Universe Storage Box

C1607 Koutarou Is Panicking

C1607 Koutarou Is Panicking

The next day, after Huang Feng and the others put on simple disguises, they went out and saw that the city seemed to be under martial law. In the city, there were policemen and soldiers everywhere. They were searching for suspicious people, especially the Huaxia people.    


However, this was the Wo Kingdom after all. Both the people of Huaxia and the Wo Kingdom belonged to Asians. Therefore, it was difficult to distinguish them. Besides, apart from the people of Huaxia, there were also people from the Koreans. It was difficult to distinguish them clearly.    


At the same time, there were a lot of people from Huaxia who came to visit the Wo Kingdom. This had also caused a lot of trouble for Kagemura kazumoto's search.    


However, it could also be seen that Kagemura kazumoto was really afraid. He had never thought that Kida Ichiro would be killed so easily. He had lost a firm ally. In the past, if he had political enemies... Sometimes, he would ask Kida Ichiro to take care of them. But... Now that Kida Ichiro was gone, he lacked some tricks. Although he could also look for other people... But... How could those people be compared to Ninja in terms of assassination?    


What made Kagemura kazumoto even angrier was that Yuriko actually dared to disobey his orders. He intended to cripple Yuriko and find an obedient agent in the Ninja organization, but this matter was also very difficult to deal with.    


First of all, Yuriko's prestige in the Ninja organization was very high. Under the circumstances of Kida Ichiro's death, there was almost no one who could shake her position. Furthermore, this woman was very astute. She had never left the headquarters of the Ninja organization since yesterday. She had been staying there the whole time. Kagemura kazumoto didn't think that he could find an assassin there. To be able to kill Yuriko in the headquarters of Ninja organization... He was afraid that the assassin hadn't seen Yuriko yet. She had already been killed.    


There was one more thing that puzzled Kagemura kazumoto, and that was... He tried to contact a few Ninja. These Ninja knew him before this. Their relationship was not bad. In the Ninja organization, they were all high ranking officials. Initially, he wanted to support them and chase Yuriko away.    


However, when these people heard his suggestion, their faces actually revealed a frightened expression. And then... Without thinking, he firmly rejected his suggestion. And then... He didn't even answer his phone and was no longer willing to meet with him.    


Kagemura kazumoto really couldn't understand the abnormal behavior of these people.    


Of course, Kagemura kazumoto didn't know that these people had been implanted with the Life And Death Talisman by Huang Feng. Initially, they didn't know about this, but in order to give them a reminder... Yuriko told Huang Feng not to do anything stupid. She then urged Huang Feng to activate the Life And Death Talisman in their bodies.    


Now, those Ninja finally understood what it meant to wish they were dead. Compared to Huang Feng's Life And Death Talisman, the torture methods of the Ninja organization's headquarters... It seemed like none of them could be compared to ___.    


Huang Feng was not the direct leader of these Ninja. Yuriko was the one. Although she might just be a puppet and Huang Feng's microphone. However, it was obvious that Huang Feng trusted her very much. Those Ninja naturally did not dare to rebel against Yuriko. Unless they wanted to experience the feeling of living a life worse than death again.    


Obviously, after those people experienced it once, they did not want to experience it anymore. Therefore, it was completely impossible for Kagemura kazumoto to instigate them to rebel.    


The obstruction in the Ninja organization made Kagemura kazumoto angry, but at the same time, he was also afraid. He hastened the search for the people from the Huaxia Country Security Bureau and strengthened the security around him.    


What Kagemura kazumoto did not expect was that he did not wait for them. Instead, the revenge of the members of the Huaxia Country Security Bureau came with a piece of news, a piece of news that could make him lose his reputation.    


"Sir, it's bad. There's a press conference in Huaxia." When it was almost noon, one of Kagemura kazumoto's secretary ran into Kagemura kazumoto's office in a panic and said. He even said... He even forgot to knock on the door. Obviously... He was very flustered right now.    


"What are you so flustered about!? If they're holding a press conference, then let's do it. What's there to be flustered about?" Kagemura kazumoto said discontentedly.    


"No, my lord." The secretary did not care about Kagemura kazumoto's scolding. One should know that... Usually, he was very careful to serve Kagemura kazumoto. If Kagemura kazumoto scolded him, he was worried that he would not be able to eat for three days. Because... He knew that Kagemura kazumoto was not someone easy to get along with. It was possible to execute him.    


"Not what? No matter how they tried to explain it, it was useless! Now that the emotions of the citizens have been adjusted, do you think the citizens will believe their words? " Kagemura kazumoto said indifferently. The people of Huaxia would hold a press conference. This was not out of his expectations. He had been attacked for so long. It would be strange if they didn't take any action.    


However, Kagemura kazumoto knew that no matter what the Huaxia people said at the press conference, it was useless because they didn't have any evidence to prove that No. 1 wasn't killed by them. No matter how they tried to explain it, it was useless. The emotions of the people were stirred up by him. They wouldn't believe the nonsense of the Huaxia people at all.    


"Sir, the Huaxia people took out two videos!" When the secretary saw his leader, at this moment... He was actually still calm here and did not know how to admire his composure. It was time to laugh at his ignorance.    


"Two videos? What videos?" Kagemura kazumoto was stunned, although he didn't know what it was. But he instinctively felt that something was going to happen. It was impossible for the Huaxia people to produce any unimportant videos.    


"One of them is about Lord Kida Ichiro. In the video, it records the assassination of Lord Kida Ichiro." The secretary said.    


"How could this be? That video must be fake." Kagemura kazumoto was stunned for a moment before he shouted. He had always said: Number one was killed by the Huaxia people. It was killed by Kida Ichiro. How was he going to explain this to the people? How was he going to use this matter to win over the hearts of the people?    


"Furthermore, in that video, Lord Mu Tian also said that this matter was ordered by you, my lord." The secretary did not pay attention to Kagemura kazumoto's shout and continued to speak.    


"It's fake. It must be fake! How could they have such a video?" Kagemura kazumoto said in a panic. The secretary knew about his assassination of Number One, so he did not want to hide it from the secretary.    


However, he couldn't believe that the Huaxia people would take out such a video. If this video was real, then it wouldn't be as simple as him not being able to win over the hearts of the people. He would become a sinner of the Wo Kingdom, and those ordinary citizens would tear him apart in anger. Not only because he had killed Number One, but also because... He had deceived everyone!    


"Sir, there is another video." That secretary saw that his leader had completely panicked and did not know why. He actually felt like taking revenge in his heart. In the past, when he was in front of Kagemura kazumoto, he didn't even dare to speak loudly. He had never treated himself as a person. Now, he had the same fate!    


"What other videos do you have? That video just now must be fake!" Kagemura kazumoto said again, but he didn't know whether he was making excuses or comforting himself.    


However, the secretary did not care. Instead, he continued, "In the other video, it recorded the video of Master and Master Kida Ichiro meeting. In the video, it also recorded how Master and Master Mu Tian discussed how to assassinate Master No.1. The voice was clear and the picture was clear. Furthermore, the discussion plan was exactly the same as when Sir Number One was killed!"    


The secretary did not participate in the discussion. So... It was also his first time seeing this. However... He didn't doubt the authenticity of the video, because it was obviously Kagemura kazumoto and Kida Ichiro. Their appearance and voice weren't bad at all. Although he didn't go in that time, he sent Kagemura kazumoto there. Therefore, he knew about what happened that time.    


"How could this be? How could this be? " Kagemura kazumoto's face turned completely pale. After that, he turned on his computer in a panic. After he went online, he easily found the two videos posted by the Huaxia people. Now, these two videos were the international headlines. He wanted to find them. It was very easy.    


Not to mention the first video, but the second video... Kagemura kazumoto could tell that it was true with one look. Because he had indeed seen Kida Ichiro that day. Furthermore, the room in the video was also the room where he and Kida Ichiro were in that day. The content of their conversation was exactly the same.    


This was a real video!    


However, who was the one who recorded this video? The meeting between him and Kida Ichiro was a very confidential matter. Ordinary people wouldn't even know about it, let alone placing cameras inside to secretly take pictures.    


Suddenly, a cold face appeared in Kagemura kazumoto's mind. He shouted with a ferocious expression, "It's her! It must be her! This damn bison! "    


The person Kagemura kazumoto thought of was Yuriko, who refused to protect him last night. It was not because the other party had rejected him that he was suspicious. It was because when he and Kida Ichiro met that day... Yuriko followed them. Although she did not enter the room when the two of them were talking, however, before the two of them talked, she followed Kida Ichiro's instructions. They entered the room to conduct a search. Obviously, they were also afraid of being secretly filmed.    


However, the two of them clearly did not expect that they would still be secretly filmed. Yuriko, who entered the room to search, was obviously very suspicious. Furthermore, she also had the opportunity and time to do this.    


However, why did Yuriko do this? Her position in the Ninja organization was very high. Why would she do such a thing as betraying Kida Ichiro?    


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