Universe Storage Box

C1622 A New Bet

C1622 A New Bet

"Tao Xing challenged me?" Huang Feng was very calm in front of so many cameras. What kind of big scene was this? He had never seen it before? Although there were many reporters in front of him, they could not make him lose his sense of propriety. The camera opposite him smiled and said, "I accept!"    


The reporters below immediately boiled up. They were just entertainment reporters. They did not care who would win in the end. To them, as long as there was explosive news, it would be fine.    


And now, the A-list movie star had challenged the big boss of Entertainment Company. The big boss had even acted in a movie and was the boyfriend of another A-list celebrity. In addition, both of them had recently released their movies. The attention was very high, and these two people actually made such a bet... It was very attractive to the ordinary audience.    


And the attraction would also mean that they would have a lot of traffic and clicks, which meant that they would receive even more bonuses!    


Therefore, it was not difficult to understand why the reporters were so happy when they heard Huang Feng agree.    


"President Huang, seeing how confident you are, are you confident in your movie?" A reporter asked. The microphone was about to reach Huang Feng's mouth. It was not because he wanted to, but because there were too many reporters around. Everyone was crowded. If he wanted a good position, his body would be constantly squeezed forward.    


"Of course I have confidence in that." Huang Feng still maintained his smile. He knew why the reporters were so happy. However, he did not care because he did not pay enough attention to it before. Therefore, his new movie was more popular than the movie that Tao Xing starred in. It was a lot worse.    


Therefore, Huang Feng wanted to take this opportunity to make his new movie more famous, as a way to make up for his previous mistake.    


"Besides, not only do I have confidence in my own movie, I also have confidence in my company's movies." Huang Feng continued, "Doesn't Tao Xing like to bet? Then let's play something bigger! "    


"What bigger bet?" Hearing that Huang Feng still wanted to play a bigger game, the reporters below were so excited that their faces turned red. They were just afraid that there would be no news. They were not afraid that the news would be too big. The bigger the news, the better it was for them.    


As for who would win and who would lose in the end, they did not care. Anyway, it was not them who would lose.    


"Everyone knows that my company's eight movies are going to be screened in this Spring Festival." Huang Feng smiled and said, "How about this, I will use these eight movies to bet with Tao Xing at the same time. If he wins one of my movies, I will swim naked in the river for an hour. I'll give him ten million at the same time! On the other hand, if I have a movie that surpasses his box office box office, he will be swimming naked in the Qingyuan River for an hour. Give me 10 million!"    




After hearing Huang Feng's new bet, the reporters were in an uproar. This bet was even more explosive than the one Tao Xing had mentioned previously. If Tao Xing accepted it, they might even see Huang Feng and Tao Xing swimming naked in the river at the same time. When that time came, how high would the viewership ratings be if they followed the live broadcast?    


Thinking of this, many reporters became excited. To them, the more explosive the news, the better. Obviously, the new bet that Huang Feng proposed made them very satisfied.    


"President Huang, according to what I know, these eight movies under your company's name... Other than the 50 million you are the main star of this movie, the other movies... As for Tao Xing's main movie, he only invested less than 10 million. Just the investment alone was as high as 800 million! Director Zhang also said that it would bring an unprecedented visual feast to the audience. Do you think your movie can be compared to it?" The reporter immediately continued to ask.    


The Spring Festival was about to arrive, so the promotional activities for the various movies had already begun. Therefore, many people in the outside world were interested in the upcoming movies. They now had a better understanding of the movie, including the investment of the various movies. And these reporters were originally well-informed people in the entertainment industry. It was not strange at all that they knew about the investment of these movies.    


"I have confidence in my movies!" Huang Feng said again, "High investment does not mean high box office sales. The quality of the movies is the key factor to determine the box office sales. The quality of the movie invested by Space-Time Entertainment... There are no problems. I want everyone to understand. " Space-time products are definitely the best. This sentence is not meant to be said for fun. I'm very confident in this Spring Festival's box office war."    


Speaking up to this point, Huang Feng looked at the reporters and said," Alright, I think that you all should go and interview Tao Xing. Let's see if he dares to accept my bet. If he doesn't dare, then say it earlier. "    


The reporters also knew that the interview with Huang Feng had temporarily ended. However, they weren't too depressed, because this explosive bet had just begun. They could immediately look for Tao Xing and even Director Zhang for an interview.    


Therefore, the reporters didn't stay any longer. After leaving the Space-Time Entertainment... They rushed to where Tao Xing was impatiently. It was as if there were countless of mad dogs chasing them from behind.    


Very quickly, Tao Xing received the same treatment as Huang Feng. He was surrounded by many reporters. After hearing about Huang Feng's new bet from the reporters, he didn't expect Huang Feng to propose such a bet. He even wondered if Huang Feng was crazy or... He wanted to give him money on purpose.    


"Tao Xing, will you accept the new bet that President Huang proposed?" When the reporters saw Tao Xing stunned, they were naturally unhappy. They hoped to get an accurate answer from Tao Xing, whether he would accept it or not. This was a big piece of news. If Tao Xing didn't accept it, it meant that he was afraid and had no confidence in his movie. Furthermore, Tao Xing had lost all his face. After all, he was the one who brought up the bet, and Huang Feng had only slightly modified it.    


If Tao Xing agreed, it would be even better. No matter who won or lost, there would be more explosive news. Because of this, these reporters obviously did not agree to it.    


"Accept, of course I accept!" Tao Xing reacted and said confidently, "I have confidence in myself, and I also have confidence in Director Zhang. President Huang is so arrogant. He wants to make a big deal out of it. He gave me money. Of course, I have to accept his good intentions. Am I right? "    


Tao Xing was stunned, not because he was scared. In fact, as he had said, he was very confident in his movie. Famous director, super strong line-up, cool special effects... With such a high investment and his own movie, he would always be ahead of Huang Feng in every aspect.    


As for the other seven movies under Huang Feng's banner, Tao Xing was even less concerned about them. The highest investment for those movies was only ten million. It was only a fraction of his movie. How could such a movie compare with his own?    


Therefore, Tao Xing was not afraid of comparing with Huang Feng's movie. If he was not afraid, there was no need to talk about the other seven movies. Although he didn't know what Huang Feng was thinking, but... In Tao Xing's opinion, this Huang Feng was giving him money. He had to accept it.    


When they heard Tao Xing accept it, the reporters immediately laughed. This was the fun part. If Tao Xing refused, they would also have news reports. However, there would be no follow-up. What was the point? Obviously, only both sides would agree to this matter. That would be fun.    


"Tao Xing, President Huang is so confident in his first movie. Do you feel pressured?" A reporter asked.    


"No." Tao Xing shook his head and said, "To be honest, I am not optimistic about his movie. Putting aside the fact that the investment is not high, their company is also a new company. Although he has made some achievements in music, but that was the music field, which was completely different from movies. Being able to achieve results in the music field doesn't mean that you'll be able to achieve results in the movie field. "    


Speaking up to this point, Tao Xing smiled and said, "And that Huang Feng, he didn't have any acting experience before. The only experience he had was that he and Li Bingyun had just made an advertisement together. But shooting an advertisement and shooting a movie were two different things. It could be said that he was a complete newbie in the field of movies. In that movie, other than Li Bingyun, who was a A-list celebrity, the best celebrities were only A-list celebrities. Such a line-up and my movie. There was no way to compare them, so I don't know where that President Huang got his confidence from. He actually thinks that his movie can defeat me."    


" Then, do you also have the confidence to beat the other seven movies under his company? You know, if you lose one movie, you'll be swimming naked. " A reporter asked.    


"Of course I'm confident. Their company's most promising movie this time... It was the movie that Huang Feng and Li Bingyun starred in. No matter what other movies they starred in, I am confident that I can defeat this movie. As for the other movies, that's not a problem. " Tao Xing said with a confident expression.    


At the same time, he was also looking forward to the early release of the movie. One should know that this bet was not only about swimming naked. It was also related to the 80 million bet. This number was almost equivalent to his entire net worth. At the same time that he defeated Huang Feng and let out a sigh of relief for himself, he was still very happy to have an income of eighty million. He couldn't wait to see the movie premiere. It looked like he had defeated Huang Feng.    


There was still one more day before the movie premiere. The good show was about to begin.    


These reporters weren't idle. Although it was only a day's time, they continued to be busy after they left Tao Xing's place.    


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