Universe Storage Box

C1621 Bet

C1621 Bet

"President Huang, you have finally appeared."    


On this day, Director Feng finally saw Huang Feng, who had disappeared for a long time, in Huang Feng's office. He immediately complained.    


"If you didn't show up, people would think that there was no male lead in this movie." Director Feng said.    


"Ahem, I have been a little busy recently. Sorry, Director Feng." Huang Feng said in an awkward manner.    


He realized that he did not care about this matter. Everyone else cared about it. After all, this was the result of everyone's hard work. It took such a long time to film, so everyone naturally attached great importance to it. Huang Feng, on the other hand, was ignored because he had a lot of things to do.    


"I know that President Huang has a lot of important things to do, but this is after all the first major drama of your company. What's wrong with you? You should pay more attention to it." Director Feng said. He didn't know anything about Huang Feng. However, he knew a little about ___. Besides this Entertainment Company, Huang Feng also had other properties. Therefore, he could understand why Huang Feng had so many things to do.    


However, no matter how many things he had to do, he should still pay more attention to this movie. After all, this was the first big show of the Entertainment Company. That was very important. When the time came, Huang Feng would disappear. After disappearing for such a long time, he finally reappeared in the middle of the journey. In the end, before he could find him, he disappeared again. He had never seen Huang Feng in such a long time.    


Although the Space-Time Entertainment did not publicize this movie, but... Huang Feng and Li Bingyun, the male and female lead, had never appeared. This inevitably made the outside world think too much. Many people were curious about their identities. Especially Huang Feng!    


Huang Feng had a scandal with Li Bingyun before. At that time, many people didn't pay much attention to it. Later, Li Bingyun jumped over to the "Space-Time Entertainment." Many people also did not understand why Li Bingyun would choose such a nameless new company. It was not until the news that Huang Feng was the big boss behind this company that many people came to a realization. It turned out that Li Bingyun joined this company because of Huang Feng.    


The people in the outside world were even more curious about Huang Feng. Why did he have such a big company at such a young age? Some people said that he was a second-generation rich kid, but some also said that he was a second-generation rich kid. This was a country that Huang Feng had built from scratch. There were all kinds of things that he could say. Huang Feng's reputation had unknowingly increased by a lot.    


As for the scandal between Huang Feng and Li Bingyun, it had once again appeared in many news reports. It had also given this movie some fame. However, Huang Feng and Li Bingyun did not appear at all. The crowd was enthusiastic. It was obvious that they would decline. They would not make use of such a good opportunity. It was no wonder Director Feng was anxious.    


"I value it. I value this movie very much." Huang Feng said with a serious expression: "In the next few days, FrozenCloud and I will definitely do our best to help promote it, I guarantee we won't be absent"    


"That's more like it" Only then did Director Feng nod his head in satisfaction, although there were only a few days left until the screening of the movie. However, it was still better than not having Huang Feng appear. Director Feng could only comfort himself in this way.    


Therefore, in the next two days, Huang Feng and Li Bingyun became busy. Their notice schedule was very tight. It had always been a continuous rotation. This was also the first time Huang Feng walked up to the stage from behind the scenes. Many people saw that Huang Feng was actually so young. They were all very surprised.    


One should know that although the Space-Time Entertainment hadn't been established for a long time, the results they had obtained... It was very eye-catching. It was a record produced by a few singers. The results were all very good. None of them had failed. This had given the people of the outside world a good impression of the Space-Time Entertainment. Some people even shouted the slogan of "Time and Space Products, Must be the best." From this, it could be seen that the Space-Time Entertainment had given everyone a good impression during this period of time.    


And now, the Spring Festival was approaching. The Space-Time Entertainment was even more generous. All of a sudden, seven or eight movies were released at the same time. When he fought with himself in the arena, the outside world was stunned. Among them, there was also a movie that Huang Feng and Li Bingyun played together. It could be said that... During this period of time, the attention of "Space-Time Entertainment" was quite high. What Director Feng was dissatisfied with was... The company's attention was high. However, regarding one of the movies, the attention was lowered.    


Director Feng even indirectly suggested that Huang Feng release a few movies separately. If that was the case, the distribution would be better. If all the movies were released together, it would definitely affect each other.    


However, after Huang Feng considered it, he still refused. In fact, he was wondering how much money he could earn from one of the movies this time. He didn't care much about it. What he wanted was influence. The huge impact was that a few movies would be screened at the same time. Only then would he be able to maximize the impact.    


It was also because of Huang Feng's decision that this year's Spring Festival was exceptionally lively. In total, more than ten movies would be screened in two to three days at the same time. This was a grand occasion that had never happened before. There were also many movie lovers waiting for the arrival of this Spring Festival Gala.    


The fight for the box office box office of many movies had already begun from the time of the promotion. Take Director Zhang for example. He had also participated in the competition for the Spring Festival this year. Furthermore, he had also made a movie with the line-up of "All Stars." There were simply too many actors and actresses in it. Even A-list celebrities could only be a bystander in the movie. It could be seen how luxurious the line-up was.    


Director Zhang also attached great importance to the publicity of the movie. He had long since divided the lineup of the stars in his movie into several small teams. At the same time, he spread out to the various major cities to promote the movie. It was obviously higher than the Space-Time Entertainment. This was also one of the reasons why Director Feng was so anxious.    


After Huang Feng and Li Bingyun joined the publicity, Director Zhang immediately received the news. After all, he and Director Feng were old rivals. In his opinion, although there were many movies in the Spring Festival, however, the only thing that could pose a threat to him was Director Feng's movie. Therefore, he paid a lot of attention to Director Feng's movie.    


For a long time, it was Director Feng who had brought along a few supporting roles to promote the movie. This surprised Director Zhang a little. Could it be that Director Feng did not take this movie seriously? That should not be the case. If he did not, he would not personally lead the team to promote the movie.    


However, if the male and female lead didn't appear, how could they publicize it? Later, Director Zhang found out that the male lead of Director Feng's movie was actually the boss of "Space-Time Entertainment," and the female lead was actually the boss's rumored girlfriend. Only then did he realize that it was actually like this.    


In Director Zhang's opinion, Huang Feng and Li Bingyun had come to film this time. It must have been for the purpose of playing with the tickets. Perhaps it was because Huang Feng wanted to please Li Bingyun to film this movie. Therefore, after the movie was finished, the two of them did not pay much attention to the promotional work later on. They did not know where they would have gone to play a long time ago.    


After understanding this point, Director Zhang sighed with emotion. Director Feng had also fallen into depravity. How could he accept such a movie? Where did his previous principles go?    


From that moment on, Director Zhang had already thought that Director Feng's movie would not pose too much of a threat to him. If nothing unexpected happened to the box office champion of this Spring Festival movie, it should be his movie.    


And now, Huang Feng and Li Bingyun finally appeared. Director Zhang did not care too much. The movie was going to be released in two days. What was the use of advertising at this time? Besides, perhaps the two of them were playing with tickets. They had come because they thought it was fun. It was a pity that Li Bingyun was such a good star. She was a good actor with good looks and ability. After having a relationship with the rich boss, she had also fallen into depravity.    


After Director Zhang knew about this matter, he quickly put this matter aside and did not bother about it anymore. In his opinion, in this Spring Festival, his only opponent was himself. He wanted to see if he could break his previous box office record. This time, he had invested a lot in the movie and had a strong lineup. He was confident that he could make a dash for it.    


As the main character of Director Zhang's movie, Tao Xing soon found out about Huang Feng and Li Bingyun's publicity of the movie. He only sneered when he heard about it.    


"Isn't it too late to publicize it now? ___ asked. Huang Feng, Li Bingyun, you two wait and see. Watch how I defeat you two this time! " After Tao Xing heard the news from his assistant, he muttered to himself in his room.    


He did not forget the humiliation Huang Feng and Li Bingyun had given him. He had always wanted to take revenge on Huang Feng and Li Bingyun, but now both movies were being screened at the same time. In Tao Xing's opinion, it was the best opportunity. He was confident in his movie. Huang Feng and the others did not even participate in the promotional activities. Now that they had finally shown their intentions, why should he be afraid of them?    


"Help me contact a few reporters. I have something to say!" Tao Xing said to his assistant.    




Soon, Tao Xing announced through the reporters that he wanted to compete with Huang Feng in the box office of this movie. Whoever lost in the movie would go swimming in the river in the clear garden, naked!    


As soon as Tao Xing said this, it immediately attracted a lot of attention. After all, Tao Xing was an A-list celebrity, and a new movie had been released recently. He had been promoting it everywhere. During this period of time, his attention had been quite high. Now that he had actually proposed such a competition, it instantly made the audience excited.    


Those reporters did not mind the matter being too big. They followed up with the report and then went outside the Space-Time Entertainment company. They wanted to interview Huang Feng and ask him if he dared to accept the challenge.    


This time, Huang Feng didn't avoid reporters. In the past, he was behind the scenes, but now, in order to promote the movie, he walked to the front of the stage. There was no need to continue hiding anymore.    


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