Universe Storage Box

C1528 Start from the Beginning

C1528 Start from the Beginning

"Are you leaving?" Lu Xuan stared at Huang Feng and asked.    


Huang Feng had told her about it before. In the near future, Lu Xuan didn't expect him to leave. This day would come so quickly. Furthermore, until now, she still didn't know where Huang Feng was going.    


In fact, after spending about a year together... It was not like Lu Xuan did not have any doubts about Huang Feng's identity. For example, she didn't know where Huang Feng came from or what kind of family he had. This made her feel a little confused.    


However, after asking Huang Feng a few times, Huang Feng didn't say anything. Lu Xuan also did not ask anymore. Obviously, Huang Feng did not want to talk about this matter anymore. Lu Xuan also thought that Huang Feng was an orphan, so she did not want to talk about this topic.    


However, it seemed that the situation wasn't like that.    


"Yes." Huang Feng nodded.    


In fact, it had been almost a year since he came to this spatial zone. Therefore, he needed to teleport away immediately. However, after he left, Huang Feng wanted to say goodbye to Lu Xuan.    


Because, in this year's time, both of them had things to do. Especially Lu Xuan. She was very famous now, so naturally, she had more things to do. But recently, she had just slowly rested and started to deliberately fade out of the public's sight. Because of this, the two of them actually did not have many opportunities to meet before. The relationship between the two of them had always been at an ambiguous stage. They didn't take a step forward to confirm the relationship.    


Because of this, Huang Feng naturally could not reveal his secret to Lu Xuan. Now that he was about to leave, would he come to this spatial zone again in the future? Huang Feng had no idea. As for the relationship between him and Lu Xuan... Huang Feng could only feel regret.    


"Can you not leave?" Lu Xuan looked at Huang Feng with a longing look and said.    


"No." Huang Feng shook his head and said. When the time of teleportation was up, he had to leave. This was not something he could change.    


"Then where are you going?" Lu Xuan asked again.    


"A very far place." Huang Feng raised his head and looked into the distance and said, "I might not come here again in the future."    


Although after the Storage Box was upgraded, Huang Feng could enter the space that he had been to before. He just needed to spend some money. However, if there was nothing special... He obviously wouldn't teleport randomly. After all, teleportation was limited. Huang Feng had to keep it to prevent any accidents from happening in the real world. There was no way for him to escape to another spatial zone.    


Because of this, Huang Feng wouldn't teleport to another spatial zone unless there was something special. Of course, he could do it once or twice.    


"He won't come again?" Lu Xuan said with a trembling voice, "Is there nothing here that is worth remembering and people?"    


Seeing Lu Xuan's expression, Huang Feng understood what she was thinking. However, at this time, there was not much time left for him. There were many things that he could not explain to Lu Xuan.    


"Yes." Huang Feng honestly said, "That is you."    


Lu Xuan was indeed someone Huang Feng missed. He did not lie about this, and there was no need to lie to Lu Xuan.    


Hearing Huang Feng say this, Lu Xuan's face became much better. She said, "Then why aren't you coming back?"    


"I have a special reason. I have no other way." Huang Feng said.    


"Can't you tell me what special reason you have?" Lu Xuan asked. She had asked Huang Feng a few times before, but he had never told her.    


Huang Feng hesitated and said, "This is a secret. Can you keep it a secret for me?"    


Seeing Lu Xuan nod, Huang Feng said, "I am not from this world. I know this may be unbelievable, but it is the truth. Now it is time for me to leave."    


Sure enough, Lu Xuan widened her eyes and looked at Huang Feng in disbelief. She did not expect Huang Feng to say such a thing. She felt that Huang Feng was just finding an excuse to lie to her.    


"You don't believe me?" Huang Feng saw Lu Xuan's expression and knew that she didn't believe his words.    


Lu Xuan nodded. She indeed did not believe Huang Feng's words and thought that Huang Feng was lying to her.    


Huang Feng chuckled and shook his right hand. A fireball appeared in his hand.    




Lu Xuan saw the situation and screamed. She could feel it. This fireball was real because she could feel the temperature on it. However, the fireball did not reach Huang Feng's hand when it was in his hand. This was unbelievable.    


"This is not magic, but magic. I know a lot of magic. People in this world don't know magic." Huang Feng smiled. Then, with a shake of his hand, the fireball disappeared.    


"Are you really not from this world?" Lu Xuan asked.    


"No." Huang Feng asked.    


"Can you take me with you?" Lu Xuan asked. She really didn't want to be separated from Huang Feng.    


"Are you willing to leave this world? You have family and friends in this world, and... If you go to another world... There's nothing else. Everything has to start from scratch. Besides, you might not be able to adapt to the new environment. " Huang Feng said.    


Of course, Huang Feng also wanted to take Lu Xuan away. But... She did not want Lu Xuan to regret. After all, she was different from Ning Wushuang and Li Qinglou. Those two people belonged to the feudal era. In their hearts, their man was their god. Where would their man go? Of course, they would choose where to go, even if they couldn't meet their family because of it. They wouldn't be too reluctant either.    


Besides, those two girls didn't have any family.    


However, Lu Xuan was obviously different. She was a woman who lived in the modern world. Her thoughts were definitely different from those two. Besides, in this world, she had a family and a good background. And status, can she really give up all of this?    


Sure enough, Lu Xuan's face showed some hesitation. Regarding her position in the entertainment industry, she didn't really care about it, so she gave up on it. However, she might not be able to see her family ever again if she wanted to leave them. She was a bit reluctant.    


"Don't be in a hurry to answer me. You can think about it. I don't want you to regret it when the time comes. " Huang Feng said, "Besides, I don't want to lie to you. I have a woman in my own world. And there are more than one. "    


Regarding this point, Huang Feng felt that it was necessary to explain it clearly to Lu Xuan. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to accept this fact. It would be too late for her to regret it. Huang Feng didn't want to lie to her.    


" Ah! You still have other women?" Lu Xuan said in surprise. She had never heard Huang Feng mention other women before. Furthermore, they had been together for a year and had never seen Huang Feng have other women by his side. Therefore, Lu Xuan thought that Huang Feng had always been single.    


"That's right." Huang Feng nodded and said.    


Lu Xuan immediately felt very sad. She even felt that Huang Feng was an emotional swindler. He actually came to provoke her after having a girlfriend. However... Thinking about it, it seemed like he was unconsciously attracted to Huang Feng. He didn't have much of a relationship with Huang Feng. Furthermore, the two of them still hadn't broken through that layer of window paper. Therefore, it couldn't be considered as Huang Feng deceiving his feelings.    


However, because of Huang Feng's words, Lu Xuan didn't know what to do. Should she abandon everything she had now and follow Huang Feng? This person had already left with another woman.    


Huang Feng did not force Lu Xuan to make a stand. He also knew that Lu Xuan was not an ordinary person. Her background determined that she definitely had her own pride. Would such a person choose to share a man with another woman?    


Huang Feng was not sure.    


The two of them separated just like that. Originally, Huang Feng thought that Lu Xuan would not come to find him again. The matter between the two of them ended just like that. Or rather, she would hesitate for a long time before making a decision.    


Who knew that Lu Xuan would come the next day. Furthermore, she actually brought a suitcase with her. Huang Feng looked at her in surprise, not knowing what she meant.    


"I also don't know whether my decision is right or not. I also don't know if I will regret it in the future. But right now, I only want to follow my heart." Lu Xuan looked at Huang Feng with a serious face and said.    


"What do you mean?" Huang Feng still could not believe Lu Xuan would make such a decision.    


"I will leave the rest of my life to you." Lu Xuan said seriously, "You cannot let me down!"    


"But I still have other women." Huang Feng said.    


"I don't care. Anyway, I have decided on you. If you don't want me in your world, I won't even have a family." Lu Xuan said.    


God knew how determined Lu Xuan was to make such a decision. After all, she wanted to follow Huang Feng to a completely foreign world. Without family and friends, everything had to start from scratch. Furthermore, Huang Feng had other women. To her, this was... It's a huge challenge.    


Initially, Lu Xuan also wanted to give up. But... After she went back last night, she did not sleep at all. She kept thinking about this matter and thought that she might never see Huang Feng again. Her heart ached very much.    


In fact, during this period of time, Lu Xuan had deliberately been out of the public's sight. It was because she realized that her feelings for Huang Feng had become deeper and deeper. She did not want to spend too much time with Huang Feng like before. Therefore... That was why she deliberately reduced her workload, in order to get along more with Huang Feng.    


And now, it was obviously very difficult for her to leave Huang Feng forever. In fact, when Huang Feng saved her for the first time in the hotel, she had already fallen into his hands. However, at that time... She was very shy, and she didn't have any experience in this field. That was why she didn't confess much to Huang Feng. But... After the incident... He had always taken the initiative to approach Huang Feng.    


Lu Xuan was also a very assertive person. Since she had already made a decision, she would not give up easily because of external factors. So... In the end, she still chose to leave with Huang Feng, even if it would be very difficult.    


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