Universe Storage Box

C1790 The Number of Online Users Has Greatly Decreased

C1790 The Number of Online Users Has Greatly Decreased

"How is it? How's the investigation going? What's the situation with that China company? " A European middle-aged man asked his secretary. He was the boss of Game Company. Although his company was not the largest in the country, however, the benefits were still acceptable.    


However, he didn't expect that such a China company would suddenly appear, catching him off guard.    


"I'm not sure yet." That person's secretary said with some difficulty: " However, this' Space-Time Game 'company, as well as some time ago... The rumored' Space-Time Car 'company might be backed by the same boss."    


"The same boss? Then why didn't he manufacture cars? Why did he come here to make games?" The middle-aged man said angrily, "D * mn it, he made games so well."    


The secretary looked at his boss. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.    


"Boss, it's not good. It's not good." At this moment, a supervisor ran in and said in a panic.    


"What's wrong? Don't you know you have to knock before coming in?" The middle-aged man said angrily, although he didn't do anything intimate with his secretary this time. However, what if the supervisor barged in the same way the next time he did something? Wouldn't he be seen?    


The supervisor's expression was also a little awkward. At this moment, he remembered the rumors about the boss and secretary in the company. He might as well just say that nothing had happened just now. Otherwise, he would be even more embarrassed.    


"Alright, tell me. What's going on?" The boss asked.    


The manager who came in heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Boss, the number of online users in the games run by our company has dropped a lot today."    


"What? What's going on?" The boss stood up and said. Those players were his parents. Without players, who would he earn money from?    


"We found out this morning that the number of people online at the same time decreased by about 20%." The manager said. He was in charge of monitoring all kinds of data in the game. So, this morning, after the data abnormality, he was the first to discover it.    


"20%? That much? What's going on? " The boss was also a little panicked. It suddenly decreased by 20%. This was not a small number." Could it be an accident? "    


If it was an accident, then there was no need to worry. Those players would still come back.    


"Maybe not." The supervisor shook his head with a solemn expression and said: "From morning till now, the number of people online has been constantly decreasing. I entered the game with my own account and found that many players were discussing the game called 'The World' in China. Many people who have already bought the game equipment no longer appear in our game. They all went to play the game developed by China, and among the remaining people... Many of them were also discussing this game. Many of them went offline to queue up to buy the game equipment. "    


When he discovered that the data in his company's game was abnormal, the supervisor entered the game. Through the chat channel in the game, he also knew why this situation had occurred.    


At this moment, the discussion in the game channel was no longer about Instance Dungeons. Equipment, teaming up, and so on were all discussing the game 'The World'. Some of the players' friends had already bought this game equipment at the first possible moment. The experience was very good, and many people wanted to buy it. Although, at this time, there weren't many game equipment that "Space-Time Game" had invested in overseas.    


However, under the propaganda of the first batch of people who obtained this equipment, the reputation had already started to ferment. Some people who bought the equipment... Naturally, they would no longer play other games, and those who had not bought the equipment... At this time, they also had thoughts of queuing up to buy equipment. Thus, in this company's game, the number of players online decreased by so much. Not all of these people who had disappeared had gone to play the game "The World." Most of them had gone to buy the equipment.    


However, it was certain that once these people bought the gaming equipment for "The World," they would never return to this game.    


In other words, the loss of players in front of them was not a coincidence. Moreover, as the "Time Game" company continued to invest more gaming equipment, more and more players would be lost on their side.    


"They all went to buy the gaming equipment?" The company's boss was also stunned. "Is that game really that attractive?"    


"I'm afraid so." The company's manager said. After a slight hesitation, he continued, "Yesterday, I also entered that game. It was indeed done well."    


This time, the company's boss's face became even uglier. Although he knew that the game "Time Game" was not bad and was currently swallowing up their market, but he didn't think that it would affect his company so quickly... And the impact was so huge, how long had it been? 20% of the game players in his company were gone. As time went on, that was even more unimaginable.    


"Quick, organize a few promotional activities for the players. Try to keep the players as long as possible. Also, find some Internet trolls. Anyone who enters the game and discovers that someone is discussing the game 'The World' on the public channel... Let these spammers vilify it and say that it's useless." The company's boss quickly sobered up from his boredom and quickly took measures to remedy the situation.    


"Okay, I'll go right away." The manager of the company quickly said and then left in a hurry. He knew that it was not an exaggeration to say that... At this moment... The company had reached a moment of life and death. If it wasn't handled properly, it would be a fatal blow to their company. Even their company might not be able to recover from this setback.    


Therefore, he did not dare to delay any longer and quickly followed the instructions of the boss.    


After the director left, his mood did not change much. Although he had already taken some measures to make up for it, but... It was hard to say how effective it would be. He had never thought that... Under the impact of the game, he was able to keep his current position... But now, he had suffered heavy losses from such a foreign game.    


In fact, this game of the "Time Game" company had an impact on the other Game Company. Obviously, it would not only affect one company. On this day, many of the higher ups of the Game Company realized that the game under their banner... At the same time, the number of people online kept decreasing, and the ones that affected this situation... It was all because of the operation of the game "The World."    


Many of the higher ups of the Game Company had also realized the danger. Not only the supervisor of the previous company, but also many people. This matter was a major crisis. If it wasn't handled properly... It could very well affect the operations and development of the entire company.    


Therefore, these Game Company all took out all kinds of special activities. They only hoped to retain the current players. At the same time, they wanted to publicize their own company's games. They also increased the number of promotional activities on the front lines. And the "Time Game" company began to fight in the arena.    


Regarding this situation, Huang Feng and He Bo also knew about it very quickly. They didn't feel surprised about it either. However, they believed that with the technology and content of their company's games, it would definitely attract more players.    


Of course, they wouldn't do nothing. If that was the case, it would be easy for others to take advantage of the chaos. So, while they were speeding up the production of gaming equipment, the publicity work had never stopped, and the wine aroma was also afraid of the alley being too deep. They also knew that even if they had confidence in their own company's games, however, they didn't have the slightest bit of carelessness.    


Because of this, the "Time Game" company was not only fighting against the Game Company in the country, but also against the Game Company in other countries. This made many of the Game Company see hope.    


Although the "Space-Time Game" company's game had some groundbreaking significance, it was indeed attractive enough to be ahead of the other Game Company.    


However, with the strength of a company, at the same time, it could compete with many other industries. To many people, this was an arrogant performance. Furthermore, this company was a newcomer in this field. This made it even more difficult for people to look favorably upon it.    


Therefore, those people from the Game Company also felt that although the "Space-Time Game" company was outstanding, it was now besieged by numerous Game Company. In the end, it could only be a failure.    


However, they weren't happy for long because the first thing they felt after hearing the declaration of the 'Space-Time Entertainment' was the pressure of the Game Company in the Huaxia Country.    


The "Space-Time Entertainment" officially announced to the public that in the future, the company's movies and TV series would be filmed in the "World" game. Even some music video would be filmed in the game.    


"The Space-Time Entertainment company had received a lot of attention during this period of time. Their statement was immediately known by the people in the country. This made many people surprised. At the same time, many movie production companies... Investors were interested.    


One had to know that often, a movie or a television, during the process of filming, setting up a scene was not only troublesome, but it would also cost a lot of money. Wait a minute. After the TV and movie were finished, those scenes that cost a lot of money and manpower to set up... They would also be abandoned, even if it was those film and television bases in the country. The maintenance fees every year would not be small.    


If one could take a view in the game, it would not only be much more convenient. It would also save a lot of money and manpower. So... At this moment, many film production companies were interested. They did not think that "Space-Time Entertainment" would joke about this matter. Therefore, they only wanted to know. What should they do about this?    


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