. Not only did the giant tiger not show any signs of fear, the bloodthirsty aura on its body became even stronger.    


After that, not only did the giant tiger not slow down, it even increased its speed and charged towards the elders of Heavenly Martial Sect.    


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