Universe Storage Box

C1811 They All Have Their Own Plans

C1811 They All Have Their Own Plans

Upon hearing Mond's words, Sect Leader Qing Song, who thought that Mond was dissatisfied with his previous attitude, had a smile on his face.    


What Mond said was precisely the reason why Sect Leader Qing Song had agreed to cooperate with them!    


The Heavenly Martial Sect was a big sect in the human world. But... There was still a huge gap between them and the publicly acknowledged number one sect, the Heavely Profound Sect. Not to mention, it was the Still Water House formed by a group of women. In terms of status, it was also higher than the Heavenly Martial Sect.    


Ever since Qing Song became Sect Leader of the Heavenly Martial Sect, he had been thinking about how to bring the Heavenly Martial Sect to greater heights and become the first big sect in the human world.    


It was just that wishes were beautiful, but reality was cruel. Although Qing Song had been working hard to cultivate, his talent wasn't the best. Therefore, although the Cultivation Level wasn't bad, it wasn't the best of the best.    


Although he had been working hard to develop his sect to become the biggest sect, the effect was not obvious. The strength and prestige of Heavely Profound Sect had always been above the other sects, including the Heavenly Martial Sect!    


This made Qing Song feel a little discouraged and frustrated. However, there was nothing he could do to change this situation. Even if he wanted to attack Heavely Profound Sect, they were still no match for him.    


At this moment, the Devils appeared once again, and this gave Qing Song an opportunity to find out. After his disciples were defeated for the first time in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, he sneaked into the Hundred Thousand Mountains by himself. He found Mond of Devils and expressed his intention to join forces with him.    


Qing Song's idea was very simple, and that was to borrow the strength of the Devils. He would fiercely attack the strength of the other sects in the human world, but the Heavenly Martial Sect would be able to preserve its strength. At that time, the Devils and the other sects would suffer heavy losses. Only then would he come out and turn the tide. If that was the case, the Heavenly Martial Sect would have both strength and prestige. He would be able to become the number one sect in the human world in one go.    


Mond didn't reject his proposal. In fact, he happily accepted it. After all, it had been ten years since the Devils left the human realm. Some things here were already somewhat unfamiliar to him. At this time, if there was a spy like Sect Leader Qing Song... It would be much more convenient for them, and it would also be more convenient for them to do what they were going to do next.    


As for Sect Leader Qing Song's little schemes, Mond naturally knew about them. However, he wasn't afraid of them.    


After agreeing to cooperate, Mond let Qingsong try his best to buy time for the human sects to attack the Devils. Sect Leader Qing Song didn't suspect anything, he thought it was because the Devils's forces weren't enough. He still needed time to teleport. After all, although the transfer formation was magical, but there's a limit to the number of people that can be teleported at once. Furthermore, he also needed to consume all kinds of resources, and he also needed people to maintain it. Therefore, the people of Devils were sent from Demon Realm. That would definitely take some time.    


Because of this, Sect Leader Qing Song happily agreed to this matter. Furthermore, he had indeed done the same thing after that. When the people of the other sects wanted to attack the Hundred Thousand Mountains together, he would find all kinds of reasons to delay the attack. He didn't know what was going on. He couldn't act rashly. He wanted to know what kind of schemes and schemes the other side might have waiting for them. Everyone, don't be rash. Sometimes, he would even send people to cause trouble at the places where the sects were located. It would cause them some trouble. If that was the case, in a short period of time... He wouldn't have the energy to attack the Hundred Thousand Mountains.    


This time, he knew that he couldn't delay any longer. Everyone had already sensed what the people of Devils were planning. They couldn't wait any longer. Qing Song also knew that at this moment, if he were to find an excuse to stop them... Then, it would arouse the suspicion of the others. If the other sects didn't suffer a great loss in terms of strength... Qing Song obviously did not want to expose himself.    


And because of this, after knowing that things could not be done, Qingsong was even more proactive than the others. After that, he immediately informed Mond, hoping that he would make preparations early and not be ambushed by the sects in the mortal world.    


Qing Song hoped to see both sides fight to the death, so he naturally couldn't just watch the people from the Devils get ambushed.    


"The Saint's words are too much. It's my honor to be able to help the Devils. When the time comes, you will be in charge of Demon Realm, and I will be in charge of the human world. You and I will work together. The entire world belongs to us. " Sect Leader Qing Song said. At this point, a smile couldn't help but appear on his face.    


"That's right." Mond nodded his head and said. He was so happy that he couldn't see the mocking smile on Mond's face.    


After the two of them discussed the matter of cooperation, Mond left.    


After Mond left, the smile on Qing Song's face disappeared. Looking at where Mond had left, he whispered to himself, "When all of you are done, let's see how I will deal with all of you. Not only do I want to rule the Mortal World, I also want to rule the Demon Realm! "    


That's right. Sect Leader Qing Song's ambition was not small. Just ruling the Mortal World alone was not enough to satisfy him. He felt that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. At that time... The Devils and the other sects would fight to the death. As long as he kept his strength, he would be able to eliminate both of them. As for himself, he was the boss of Mortal World and Demon Realm, and with the existence of the transfer formation... This would also allow Sect Leader to easily travel between Mortal World and Demon Realm.    


Thinking of his beautiful future, a crazy smile emerged on Sect Leader Qing Song's face. It seemed like he could already see his glorious future. As long as he could endure for a few more days, he would be able to do so!    


On the other side, after Mond left Heavenly Martial Sect, the smile on his face also disappeared. There was only ridicule on his face.    


"Humph! You are just like a clown. How dare you try to use us? You are courting death!" Mond said to himself.    


Although Mond didn't know what Sect Leader Qing Song was thinking about controlling the Demon Realm, but... The other side wanted to borrow their strength to suppress the other sects in the Mortal World. Mond could roughly guess what they were thinking after that.    


Qing Song thought that his plan was very good, but Mond had already seen through his thoughts. The reason why he had cooperated with Qing Song back then was to buy some time. And Qing Song had indeed completed his mission very well. In Mond's opinion, ...... Qing Song had lost most of his value. Such a clown... He looked at it and felt annoyed.    


"I'll let you jump around for a few more days!" Mond thought in his heart. Then, he rushed back to Hundred Thousand Mountains.    


In the inner part of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, in a small hidden cave. At this moment, there was a slight rustling sound of teleportation. Then... A beautiful woman walked out of the cave. It was Meng Yaoer, who had disappeared for more than a month!    


Meng Yaoer was not in a good condition at the moment. Her face was pale and her breath was not as stable as before. She looked at her surroundings and chose a direction to walk in.    


The special training one month ago had changed Meng Yaoer's fate. She was originally the last disciple of building owner of Still Water House. She was extremely beautiful. Her talent was also excellent. If she cultivated for a few more years... When Grand Nun Jing Wen went there, Meng Yaoer would most likely be in charge of the Still Water House. The other disciples also liked her.    


However, the trial that took place a month ago had changed everything. They had encountered the terrifying Devils, and because of their weak strength, they had no choice but to flee from the Hundred Thousand Mountains.    


And during the process of fleeing, Meng Yaoer had suffered some injuries. After that, she was separated from the main group. She rolled down the slope. She fell into a coma. When she woke up, there was no one around. There was no one from the Devils or her fellow disciples. In fact, she didn't even know where she was.    


Fortunately, during the process of her coma, thus, after simply treating her wound, Meng Yaoer chose a direction to move forward. After all, it was not too far from where she rolled down. If she carefully examined it, it would take some time. However, it was also very likely that she would find the way back.    


However, her luck did not last for long. Not long after she left, she encountered the attack of the Vicious Beast. It was a leopard-like creature. However, its sharp claws and long teeth... It was clear that it was not a kind creature. Seeing its ferocious gaze... Meng Yaoer also knew that this creature was definitely not easy to deal with.    


Sure enough, after the fight, Meng Yaoer was injured. After that, she could only escape with injuries while the Vicious Beast chased closely behind. Fortunately, Meng Yaoer also had the strength. After all, she was building owner's last disciple. Naturally, she had some ability. Therefore, the Vicious Beast was also injured by her. Otherwise, he might have already caught up to Meng Yaoer.    


However, Meng Yaoer's current situation was definitely not good. She had already been injured before, but now her condition was even worse. And under the pursuit of the Vicious Beast, she seemed to be in a panic. She wasn't very familiar with the way back, but under such circumstances... She didn't have the time to carefully investigate either. She was thinking in her heart... She had to escape from the pursuit of the Vicious Beast first.    


In the end, Meng Yaoer indeed avoided the pursuit of the Vicious Beast. However, she had already arrived in a completely unfamiliar environment. Everything around her seemed exceptionally quiet. However, there was also a terrifying atmosphere. She couldn't even find a way back.    


Meng Yaoer was helpless. As long as she brought her injured body along, she could slowly find the way back. She knew the danger in this mountain. She could not stay here for long, or else it would be even more dangerous.    


However, the danger in Hundred Thousand Mountains exceeded her imagination. Although she was already very careful, she still encountered quite a number of Vicious Beasts. Because of this, she had been fighting along the way, fleeing for her life. Finally... Not only was she getting more and more injured, she was also fleeing in a direction that was getting further and further away from the place she had come from.    


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