Universe Storage Box

C1806 Let Go

C1806 Let Go

The men in black finally saw Huang Feng as they wished. However... They had never thought that they would meet Huang Feng as prisoners. Originally... They wanted to catch or kill Huang Feng. But now, their identities had changed. It was Huang Feng who would decide their fate, not... They would decide Huang Feng's fate.    


"You are looking for me?" Huang Feng looked at the few black-clothed men who were forced to kneel by the servants and said. Su Yumo and the other girls had already returned to their rooms. Huang Feng himself came over to interrogate these people.    


Although he had already guessed who the person behind these people was.    


"Pui! Bastard, hurry up and let us go. Otherwise, we'll kill your entire family!" A man in black roared furiously at Huang Feng.    


"It seems like you still don't understand your current status and situation." Huang Feng said in a flat tone.    


Obviously, although this man in black had been captured, he was still unconvinced in his heart. He actually wanted to threaten Huang Feng.    


Huang Feng gave the servant behind the man in black a look. The servant nodded. He hit the head of the man in black and after that, he hit the head of the servant. , the man in black, whose face was still hideous, suddenly froze. There was a trace of blood on his head, and then more and more blood appeared. It made his entire face turn red with blood.    




That person immediately fell to the ground and completely stopped moving.    


"Don't think that I am a kind person. Just now... My woman also said that I'm a bad person. So... I hope you understand your situation and cooperate well... If that's the case, all of you will have a way out. " Huang Feng said in a flat tone. He had seen countless of dead people. He had killed quite a number of them with his own hands. Therefore... He was no longer the soft-hearted university student who had just left school.    


"You will let us go?" The leader of the men in black asked, but he did not believe it. He thought that Huang Feng was playing with them. After all, they were here to kill Huang Feng. Huang Feng should know this. And... And now... Huang Feng would never let them catch them even if they failed.    


"Why not?" Huang Feng smiled and said, "I have no grudges with you guys before. I believe that you guys also accepted the mission and came to find trouble with me, right?"    


The few men in black didn't say anything, but they didn't deny it either. Now, they didn't suspect that Huang Feng was a soft-hearted person, so no one stupidly challenged Huang Feng's bottom line.    


"I didn't deny it. I will take it as your tacit agreement." Huang Feng smiled and said, "Let me guess. The person who asked you to come, was it the shareholder of the Volkswagen Automobiles, and there was a grandson named Kid?"    


"You know all about it?" The leader in black said. He saw how sure Huang Feng was and knew that Huang Feng was really sure about the identity of the person behind it.    


"Of course I know, because I killed his grandson. He wants to kill me. This is very normal." Huang Feng said. Since these people had already come to find him, this meant that Kidd's grandfather was basically certain. He had killed his grandson. On the surface, Huang Feng would never admit to this matter. However... He didn't mind saying it behind his back.    


As expected, the men in black all had shocked expressions on their faces. Kidd's grandfather was quite famous. Although they didn't know this time, why did they want them to kill Huang Feng? But there must be an important reason. However, they didn't expect it to be because of this.    


"Alright, let's not talk about this anymore. Let me tell you the conditions to let you guys go." Huang Feng said, "After all, you are here to kill me. Let's not mention the conditions. Just let them go. I can't just let them go. Am I right?"    


"You really let us go? Aren't you afraid that we'll come back?" The leader of the men in black said.    


"Come back again? Kill me? Do you think you can succeed? " Huang Feng said with a confident smile.    


The men in black did not say anything else, but they understood in their hearts. Indeed, even if they were given another chance, they would never have the chance to succeed. In their hearts, Huang Feng's villa... It was no different from a dragon's pond or tiger's den. It was even more so than the places where the leaders of many countries worked. After all, they could still sneak into those places. As for Huang Feng, they had no chance of success.    


As for the conditions that Huang Feng proposed before letting them go, none of them were surprised. After all, they were here to kill Huang Feng. If Huang Feng let them go so easily, that would be a problem in their heads.    


However, they were somewhat puzzled about what conditions Huang Feng would propose.    


"My condition is very simple. Help me kill Kidd's grandfather." Huang Feng said casually.    


"What?" The leader of the men in black was surprised.    


"I didn't hear you clearly? I don't want to repeat myself." Huang Feng said, "As long as you promise to help me do this, I will let you go."    


"But your subordinates are much more powerful than us. If we let them go, the chances of success will be higher, right?" The leader of the men in black said.    


"I don't want this matter to have anything to do with me, but you guys are different. You guys have always been like this, accepting money and helping others do things. It's normal for you guys to kill him. " Huang Feng said.    


"But, there will also be people who will suspect the person behind this." The leader of the men in black said, "Just like you."    


"So, I want you to do it cleanly, I believe you too With your skills, you won't be easily caught... After all, in this world, someone as powerful as my subordinates... But not many." Huang Feng said.    


"Aren't you afraid that we won't do it before we promise you?"    


"Of course I'm afraid." Huang Feng said, "So, I have to leave something on your bodies."    


After saying that, Huang Feng sprinkled the water in the teacup beside them on their bodies. Then, he pointed at them with his two hands in the void.    


"That's enough." Huang Feng said with satisfaction.    


They were a little confused. They did not know what Huang Feng's few orders would do. It did not hurt or itch.    


However, after they thought about it, they suddenly felt an itch on their bodies. Besides, the itch was getting stronger and stronger. They couldn't care less about Huang Feng and his subordinates. They kept scratching and scratching on their bodies.    


"How is it? Is it very itchy? It's so itchy that you want to die. " Huang Feng was not unfamiliar with this kind of situation. He had been inside their bodies just now. This was a very good way to control a person.    


Those men in black didn't have the time and energy to answer Huang Feng's question. They rolled on the ground. They kept scratching and scratching, but it didn't have any effect. That itchy feeling seemed to come from the bottom of their hearts. No matter how he scratched, it couldn't be alleviated.    


After a long while, they finally stopped. That feeling had also disappeared. At this time, they were all lying on the ground, gasping for breath. Their bodies were already drenched in sweat.    


"That feeling just now, they will experience it every once in a while. And in this world, only I can help you... [Remove that feeling...] So, after they leave this place... If they don't come back, I won't say anything. As long as you can bear that feeling just now. " Huang Feng said.    


Upon hearing Huang Feng's words, the faces of the few men in black turned pale with fright. They no longer wanted to experience the feeling of living a life worse than death just now. That kind of feeling was even more unbearable than killing them. When they thought about how they would often have that kind of feeling in the future, they felt that... They might as well just die.    


"Alright, the matter has been clarified. You can leave now. I hope you can do this nicely and not leave any traces behind. I don't want anyone to investigate me. After all... I am an honest and law-abiding citizen." Huang Feng said.    


After that, Huang Feng waved his hand and asked the servants to send these men in black away. As for what choice they would make, Huang Feng didn't want to care. It would be best if they could make a move. If they didn't, he would just send someone else. Anyway, he was going to kill Kidd's grandfather!    


"Boss, should we do this?" Outside the villa, after a few men in black were sent out, the servants all went back and the villa regained its peace.    


The men in black did not know what to do, so they asked their leader. The leader looked at the quiet villa behind him and was deeply afraid. It was as if there was a terrifying beast lying there, terrifying to the point of making one's heart palpitate!    


"Do you think we still have a chance to choose?" The leader in black said, "Unless you want to experience that feeling again!"    


The leader's words made the others subconsciously shiver. They were originally people of the Dark World, so they had to deal with all kinds of punishments in this world. They had all heard of it, and thought that even if they were caught, after being tortured, they would still be able to hold on.    


After that, Huang Feng simply pointed a few times, but it made them unable to resist at all. It was a feeling that came from the bottom of their hearts. It was incomparably itchy, and they couldn't bear it at all.    


Obviously, they would never want to have that feeling again.    


"So, we can only do as he says. There's no other choice." The leader of the men in black said: "Furthermore, this Huaxia man is very powerful, we have settled this matter properly. It can also be considered showing his face in front of him in the future. , if he has anything that he doesn't want to do personally, he can leave it to us... I believe that joining such a person won't do us any harm. "    


The others were shocked and said," Boss, you want to rely on him? "    


After all, these people had never joined any power before. Even though there were people who wanted to subdue them, none of them agreed.    


And now, their chief clearly had the intention to seek refuge with Huang Feng.    


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