Universe Storage Box



Because of the orders from the top, even if the commander didn't want to, he had to find a way to figure out what weapon the enemy had just used. If he could get his hands on the secret weapon, it would be a great help to his team.    


Thus, after hanging up, the commander called for his assistant.    


"You will personally lead an elite squad to their rear. Investigate what weapons they used to deal with our aircraft." The commander said.    


"Yes sir!" That aide knew that this task was a difficult one, but he did not reject it. He also understood the importance of that weapon.    


Then, the commander patted his aide-de-camp's shoulder, "Go, be careful. These people are very powerful. Whether it's in terms of weapons or combat skills, they're not inferior to us. You have to be careful."    


At this point in the battle, although the commander was not completely sure of the opponent's identity, he was certain of one thing. The opponent's fighting strength was fierce, yet he was suppressed. This had never happened before.    


Even though he had called for support in the air, there was no effect. It was clear how strong Ye Xiao was.    


"Understood!" He had been participating in battles since the start, so he was very clear about the opponent's strength. Otherwise, he wouldn't have thought that this mission was dangerous.    


The officer nodded and went out.    


At the same time, the sounds of gunfire outside became louder and louder. Without the threat of air, Hanssen's men were now even more relaxed and bold in their attacks, although they could not continue their sneak attacks, only fighting in formation, but they were not afraid of the group of people inside. Although their opponent's fighting strength was not weak, they themselves were not weak.    


When Hanssen's men suddenly went to the second line of defense, Huang Ping's men suddenly came with a message from Huang Ping.    


"Captain told me to remind you to be careful of the protection of the secret weapons. Those people inside seemed to have the intention to kill those weapons. These things cannot be left in their hands." the man said.    


Hanssen nodded his head, he obviously understood the importance of protecting his secret weapon, this thing was extremely powerful, and he had personally seen it before, but he could only see it with his own eyes, the advantage was obvious, if even the enemy had it, with the enemy's wealth and productivity, the opponent would have even more of an advantage, and at that time, he would be at a disadvantage again.    


"Tell Captain Huang, I will protect him carefully." Hanssen said.    


That person nodded and said, "Someone broke into our position and tried to take away those weapons. We destroyed them. Captain Huang was afraid that the enemy would come again, so he asked me to remind you."    


Obviously, Huang Ping was afraid that Hanssen would misunderstand, hence he got people to explain.    


"Oh? Someone wants to rob those weapons? So fast? " Hanssen was surprised, the people who came to snatch the weapons, needless to say, he knew that it was the group of people inside. Hanssen also thought that the other party would be interested in this weapon, but he never expected that the other party's movements would be so quick, so straightforward.    


Fortunately, their movements had already been discovered by Huang Ping and had disintegrated.    


"Yes, it's a team member. Someone from our side was injured." Huang Ping's subordinate said.    


"Alright, I will pay attention." Hanssen said. Since the other party was already prepared to snatch it, he naturally had to be more careful so as to prevent them from not giving up and continued to snatch it.    


Of course, if he could directly take down the other party's encampment, then he wouldn't have to worry about these things.    


Only then did Huang Ping's men return to their own positions.    


At the same time, the group of people inside received the news that their mission had failed and they had been completely annihilated. Including his aide-de-de-camp, no one came back.    


Upon hearing this news, the commander's face changed, his eyes filled with a ferocious light. Although he had expected the mission to fail, he had not expected that none of the elite teams he sent out would make it back alive.    


If this commander knew that only a few of Huang Ping's squad members were injured and not a single one died, who knew if he would feel even more stifled and depressed.    


"Someone, come!" After a moment of silence, the commander called for more people to come in. After that, another team was sent out, and this time, the Underworld they were heading to became Hanssen's base.    


On Hanssen's side, although their battle strength was slightly weaker than Huang Ping's group, but overall, they were still very high, and with Huang Ping's reminder from before, he was already prepared. His weapons were not stolen either, it was just that one of his squad members was dead, and a few of them were injured.    


However, the small team that appeared was the same as the small team from before. They had all been annihilated and none of them had made it back alive.    


After losing two elite teams in a row, the commander finally realized that it was impossible for him to rob the enemy's weapon like this. Moreover, he had a new understanding of the enemy's strength.    


The commander didn't dare continue sending out his team, because the situation in their base was getting more and more dangerous. If they sent out more men and all of them were to be wiped out, they would have insufficient manpower.    


And because of that, the commander decisively gave up on fighting for the weapon. Instead, he focused more of his energy on defending and fighting. This way, Hanssen and the others could feel the pressure.    


The soldiers in this encampment had, after all, retired from the Mi Country. Their fighting strength was rather strong, and in addition to the fact that there were quite a few of them, they had also built a large number of defensive structures in their own encampment to guard against the rebel army. In the end, they had also used them today.    


As a result, when the soldiers relied on the fortifications to stop Hanssen and the rest from advancing, the pressure on Hanssen's side naturally became greater and greater, and the speed at which he pushed slowly started to decrease as well. When dawn arrived, they felt that it was already difficult to continue advancing.    


And at this time, Hanssen decisively gave the complete order, and left together with Huang Ping and the others. In the blink of an eye, they disappeared from the camp, and the entire encampment once again returned to tranquility, as if nothing had happened here before.    


However, when the commander saw his own base in a mess, with many corpses lying around, he was in an even worse mood.    


"Clean up this place and strengthen our defenses. I need to report this matter to the higher ups!" The commander ordered. Although the enemy had retreated, it was hard to guarantee that they would not return. Therefore, it was necessary to reinforce the defense.    


At the same time, he also wanted to report to his superiors about the situation here. In his surroundings, such a powerful force had suddenly appeared, which he had to pay attention to. At the same time, he also wanted to report about the secret weapons that had shot down the three planes last night.    


And because of that, while his men were busy cleaning up the base, the commander was already in his car, on the coast, preparing to go to sea on the aircraft carrier, where his superior was.    


Because of the chaos in this country and the dangers everywhere, every time they go out, they would do a lot of defensive work, and this time there would be a lot of people following him. Moreover, their cars were all bulletproof cars, and even if they were attacked, there wouldn't be much danger.    


However, it seemed to be different today, because when they were leaving, on a tall building not far away from their base, there were two people lying down, using their binoculars to look in the direction of the Mi Country soldiers camp. And because of that, when the small convoy had just left the base, they had already discovered them.    


"The target really did appear. The second car is in the backseat." One of them said as he raised his binoculars to look at the moving carriages.    


"Very good, you've really come." The other person was lying on the ground, adjusting the direction of his sniper rifle. His target was precisely the second car in the moving convoy.    


"Will this work? They were attacked quite a few times before, but in the end they weren't able to inflict any damage. Furthermore, we are way too far away from them. " The observer from before said.    


While they were retreating, Huang Ping suddenly said that he wanted to stay here and see if he can find a chance to kill the commander in chief of the camp. If it was night, the commander would probably go out in the morning to discuss things with his superior.    


Although Hanssen felt that the possibility was not high, but since Huang Ping had said so, he agreed, at the same time, he also left a person behind to help Huang Ping, since he was not familiar with Huang Ping's people yet, and he could use his person to help them set a target. Hanssen had stayed in this country for a long time, so he had a certain understanding of the various powers, thus, he could recognize the person who was the commander of the camp.    


But now, the two of them had indeed seen the other party leave the camp, but Hanssen's men obviously knew more than that the commander had been attacked in the past, but their cars were extremely strong in bulletproof capabilities, so nothing happened. And now, if they attack the other party, they would probably not have any results, furthermore, they were currently too far away from the commander.    


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