Universe Storage Box

C1564 The Reactions of both Parties

C1564 The Reactions of both Parties



The long blade in someone's hand fell to the ground, and this sound was like a signal. The long blades in the other people's hands also fell to the ground one after another. It wasn't that they couldn't hold it firmly, but rather that they were voluntarily thrown away.    


They had surrendered!    


Surrendering was like a virus, continuously engulfing the entire troops that came to steal the camp. One by one, they threw away the long blades in their hands and took the initiative to surrender. They got off their horses and knelt on the ground, waiting for Huang Feng's men to come and receive them. These people didn't look too good. There was nothing they could do about it. After all, they had no idea how Huang Feng would deal with them. They were worried about their future.    


Of course, not everyone chose to surrender. Some of them were even diehard fans. They kept fighting with Huang Feng's men while shouting at their comrades who had surrendered. They hoped that they could pick up their weapons and join their side again. They would fight to the death with Huang Feng.    


Regarding these stubborn people, Huang Feng naturally wouldn't be polite. Furthermore, in order to make more people choose to surrender, he and the slaves he exchanged for would prioritize killing these stubborn people. He would definitely not show any mercy when he saw them killing one after another.    


Thus, those stubborn people became fewer and fewer, even if they were unwilling. There was no way to change their fate. They did not understand. Why was Huang Feng and the people he brought here so powerful that they couldn't even be killed? However, they couldn't change the outcome of their deaths.    


The battle cries became lower and lower. Those who had come to steal the camp... They were either killed, or they voluntarily dismounted and surrendered. There were already very few who were still fighting. Finally, in less than five minutes, the entire battle ended.    


"How is it? I didn't get scared just now, did I?" At this time, Huang Feng brought Bai Xiaorou to Su Yumo and the other girls' side and said.    


As for the others, they were taking in the captives. There were also ownerless horses to clean up the battlefield. The horses were also an important strategic resource. Although Huang Feng could exchange for them, the exchange price was not low. Now that he could get some extra horses, it was naturally the best.    


The entire battle had ended. There were ten thousand people from the attacking camp. About 5,000 people chose to surrender, this number was not small... It seemed like although the strength of the uprising army and the generals had increased... However, they had not completely won the hearts of the people. Not everyone was willing to fight to the death for them. This situation made Huang Feng very happy. If that was the case... The resistance he would face would be greatly reduced in the upcoming battle.    


Among the remaining five thousand people, there were less than four thousand who died in battle. Of the last thousand people, some were injured and captured. However, it was clear that they had no intention of surrendering. They were cursing and cursing. Of course, even more people had disappeared in the night. Although Huang Feng had already set up a perimeter around the battlefield, however... It could not be said that this encirclement was airtight. It was also impossible for not a single person to escape. Furthermore, it was still late at night, and there was night as a cover. In addition, these people were all cavalry, so their mobility was stronger.    


Regarding such a result, whether it was Huang Feng or his subordinates, they were all very satisfied with the result. Their side had died in battle. There were less than a thousand men on their side, and most of them were ordinary soldiers. As for the people Huang Feng had exchanged for, they didn't suffer much loss. They would fight at night. The night was their best cover. They were agile. It ensured that they could avoid the enemy's attacks better.    


In the battle at night, Huang Feng and the others had undoubtedly obtained a glorious result. This was undoubtedly a very good thing for Huang Feng. It had greatly increased the morale of the troops and the allied army. This was undoubtedly a huge blow to their morale. After tonight's battle, they did not dare to attack the camp again. Moreover, these ten thousand people were all their mobility. Losing so many people was not only a blow to their morale, but also a blow to their morale. More on the weakening of strength.    


Of course, what Huang Feng cared about the most was the condition of Su Yumo and the other girls. After all, they were all living in a peaceful era. If they suddenly saw such a tragic scene, they would definitely not be used to it.    


"Fortunately, I was not used to it at the beginning. It will be much better later." Her face had almost recovered by now. Although she did not throw up previously, her expression was not very good either. It was just that after such a long period of time, she was already much better.    


"That's good then." Huang Feng saw that the girls looked normal, so he felt relieved. "However, you don't have to force yourself. You don't have to go to the front line. You can just stay behind."    


"Yes, we know. Don't worry. We will take care of ourselves." Su Yumo said. She did not want Huang Feng to think about big things at the same time. It would undoubtedly distract Huang Feng. This was definitely not a good thing for Huang Feng. They weren't here to cause trouble for him.    


After cleaning up the battlefield, everyone returned to the camp with horses and captives. What awaited them was a loud cheer. Originally, Huang Feng had personally brought them to the battlefield. It had already boosted their morale. Now, they had just started fighting. Huang Feng had obtained such a result without a doubt, it had undoubtedly raised their spirits.    


Huang Feng ordered his men to arrange the captives before going back to sleep. Due to the attack on the camp, their quality of rest at night was not very good. Therefore, the next morning, Huang Feng was not in a hurry to get there. Instead, he let everyone have a good rest. The uprising army and the allied army of the previous dynasty were there. Huang Feng was not in a hurry to fight with those people. In any case, they wouldn't be able to escape.    


After resting, Huang Feng continued to lead the group forward.    


Huang Feng could leisurely and slowly advance on his side. He felt very relaxed in his heart. However, the militants and the generals of the previous dynasty opposite him... They were in a very bad mood right now. They did not expect that... It was just a simple night attack, but it actually caused them to suffer such a huge loss. After all, they had thought that even if the night attack did not succeed, however, it was not a big problem for the cavalry to escape. The losses should not be too great.    


However, the result was far beyond their expectations. Those people had actually been completely wiped out, with the exception of the one to two hundred people who had run back. The others had either not returned or were killed. At the same time, these people were furious. At the same time, they felt fear towards the combat strength of Huang Feng's army. This wasn't an official battle yet. It was just a small exchange of blows, but their losses were already so great. This made them somewhat unable to accept it.    


"I told you not to attack the camp. That Huang Feng was born in the uprising army. He had done a lot of things to attack the camp, and he was very experienced in this area. He was also very experienced. He definitely would not succeed so easily. If you don't listen, we'll lose most of our cavalry. How are we going to fight the battles after this?" In the alliance army, one of the uprising army leaders complained.    


The entire hall was filled with the leader of the uprising army. And... Before Huang Feng, the generals of the previous dynasty were all present. They were all enemies, but... Because of Huang Feng... The appearance of this common enemy had brought them together. However, in the past, they were all enemies, and they had even fought on the battlefield. Now, even if they sat together, it was still difficult for them to acknowledge each other.    


At the head of the hall sat a little kid. He was about ten years old. He looked at the people sitting below him. There was fear on his face, and he didn't know what to do. He was the young prince of the previous emperor, although the Allied Army had found a few princes. In the end, he was still the youngest prince... Under the arrangement of everyone, he became Puppet Emperor. The reason... Naturally, it was because he was young and easy to control.    


"You didn't say that before. You said that Huang Feng was born in the uprising army. He didn't even know how to arrange troops, even though he had done night raids before. However, he was strong now, so he would definitely be careless. If he goes to steal the camp, he will definitely succeed. " Another person retorted.    


"That's right. You were the one who supported it before. Now that the night attack failed, you want to shirk responsibility?"    


"It was all your idea. I said it earlier. We only need to send a small number of people to harass them and not let them rest well. In the end, after so many people left, they still didn't come back. Who will be responsible for this loss?"    


"It was all your uprising army's reaction when they surrendered first."    


Everyone, you're accusing me, I'm criticizing you, all of you are complaining. No one was willing to admit that this was the mistake of their decision. Maybe, they also want to use this method, after all, Huang Feng's strength still frightened them.    


Because the young emperor sitting at the top was just a puppet. So... No one at the scene could convince everyone to come out. In fact, even though they were the allied forces now, they had their own plans in mind. Try to minimize their own losses, otherwise, they would know... Their position would soon be replaced by others.    


After a while of noise, the scene gradually quieted down. Everyone knew that it was useless to continue arguing like this. Thus, in the end, everyone came to an agreement and no longer attacked the camp. They set up a defense line in the city, waiting for Huang Feng and his army to arrive. In the wilderness, they felt that they were no longer a match for Huang Feng. Especially after they lost their cavalry.    


Therefore, they could only rely on the city walls and other defensive measures. They had come to defend against Huang Feng. As long as they let Huang Feng suffer a greater loss... They believed that there would definitely be more people in the world who would rebel against Huang Feng.    


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