Universe Storage Box

C1808 Surprise

C1808 Surprise

Kidd's grandfather and his butler were very powerful and important people in the Germany. However, in terms of skill, they were just ordinary people. Moreover, they were ordinary old men, so their strength was naturally incomparable to the two men in black. Because of this, even if they were struggling with all their might... It was useless.    


"Wh... Why?" Kid's grandfather struggled to ask the man in black.    


"Because you offended someone you can't afford to offend!" The leader of the men in black said lightly, "We can't afford to offend that person either. In order to survive, we can only kill you."    


"Heh... Heh..." Kid's grandfather laughed bitterly. He seemed to have understood a lot of things. He also thought of his own grandson. He didn't think that he would be the same as his grandson. He was the one who found Huang Feng and killed him. And now, he was sure that his grandson had been killed by Huang Feng. Although it wasn't his own grandson who was killed, it was just like what happened now.    


"Huang Feng, what a good Huaxia man. I... I misjudged him." Kid's grandfather said to himself. There wasn't much fear on his face, but more regret.    


At his age, he had already looked down on anger. However, he regretted being too hesitant earlier. He should have attacked Huang Feng a long time ago. He should have attacked at the previous dinner. He should not have underestimated ___. Although he felt that he had attached a lot of importance to ___ before this... However... Now, it seemed that it was still not enough. And such contempt... It also led to his own death.    


Grandpa Kid's struggles became smaller and smaller. He knew that he would not be able to live today. He only hated himself for not being able to avenge his grandson before his death.    


The other one, Grandpa Kid's butler, an old man who had followed him for decades, had already swallowed his last breath before him.    


After confirming that Kid's grandfather was completely dead, the man in black finally let go of him.    


"Clean up this place. Make the scene a bit messy. Take some money and disguise the scene as a thief entering the house to steal." The leader of the men in black said to his subordinate.    


This was because Kidd's grandfather had been investigating Huang Feng. Although not many people knew about this matter, however... There must be. And at this time, if Kidd's grandfather was suddenly killed... It would easily make people suspect Huang Feng.    


These men in black wanted to seek refuge with Huang Feng, naturally, they wanted to do the things that Huang Feng told them to do well. Therefore, the leader of the men in black decided to disguise the scene as a thief and fail to steal. If he was found and killed, then... Huang Feng would be less likely to be suspected.    


The other man in black nodded and started to disguise himself.    


"Peter, how is it going on your side?" The man in black asked through the walkie-talkie.    


"The surveillance system here has been hacked, and the previous records have been deleted by me. No one will know that we've been here before." The voice of the man in black came.    


"Very good, do it cleanly."    


After removing all traces of himself, the two men in black who entered... Only then did they turn around and leave, and the room returned to silence. However, there were two more cold corpses. Blood kept flowing out of their bodies. It dyed the ground blood red.    


Huang Feng saw those men in black again the next morning. At this time, he also used other channels. He found out about the death of Grandpa Kidd. As for the housekeeper of Grandpa Kidd... Huang Feng did not take it to heart.    


"That's right. You have done a great job this time." Huang Feng said with satisfaction.    


Indeed, he had received the news from Chief Wang. It was Grandpa Kid and his butler. He suspected that it was because the thief had entered the house and stolen, which happened to be seen by the two of them. The thief had evil intentions in his heart, so he stabbed two people to death. Although they were two people, however, they were both old and had encountered young thieves... They couldn't beat him.    


The scene was in chaos. Grandpa Kid and his butler had also lost a lot of cash. Everything showed that this was an ordinary burglary case... It was only because the thief was discovered that the tragedy that followed happened.    


When Chief Wang and the others investigated the surrounding surveillance cameras, they also discovered that the surveillance system had been broken. As a result, they did not obtain any useful information.    


This way, naturally, not many people would look at Huang Feng with suspicion. Although the people's cars and Grandpa Kid's family were all pressuring Chief Wang and the others, they wanted them to solve the case as soon as possible, but no one said anything. This was done by Huang Feng. After all, judging from the situation at the scene, it was indeed very difficult to link this matter to Huang Feng.    


All of this naturally made Huang Feng very satisfied with the performance of these men in black. After all, although he wasn't afraid of trouble, he didn't like trouble. He usually had so many things to do, so he didn't have too much time and energy. Exhausting on this matter?    


"Come here, I'll help you remove the Life And Death Talisman." Huang Feng said.    


Regarding these people, he didn't treat them like the previous assassin. He just killed them to silence them. The main reason was that these people handled matters beautifully. Moreover, they were very obedient, unlike the previous person... They actually wanted to make a deal with Huang Feng, and even threaten him. Huang Feng naturally wouldn't let that person stay.    


However, Huang Feng had never thought of silencing these people. In any case, they wouldn't normally stay in the Huaxia Country. Once this matter was over, they would surely leave Hua Xia once again. At that time, he wouldn't have anything to worry about.    


Those men in black naturally wouldn't dare to disobey Huang Feng's words. In fact, they really wanted to remove the Life And Death Talisman from his body as soon as possible. The feeling of being itchy in the depths of their souls, they were people who didn't fear the heavens and earth. All of them felt the terror from the bottom of their hearts, and no longer wanted to experience it.    


"Alright, the Life And Death Talisman has been unlocked. I hope you all can leave Huaxia immediately. Don't come here again. Also, what happened last night... I don't want anyone else to know about it. Once you tell anyone else about it... No matter where you are, if I want to kill you, you won't be able to escape!" Huang Feng looked at them coldly and said.    


Although Huang Feng didn't want to kill them, he still needed to warn them. He didn't want to leave too many hidden dangers behind.    


"Mr. Huang, we don't want to leave just like that." The leader of the men in black, a middle-aged man named Hanssen, said.    


"What's wrong? You want to negotiate with me?" Huang Feng raised his brows and said. The killing intent on his body slowly began to emerge. Although he didn't want to kill too many people, however... This didn't mean that he could allow these people to challenge his bottom line! It was impossible for Huang Feng to be willing to see too many hidden dangers. If these people didn't know what was good for them, he did not mind getting rid of them.    


"No, Mr. Huang, you misunderstood me." Hanssen said, "Mr. Huang also knows about our skills and our ability to do things. I think with Mr. Huang's identity, there must be a lot of things that he needs to do. It's not convenient for him to resolve this matter personally. I think that such a matter... You can leave it to us. We will definitely do it beautifully."    


Huang Feng looked at the other party with slight surprise. He understood what the other party meant. They wanted to seek refuge with him. Just like Tian Jun, they wanted to help him deal with some shady matters.    


However, Huang Feng had never thought that the other party would make such a decision. After all, yesterday, both parties were enemies. Furthermore, both of them didn't know each other very well. The sudden change in the other party's attitude made Huang Feng's heart... Indeed, he was a little surprised. This was something that he hadn't thought of before. He even thought that these people would turn hostile immediately, but he had never thought that... These people would choose to join him.    


However, Huang Feng still shook his head and said, "No need. Those things, even if I don't personally appear, I don't need you guys. Your skin is a big problem. It's too conspicuous in Huaxia. "    


Indeed, these people are either white people or black people. Although there are many foreigners in China, but if that's the case... After all, compared to the yellow-skinned Huaxia people, they were more eye-catching. If they were to deal with things, it would be easy to expose them. Thus... It wasn't a good choice for them to stay in China.    


Besides, just like what Huang Feng had said, even if he didn't show up, he would still have the slaves that he had exchanged for. There was even Tian Jun who didn't need these people.    


Thinking about Tian Jun, Huang Feng felt a little emotional in his heart. When the two of them first met, Tian Jun was just a hatchet man. He was still a security guard, but now his career had expanded to the whole country. He had even walked out of the country, and Tian Jun had also developed well. Because Huang Feng had taken care of him intentionally or unintentionally. Therefore... Tian Jun's expansion during this period of time was very fierce. Although his power wasn't as fast as Huang Feng's, However, it had already spread across the entire Qing Province. Although the two of them didn't see each other often, therefore, Huang Feng was very concerned about Tian Jun's situation. And I understand.    


Therefore, Huang Feng didn't lack people who would do such things. There was no need for him to risk his life and leave Hanssen and the others behind.    


After hearing Huang Feng's words, although he had already expected this kind of situation, however, Hanssen still felt disappointed and even a trace of despair. If it wasn't for the fact that he had no other choice, he wouldn't have chosen to join Huang Feng. He had just met this man not long ago, but now, it seemed like... The other party didn't have any intention of accepting them.    


Looking at the other party's expression, Huang Feng knew that there must be something going on here. Otherwise, these people wouldn't have wanted to seek refuge with him. So he asked, "Why do you want to seek refuge with me?"    


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