Universe Storage Box

C1640 He Was Scared

C1640 He Was Scared

"Thank you, Auntie." Bai Xiaorou said to Huang Feng's mother with a smile.    


This made Huang Feng's mother even more satisfied with Bai Xiaorou. She pulled Bai Xiaorou and was about to walk into the house.    


"Mom! I am still here!" Huang Feng shouted again. Was he invisible? Why couldn't his mother see him? He had clearly shouted his name just now.    


Luckily, Huang Feng's words were finally useful this time. His mother let go of Bai Xiaorou's hand and came in front of Huang Feng. Huang Feng was delighted. He thought that his mother would show some concern for him. However, his mother suddenly reached out her right hand and pinched his ear. "I know you are here, but you still know to come back."    


As she spoke, Huang Feng's mother blushed a little. However, she held it in. Of course, she missed her son. Furthermore, she could roughly guess that her son might not be doing well outside. That was why she had not returned for such a long time.    


Their family was only in the countryside, so they had some land. However, they could not make much money, and Huang Tingting was still in school. She needed a lot of money, so even if Huang Feng's mother wanted to help her son, furthermore, Huang Feng was not young anymore. He had to prepare for his marriage. Naturally, he did not have any extra money to help his son.    


Therefore, she could only pretend that she did not know about her son's situation. In her heart, she blamed herself and her husband for being useless. She could not help her son and let him suffer outside.    


And this year, Huang Feng suddenly said that he had collaborated with someone to open a factory. He earned money and sent some to his family every month. Huang Feng's mother was happy, but also worried. She was afraid that her son would go astray. Luckily, she treated her son well. She knew a little about him, but the money he sent back... She didn't touch it. She didn't know when this business person would lose money. Therefore, she had to save up all the money. She had to prepare it for her son and save it for marriage.    


Now that she saw her son finally come back, Huang Feng's mother was naturally happy. That incident just now had only slightly vented the dissatisfaction in her heart. She blamed Huang Feng for not coming back for such a long time. After all, he was her son. No matter how bad it was, she wouldn't care.    


"It hurts, it hurts!" Huang Feng pretended to scream in pain. In fact, he did not use much strength at the moment. Besides, Huang Feng himself was also covered in copper skin and iron bones. He wasn't afraid of this bit of strength, but he still had to put on an act. He knew that he must have some resentment in his heart for not being able to return for such a long time.    


"You still know pain? Do you dare not come back for such a long time in the future?" Huang Feng's mother asked.    


"I don't dare, I don't dare." Huang Feng said, "Mom, Xiaorou is still here. Please save me some face."    


Hearing this, Huang Feng's mother immediately let go of him. She didn't want her son to be embarrassed in front of his girlfriend. In fact, what she didn't know was that Huang Feng and Bai Xiaorou didn't care about these things at all. Seeing Huang Feng being taught a lesson, Bai Xiaorou even secretly laughed at the side. These women couldn't control Huang Feng. Who would have thought that... When Huang Feng came to his mother's side, he immediately felt sad. It seemed like he had to learn some tricks from this future mother-in-law.    


Huang Feng's mother walked to Bai Xiaorou's side, held her hand and said, "Come, let's enter the house. The wind outside is really strong."    


Then, she also turned her head and said to Huang Feng, "Kid, come in quickly. You still need me to treat you."    


"This treatment is really like heaven and earth." Huang Feng rubbed his ears and said softly as he returned home.    


"Hey, where's Dad?" Huang Feng asked when he saw that his father was not home.    


"He went to the village to help your uncle kill pigs." Huang Feng's mother said. In the countryside, there was a tradition of killing pigs during the Spring Festival. Usually, people in the village would ask for help and even make a rich meal. They would invite the famous people in the village to eat pig slaughtering rice together.    


Although Huang Feng's father was in his fifties, he was obviously not a famous person in the village. People like him were usually old people or officers in the village. Huang Feng's father was there to help kill pigs.    


As they were talking, a middle-aged man walked in with a skewer of pork in his hand.    


"Who's the car outside? Why is it parked in front of our house? Be careful not to break it. " The middle-aged man said as he walked in.    


When he saw Huang Feng's figure, his body clearly paused for a moment. Then, he calmly said, "You're back?"    


"Yes, Dad, I'm back." Yes, Huang Feng said.    


"It's good that you are back," ___ said. Huang Feng's father said. Although his tone was calm, Huang Feng could still hear the trace of emotion from his father's mouth. Obviously, his father was forcefully suppressing the excitement in his heart.    


"The pig has been killed? Come quickly, my son has brought his girlfriend back." Huang Feng's mother took the pork from her husband and said.    


"Hello, uncle." Bai Xiaorou said respectfully.    


"Hello, hello." Facing Bai Xiaorou, Huang Feng's father did not hide his emotions. He seemed very happy, and his face was full of smiles.    


Obviously, the husband and wife were very satisfied that their son could find such a beautiful girlfriend.    


"Is that car outside your son's car? The children next door didn't touch it, did they?" Huang Feng's mother said.    


"No, but a few of them are still playing by the side." Huang Feng's father said. Then, he looked at Huang Feng in surprise and said, "That car is yours?"    


"Yes, I just bought it not long ago." Huang Feng said.    


"You bought it? I thought it was from your boss." Huang Feng's mother said in surprise, although she didn't know cars. However, the most common kind of cars bought in the village... They cost more than 100,000 yuan. This was his son's car. No matter how he looked at it, it was more beautiful than the cars of other people. It would definitely be more expensive. His son had just graduated not long ago, and he had not been doing very well in his previous life. Why did he have the money to buy such a good car?    


"Which boss would be willing to lend such a good car to someone else to drive home?" Huang Feng said with a smile.    


"This car is cheap." Huang Feng's father said.    


"Hmm, not bad. About two million." Huang Feng said. This was what he said to lower the price. In fact, this car could be sold in real life. Even if it really existed, the price would definitely not be lower than ten million!    


Huang Feng said two million just to make it easier for his parents to accept it.    


However, Huang Feng had obviously overestimated the endurance of his parents. When they heard Huang Feng say his car was worth two million, the couple widened their eyes in shock.    


"How, how much?" Huang Feng's mother asked again in disbelief, wondering if she had misheard him just now.    


"More than two million." Huang Feng said helplessly. Only now did he remember... His family's condition had never been good. He estimated that his family's savings were now... This was because he had sent the money back earlier. Otherwise, it would be even less. After all, Huang Feng's parents were just ordinary farmers. They did not know how to do business and did not earn much money in a year. Previously, they had to provide for two children to go to school. Their family had always been very poor. However, after Huang Feng graduated, his situation became better.    


And the money that Huang Feng had recently come into contact with was not a small amount. Not to mention the money in his Storage Box that had the same number of characters. Even the basic movie that had just been released had already earned him more than 1 billion. Therefore, 2 million was indeed a small number in his heart. A very small figure.    


That was why the current situation was created. Huang Feng felt that two million was already very little, but to his parents, two million was an astronomical figure, and they just bought a car? The two of them were clearly very shocked.    


"No, I have to go out and take a look. Don't let those naughty children ruin it." Huang Feng's mother immediately put down the pork in her hands and rushed out.    


"Auntie, I will go with you." Bai Xiaorou said, "There are some snacks in the car that can be given to those children."    


Huang Feng knew that there were many children in the village. Furthermore, they would often visit each other, and there were not many rules in the city. Therefore, when he came back this time, he bought a lot of things for his parents. He also bought a lot of snacks.    


Bai Xiaorou and Huang Feng's mother both went out. Only the father and son were left in the house. Huang Feng's father looked at his son. It had been two years since they last saw each other. Clearly, he had matured, and he also had some confidence in himself. It was obvious that he was different from the other young men in the village.    


"He really made money?" Huang Feng's father asked.    


Huang Feng had previously sent money to his family and said that he had opened a factory with a friend. He had earned some money, but Huang Feng's parents did not believe him. His son did not have the capital, so how could he open a factory? Moreover, even if he opened a factory, at the beginning, he would not be able to make much money from the initial investment. Development, wages for workers, etc., all required money. Although Huang Feng's parents were just ordinary farmers, but... They understood these principles.    


Therefore, neither of them believed that Huang Feng had earned a lot of money. They had also saved up the money that Huang Feng had sent home. They had prepared it for Huang Feng in case he could use it or prepare it for his wedding. Marriage now cost a lot of money. Dog Two in the village had just gotten married not long ago. Just the betrothal gift alone cost 100,000 yuan. Huang Feng's parents immediately felt a great pressure. Therefore, they didn't dare to use a single cent of the money Huang Feng sent back.    


But now, seeing Huang Feng's car cost more than 2 million yuan. Huang Feng's father began to believe his son's words. He knew his son very well. He knew that ___ would not take any crooked path. Therefore... This money must have come from a very legitimate source. He guessed that his son might have met some kind of benefactor to support him. That was why he had earned so much money in such a short period of time.    


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