Universe Storage Box

C1612 He Met Zhang Ziyu by Chance

C1612 He Met Zhang Ziyu by Chance

In fact, Huang Feng had received a text from Zhang Ziyu in the past few days in the Wo Kingdom. It seemed like she wanted to ask Huang Feng out. However, at that time... Huang Feng was busy with Ikeda Mai's matters, and he was also in the Wo Kingdom. He thought Zhang Ziyu was in the country, so he rejected her. He only said that he wasn't in the country right now, and that he had something to do outside.    


It could be imagined that Zhang Ziyu must have been very disappointed at that time. Huang Feng could understand this point. In fact, from Zhang Ziyu's words when she went to his "Space-Time Entertainment," Huang Feng could also know what she was thinking about him. However, Huang Feng wanted to wait until he returned from the Wo Kingdom. He didn't think too much about it. He didn't expect that she would call him again. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to finish his task, and he still didn't have the time.    


Huang Feng's guess wasn't wrong. Zhang Ziyu mustered her courage and called Huang Feng. She found out that Huang Feng was not in the country. It should be what Boss Zheng had said. She had not returned from a business trip, so Zhang Ziyu was still very disappointed.    


Under the encouragement of her good sister Yilan, she decided to take the initiative to attack. When she stopped at the Wo Kingdom, she also bought gifts for Huang Feng. He wanted to give the gift to Huang Feng and see him at the same time. At least, Zhang Ziyu had never thought that she would want to see Huang Feng. It was still very difficult. She did not see him at his company before. But now, she still did not see him. This made her very depressed. As a result, Zhang Ziyu didn't have much energy at work these few days. If it wasn't for her high professionalism, would she be able to maintain a smile on the passengers? It was hard to know.    


"Hello, sir" Zhang Ziyu, who was wearing a matching flight attendant uniform, was standing at the entrance of the cabin to welcome the passengers who were flying this time.    


However, when she finished saying the words that she had to say every time, she was stunned. Because the person standing in front of her at this moment was Huang Feng! This person that she had been thinking about day and night.    


"What a coincidence!" Huang Feng was also stunned, then he smiled and said to Zhang Ziyu. After getting on the plane, Huang Feng was still thinking that he was on the plane of the aviation company Zhang Ziyu was on. He didn't know if he would bump into Zhang Ziyu. Of course. He was just thinking about it. After all, the possibility wasn't very high. Because, according to what he knew, Zhang Ziyu was not flying on this route.    


In the end, just as he got on the plane, he bumped into Zhang Ziyu. She actually came to the Wo Kingdom's flight route again. Furthermore, it was such a coincidence that he was on this plane.    


"Yes." A smile also appeared on Zhang Ziyu's face, and she smiled very happily. This was the first time she had offended someone with a smile during this period of time. She had never thought that she would actually meet Huang Feng here. Previously, when Huang Feng said that he had gone out on a business trip, he didn't say where he was going. She had never thought that the place Huang Feng was going to would be the Wo Kingdom! Furthermore, he was going to take her flight back home.    


She had not seen Huang Feng for a long time. Zhang Ziyu realized that Huang Feng had not changed at all. Yes, he was still so handsome.    


However, Zhang Ziyu quickly reacted. She was on the plane, and she was working. There were still many people by Huang Feng's side.    


Therefore, Zhang Ziyu gestured for Huang Feng to come in first. She resisted the urge to talk to Huang Feng and continued to welcome the other passengers.    


However, Zhang Ziyu felt that the two women behind Huang Feng were passing by her. The way they looked at her seemed to be different. There was a scrutinizing look in their eyes. They were observing her. Zhang Ziyu knew that Huang Feng had a girlfriend. However, she thought it was Tan Ying or Li Bingyun's. These two were with Huang Feng before, but they were with Bai Xiaorou and Qiu Ningshuang. She did not know.    


However, a woman's sixth sense told her that the relationship between the two women behind Huang Feng and Huang Feng should not be that of ordinary friends. The way they looked at her was different from ordinary people.    


Huang Feng found that there were actually a few familiar faces on this plane. Those were the flight passengers on the plane where Huang Feng had dismantled the bomb earlier. A few of them had actually moved onto this flight route. When they met Huang Feng, they greeted him warmly.    


Bai Xiaorou and the others were not surprised by Huang Feng's treatment. Because they already knew what happened to Huang Feng on the plane the last time. Qiu Ningshuang also knew about it through her father. Therefore, no one found it strange. After all, Huang Feng had saved their lives. It was normal for these people to be polite to Huang Feng.    


However, the ordinary passengers did not know what was going on. When they saw so many passengers greeting Huang Feng, they did not know what was going on. They thought that Huang Feng was an important person. But... If he thought about it carefully, it didn't make sense. If Huang Feng was an important figure... Then why didn't he go to the first class, but to the economy class? This obviously didn't make sense.    


Everyone was just curious and didn't really chase up to Huang Feng to ask.    


"You are now the hero in the hearts of these flight attendants." After they sat down, they didn't want to laugh at Huang Feng.    


Huang Feng smiled and said, "I don't want to be such a hero. What happened last time almost cost me my life."    


The last time Huang Feng had Li Bingyun and Tan Ying by his side, Huang Feng wanted to protect them in the air. It was very difficult for him. If something happened to him in the air, it would be very difficult. It would also be very dangerous, so he did not want this to happen again.    


"I think that flight attendant seems to be interested in you." Qiu Ningshuang said. Huang Feng was sitting in the middle of Qiu Ningshuang and Bai Xiaorou. It was as if Huang Feng was being interrogated by them.    


"Sister Ningshuang, you guessed right. The stewardess just now is called Zhang Ziyu. She is indeed interested in Huang Feng." Bai Xiaorou said. Then she looked at Huang Feng and said, "This situation was told by Sister Tan Ying and Sister Bingyun. They said that after you resolved the bomb crisis last time, that stewardess called Zhang Ziyu's eyes never left you. Her eyes were also filled with you. She wiped your sweat and asked you for warmth again. She obviously has an interest in you."    


"Sweat." Huang Feng said awkwardly, "These two girls' eyes are really poisonous."    


Huang Feng also did not expect Zhang Ziyu to have such thoughts about him. Tan Ying and Li Bingyun actually found out about it. Furthermore... ... The two of them told the other sisters... In that case... Wouldn't all his women know about it?    


Huang Feng had been thinking about how to deal with this matter, but in the end, the other girls already knew about it before he could think of a way to deal with it.    


"It's not that their eyes are poisonous, but that flight attendant didn't even try to hide her thoughts." Bai Xiaorou rolled her eyes at Huang Feng and said, "Just like just now, look at Sister Ning Shuang. Isn't it also her first time seeing her? Didn't you also see that she is interested in you?"    


"That's right." Qiu Ningshuang also nodded and said, "That kind of gaze and demeanor would not be able to deceive people at all. I want to pay a little more attention to it and I will know what she is thinking."    


"Alright, you are all very powerful." Huang Feng said, "However, I have not thought of this matter. Actually, my attitude towards her is the same as when I treated Ning Shuang. Although I have a good impression of you all, but I also know that I have enough women. I don't want to provoke other women anymore, so I want to deal with our relationship coldly. I won't take the initiative to contact you, so that you can forget about me. "    


At this point, a bitter smile appeared on Huang Feng's face. He then said, "It's just that I didn't expect this either. This is too much of a coincidence. He first met Ning Shuang when he came to the Wo Kingdom. As a result, when I returned, I was on the plane. I met her again. What a coincidence. "    


" Maybe God is reminding you not to ditch us! " Qiu Ningshuang said. When she heard Huang Feng's words, she consciously categorized herself on Zhang Ziyu's side. Because she had a similar fate with Zhang Ziyu. So... She naturally had a favorable impression of Zhang Ziyu and wanted to speak up for her.    


"Look, you want to avoid us and not contact us, but the heavens sent you to our side. You can't avoid it even if you want to. This is the destiny of the heavens."    


"Maybe." Huang Feng wasn't very sure, but he also thought that this was too much of a coincidence. Obviously, Qiu Ningshuang and Zhang Ziyu did not know that he came to Wo Kingdom. In the end, he had run into them one after another. This was indeed a huge coincidence.    


"So, don't think about leaving us behind." Qiu Ningshuang said.    


"Look, your stewardess is here," ___ said. Bai Xiaorou nudged Huang Feng's arm and said to him.    


Huang Feng looked up and sure enough, Zhang Ziyu walked over. However, she did not just come to find Huang Feng and the others. She came to see if the luggage bags of the passengers had been placed properly.    


Very quickly, Zhang Ziyu came to Huang Feng's side and saw Huang Feng sitting beside Bai Xiaorou and Qiu Ningshuang. She was slightly stunned and then her face returned to normal. However, in her heart, she was thinking that her previous thoughts seemed to be correct. The relationship between these two girls and Huang Feng shouldn't be an ordinary friendship. No wonder the two of them were looking at him like that.    


"Huang Feng, I never thought that it would be such a coincidence. You were on a business trip in Wo Kingdom?" Zhang Ziyu said to Huang Feng while tidying up her luggage.    


"Yes, the business here has just ended. I'm going back today." Huang Feng said.    


"I see. I have been flying around the Wo Kingdom all this time. I never thought that you would be in the Wo Kingdom." Zhang Ziyu said.    


Zhang Ziyu still had some regrets in her heart. If she had known that Huang Feng was in the Wo Kingdom, she would have asked him out a long time ago. It was more convenient to meet him overseas than in the country.    


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