Universe Storage Box

C1637 It's Over!

C1637 It's Over!



Director Zhang's words caused a huge commotion on the Internet. Those Internet trolls had just said it on the Internet. The matter of "stealing the box office box office" was completely fictitious. It did not exist at all. Director Zhang's character was so good. How could he possibly do such a thing?    


However, not long after that, not only did the relevant departments of the country send people to investigate. Even one of the main characters of the incident, Director Zhang, stood out. His words indicated that although he did not participate in the "stealing of the box office," he did know about it. In other words, the matter of the box office theft was real. It was not fabricated by the Space-Time Entertainment.    


If it was anyone else who said this, some people might even say it. What the other party said was a lie. It was a bribe from the Space-Time Entertainment. However, when Director Zhang came out and said it... He and the Space-Time Entertainment were standing opposite of each other. Both of them were competing for the box office. However, he almost turned red with anger. If he said something bad about the Space-Time Entertainment, there would be people who would suspect him. But... He was indirectly defending the Space-Time Entertainment. This way, there would naturally be more people who would believe him.    


Thus, those people who were originally wavering on the internet, at this moment... They once again believed in the Space-Time Entertainment. Even Director Zhang himself said that there was indeed a matter of "stealing the box office box office" in his movie, so it definitely existed.    


Those investors were furious. They did not expect this. Originally, they were now in charge of the cultural department and the business department in the province. They were already very tired. They were deeply afraid of any mistakes. He would be caught by the other party.    


In the end, Director Zhang stabbed them in the back. This was a deadly strike at this sensitive moment. It caught the investors unprepared. They couldn't even think of any remedies. Apart from anger, there was also fear!    


Indeed, they were really afraid this time!    


Initially, when the relevant departments announced that they would investigate them, they felt that something was amiss. They used their connections to find out what was going on. However, they did not manage to get any useful information from their connections. The department in charge of managing the movie market was very determined this time. Moreover, they had also said that once it was confirmed... It would be strictly handled.    


This made the investors afraid. It was not like they had never done something like this before. When other movies had their box office box office stolen, those people would rarely make a sound. Even if they made a sound, no one would pay attention to them.    


But this time, it was clearly different. Huang Feng and the others had just come out to talk about this matter not long ago, and the higher-ups had already made a move. It was fast and hateful. Clearly, they had come with ill intentions!    


Adding on the provincial cultural and business departments, they were now suddenly on a joint visit. They wanted to investigate their company, which made them panic even more. The key was that Director Zhang actually came out to cause trouble at this time. Furthermore, it was the kind of fatal blow. These investors seemed to have already felt that it was going to be difficult for them this time.    


Director Zhang's words caused the reputation of Space-Time Entertainment to rise once again, but it also made the situation of those investors even more difficult. At this time, even those Internet trolls did not dare to say anything. No matter how much they said, it was not as useful as what Director Zhang said at that time.    


The relevant departments also discussed Director Zhang. They talked about the matter of "stealing the box office." Obviously, the higher-ups were serious. Director Zhang also told them everything he knew in detail. Originally, he had promised to let those investors mess around. Director Zhang felt very uncomfortable in his heart. This had broken his principles.    


Now that he had told them everything, he felt much better. He had already apologized to the audience and fans for his movie's failure. As for the investors, he had done his best. Therefore, he couldn't do anything about it if the box office wasn't good.    


With Director Zhang's participation, the investigation progressed very quickly. Very soon, the relevant departments announced to the public that "stealing the box office sales" existed. The companies behind those investors... They had to compensate the Space-Time Entertainment for their losses, including the box office sales and reputation losses. This time, Zheng Shuai did not show any mercy. He wanted to take advantage of these people.    


As for the cultural department and the business department of the province, at this moment... The results of the investigation were out. The companies that the investors were in. In terms of operations, there was a certain amount of violation. Some were big and some were small, so these companies were ordered to close down and reorganize. Without reorganization, the company could not continue operating. As for the other movies that they had invested in... Due to their influence, the screening date was postponed indefinitely.    


It's over!    


This was the feeling those investors had after knowing the outcome of this incident. They really felt that it was over. The shadow of "Space-Time Entertainment" was behind this incident. Now, the higher-ups wanted them to reorganize. Otherwise, the company would not be allowed to operate until it was reorganised and qualified. As for when they would meet the requirements, it was up to others to decide. If others said that you were not qualified, it would be useless no matter what you did!    


Based on the current situation, it would be impossible for them to meet the standards. At least, it would be impossible for them to meet the standards within a short period of time.    


At the same time, these investors were also curious and frightened of Huang Feng's background. After all, after the incident, these few people were not idle either. They were all doing activities everywhere, looking for connections. However, in the end, it had been useless. Nothing had changed the outcome. In the end, they still had to pay for it. They had to close down their businesses and reorganize their businesses. Even the movies they had invested in could not be released as scheduled.    


Of course, they would not think that the people they had hired did not contribute. Instead, there were people who were more powerful than the people they had hired meddling in this matter. That was why the people they had hired had returned empty-handed. It was the people they found. Apart from Huang Feng, they really couldn't think of anyone else.    


Playing the pig to eat the tiger!    


Such a term appeared in the minds of the investors. Huang Feng had not been very high-profile and arrogant in the past. In fact, he had been very calm and low-profile, making people think that he was just an ordinary person.    


However, this matter clearly told everyone that he had a relationship with them. Moreover, his relationship was very strong. It was not something that ordinary people could compare with. The relationship of those investors combined could not be compared with others.    


This made the investors and the people who were paying attention to this matter feel frightened. It turned out that in the entertainment industry, a big shot had unknowingly appeared. A big shot that could eat people at any time.    


Regarding the outcome of this matter, other than those investors who felt afraid and no longer dared to provoke Huang Feng, there was another person who was very afraid. That was Tao Xing.    


Ever since the "box office theft" incident, Tao Xing had been paying attention to this matter. It was only at this moment that he realized why his movie was... As the reputation of the movie continued to decline, and as the number of films decreased... It wasn't because they were trying hard to promote it... It was because someone had done something to it.    


When Tao Xing first found out about this, he did not pay much attention to it. Because he had been in the entertainment industry for many years. It was not surprising that he knew about it. At this time, what they were fighting about was the background of both parties. Your background was not as good as others. Your movie box office was stolen, and there was no place to reason with it.    


And Tao Xing obviously did not think that in terms of background, those investment companies behind this movie would lose. One had to know that these people were all old foxes in the entertainment industry. The network of connections was interwoven. Ordinary people wouldn't be able to touch them at all. If Huang Feng wanted to get an explanation from them, it was simply impossible.    


Later on, when a large-scale water army appeared on the Internet about the matter of public relations, Tao Xing was also not surprised. He knew that those investors were taking action. As expected, the thoughts of those netizens on the Internet started to waver. Someone went to watch their movie again, and the box office box office increased once again.    


However, before Tao Xing could be happy for long, the relevant departments on the top directly spoke up. They wanted to investigate this matter, and the provincial cultural department and the Industrial and Commercial Department actually wanted to investigate the companies where the investors were. Tao Xing could smell a trace of danger from these matters.    


When Director Zhang also stepped forward to speak about this matter, Tao Xing finally felt that the situation was not good. Sure enough, not long after, a series of measures were taken to deal with the investors and the movie. It was all against the movie and the investors, and Huang Feng and his movies. Even the news on the TV had reported Huang Feng's movies. It was a classic movie that was hard to come by in many years.    


This was reported on the most authoritative news in China, and the impact was even greater. It was so big that there was no end to it, and there were even some organizations... The government organizations all organized their employees to watch this movie. Therefore, Huang Feng's movie box office was like a rocket. It kept rising, and it seemed like it was not far from the box office record.    


On the other hand, the movie that Tao Xing starred in was punished by the company that the investors were in. As long as it was a movie that the investors invested in, it could not be released. It had not yet been released. The movie was postponed indefinitely. Those who had already been released immediately got off the shelves.    


Therefore, Tao Xing's movie was directly downloaded from the cinema. And his movie's box office was finally fixed at 580 million. It was not even 600 million, and that was after the investors stole the box office numbers. Otherwise, the box office would be even lower!    


Huang Feng's movie, on the other hand, had box office sales two days ago. Furthermore, the rate of growth had not decreased at all. Even with the news coverage, the momentum was still increasing. Tao Xing's movie had been completely defeated.    


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