Universe Storage Box

C1526 The Box Office Had a Comeback

C1526 The Box Office Had a Comeback

Xin Yue couldn't quite accept what her assistant had said. The box office of her movie should have increased today. How could it have dropped? If it was going to drop, she should have waited for a few days. It had dropped from today onwards. That was way too fast.    


"This is true! What's more serious is that our movie will also drop tomorrow, even less than today's movie." The assistant said.    


"What's going on?" One by one, the bad news almost drove Xin Yue crazy. There was a great movie yesterday. Why was it suddenly not popular? The audience did not buy it. Those hospital lines actually did not buy it now and even wanted to lower their screenings. If their movie slots dropped, wouldn't the box office sales be even lower?    


"All of this is related to Qing Xuan's movie 'Titanic'!" Xin Yue's assistant said.    


"Related to her? Wasn't her movie that went down the street at tens of millions in the premiere box office? The box office sales today will definitely be even lower. How can it affect our box office sales? " Xin Yue asked with some doubt.    


In Xin Yue's view, Qing Xuan's movie was only half of their box office sales on the first day. Then it would be impossible to catch up to them. From the second day onwards, the other party's box office earnings would definitely drop, so how could it affect her movie's box office earnings?    


"That movie of hers has a very good reputation. There are already over 100,000 people scoring on the Internet. Her score is actually 9.6 points. This is really too terrifying. " Xin Yue's assistant said with a look of shock on her face. This was the highest score she knew about movies after entering this circle. In the past, it was difficult to surpass 8 points, let alone 9 points. This score was truly heaven defying.    


"9.6 points? So high? How is that possible? " Xin Yue also had a look of shock.    


"It's true. Her movie had a very good reputation. After those people finished watching it, they all scored high marks. This made even more people want to watch it. The queuing naturally came up." Xin Yue's assistant said.    


"Impossible. This must be fake. How could it possibly have such high marks? Those people who scored must have been hired by that woman, Qing Xuan. This score must have been exaggerated!" Xin Yue screamed. She could not accept such a fact. A movie that she thought was destined to be lost in the streets. It actually had such a good reputation, and her movie... It was only a few minutes past six. This was really a blow to her reputation.    


Hence, Xin Yue felt that there must be something fishy about this.    


Xin Yue's assistant looked at her mistress and did not have any intention of agreeing with her. The grading website was very transparent and very fair. It was no longer the time for the water army to control the score of a movie. Qing Xuan's movie. With such a high score, it really did not have much to do with the Internet trolls.    


However, if it had nothing to do with the Internet trolls, that meant that this movie really had such a high score. But how was that possible? There had never been a movie with such a high score before. Qing Xuan ran into him with such good luck? And then, he bumped into them again? Then their luck was too bad.    


After Xin Yue shouted angrily for a while, she also calmed down. Because she also understood that the role of the spammers in this was definitely limited. However, she still could not accept the fact that her movie was defeated by the other party's movie.    


"Contact those reporters immediately and let them write a few articles to black that movie." Xin Yue said.    


"Those people are no longer accepting our work. I saw their articles. They are all praising that movie." Xin Yue's assistant said bitterly, "Actually, all the entertainment reporters are writing articles to analyze that movie. They are praising that movie. There are almost no people who say bad things about it. "    


"How could it be like this?" Xin Yue's face turned pale. She suddenly felt helpless. She thought that with the help of the prestige and ability of a world-renowned director, she would definitely be able to defeat Qing Xuan. It would allow her position in Fengyu Country to rise a little, and even take the opportunity to open up the international market. However, she did not expect that when she faced Qing Xuan... Furthermore, she lost completely. Although she was still ahead in terms of box office sales, however, she knew that with the current trend, Qing Xuan's movie would easily exceed her box office sales.    


Xin Yue's guess was right. On the third day, the movie Qing Xuan starred in surpassed Xin Yue's movie box office. Although on the third day, the screenings of the two movies were almost the same. However, the difference in box office earnings on a single day was huge. Qing Xuan's "Titanic" box office earnings were almost three times the box office earnings of Xin Yue's movie! But it was said that the cinemas were filled to the brim everywhere.    


This not only caused the total box office earnings of "Titanic" in Fengyu Country to exceed Director Robert's new movie, but also... Director Robert's movie naturally became a victim once again.    


At this moment, whether it was in terms of reputation or box office sales, in terms of screenings, Qing Xuan's movie surpassed Xin Yue's. It was a complete reversal, and Qing Xuan only used three days to complete this reversal.    


What shocked the people of Fengyu Country even more was that Qing Xuan's movie "Titanic" not only became popular in Fengyu Country, but also in other countries. It was also very popular, and the box office rose steadily. Furthermore, the public reputation was very good, which made the people of Fengyu Country even more surprised. There were also even more people who wanted to see this movie that gave their Fengyu Country entertainment industry face. As for what it was like, they could also support it.    


Hence, the entire Fengyu Country became a hot topic for viewing. Young men and women could be seen everywhere discussing the plot of the movie. There were some young men and women. In fact, it was already four or five times. The box office of this movie... It had been steadily increasing and soon broke the box office record. Furthermore, there were no signs of stopping.    


The entire entertainment industry in the world was shocked by the sudden appearance of this movie. Everyone wanted to know where its limit was, how much box office sales could be obtained in the end, and what kind of glory it would obtain.    


"Hehe, I think the outside world must be looking for you as the lead actor now." At the beach of a certain city, Huang Feng and Lu Xuan were lying in umbrellas to rest. Huang Feng looked at the newspaper as he joked with Lu Xuan.    


Huang Feng did not expect that this classic movie, which had gone through a direct confrontation on Earth, would have such success in this time and space. This success was even more brilliant than he had expected.    


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