Universe Storage Box

C1493 Bodyguard

C1493 Bodyguard



Qing Xuan was slightly stunned by Huang Feng's decisive refusal, but she still followed him. Because at this moment, she still felt a little afraid. Only by following Huang Feng could she feel a sense of security.    


"Why did you refuse to be my bodyguard?" Qing Xuan asked.    


"Not interested." Huang Feng said.    


"I can give you a lot of money." She didn't know much about Huang Feng and didn't know what he needed, so she could only use money to solve the problem.    


"I am not short of money." Huang Feng said.    


Qing Xuan gritted her teeth and said to Huang Feng with a pitiful look on her face, "Please help me. I am very scared now. These people won't give up until they catch me this time. You have already saved me once. Can you bear to see me get caught? "    


"As long as it's not caught in front of me." Huang Feng said. However, although he said so, in his heart, he was actually unwilling to see Qing Xuan get grabbed by those people. Although he did not know their specific purpose, thinking about it, there must be nothing good about it.    


Qing Xuan did not speak and just looked at Huang Feng, who was about to cry. Her face also had a pitiful expression, like a stray cat that had been abandoned. It was very different from the cold look Huang Feng had seen on the set.    


"As expected of an actor." Huang Feng thought to himself. She was originally very cold and elegant. With such a cold and elegant woman and a pitiful expression, not many men would be affected.    


Huang Feng was also hesitating. At this moment, he happened to see the script in Qing Xuan's hand. Regarding the script, Huang Feng was also very familiar with it. He had prepared it himself. The script that was placed in the Storage Box was replaced later on. It should have been at Qing Xuan's place. However, Huang Feng did not expect it. At this critical moment of escape, Qing Xuan actually brought along this script.    


"After all, it has something to do with me. I can't just leave her to die." Huang Feng thought in his heart and then said to Qing Xuan, "Alright, follow me during this period of time."    


"That's great. Thank you." Qing Xuan's expression immediately changed, and she said happily, which made Huang Feng have to sigh with emotion. Her change of expression was really quick, as expected of an actor.    


"But you can't always follow me like this, right? Where is your family?" Huang Feng said as he walked.    


"My dad has arranged for someone to pick me up. I will leave when they arrive," ___ said. Yes, ___ said.    


Huang Feng nodded and then asked, "What happened to those people?"    


"I don't know either." Qing Xuan shook her head and said, "I received a call from my father and asked me to hide. I just left the room and I ran into these people. I still don't know who they are and why they want to arrest me. "    


"Then call your father and ask him what's going on" Huang Feng said. He couldn't just run around like a headless fly.    


"En." After that, she called her father, but the phone wasn't picked up.    


"I can't get through." Qing Xuan said.    


"Forget it. Let's leave this place first. We will contact your father later." Huang Feng said.    


"Alright." Qing Xuan intended to follow Huang Feng before her father sent people over. Therefore, she naturally wouldn't object to Huang Feng's arrangement.    


Furthermore, for some reason, Qing Xuan felt an inexplicable sense of trust when she saw Huang Feng. Otherwise, she wouldn't have left so easily with someone she didn't know. Even if this person had just saved her, she knew how dangerous this society was. On the surface, those who help you don't necessarily want to help you. Perhaps it was for a bigger purpose.    


However, Qing Xuan did not know what was going on with Huang Feng. She felt that he was trustworthy, which was why she insisted on following him.    


The two of them went downstairs and left without even finishing the formalities. They believed that the people in the hotel would soon find out what happened upstairs. At that time, it would be very difficult for them to leave easily.    


Just as Huang Feng left the hotel, he saw the two cars. At that moment, the two cars were closer to the hotel.    


When Huang Feng brought Qing Xuan out of the hotel, he suddenly felt a trace of danger.    


Huang Feng hugged Qing Xuan and moved to the side. Qing Xuan was a little confused. She did not know why Huang Feng suddenly did that and wanted to take advantage of her.    


However, before Qing Xuan could think deeper, she heard a "bang" and the glass door of the hotel behind them was shattered.    


Qing Xuan immediately understood what was going on. She did not care about anything else and buried her head in Huang Feng's arms.    


"I found you!" Huang Feng immediately found the person who fired the gun. It was in a room opposite the hotel. It might even be a sniper.    


After the gunshot, in the two cars... A few people also got out with guns in their hands. They rushed towards Huang Feng and Qing Xuan. These people were the ones who had stayed in the car to receive them. In the end, they did not get their companions, but they found Qing Xuan. Although they did not know Huang Feng, he was walking with Qing Xuan at this moment. Those people naturally wouldn't have a good impression of him.    


After Huang Feng hugged Qing Xuan and jumped a few times, he had already disappeared from those people's line of sight. Huang Feng did not intend to turn back to look for them. Instead, he directly took Qing Xuan and left. After all, it was not convenient for him to bring Qing Xuan with him now. Furthermore, he was still in a daze. He did not know what was going on. It was better to wait for the matter to be resolved first.    


Those people clearly had no intention of letting Huang Feng and Qing Xuan go. After Huang Feng left with Qing Xuan, they began to search the surroundings. At the same time, they also called for backup. Because they found that the situation was more complicated than they had imagined.    


Ten minutes later, Qing Xuan and Huang Feng appeared on the other side of the city. Huang Feng used the identification card that the Storage Box had helped him get a room and moved in with Qing Xuan. As for Qing Xuan's ID card, it was obviously not available for the time being, otherwise... It was very easy to be found, even if it was when he entered the hotel. Qing Xuan also deliberately lowered her head.    


Even though staying in the same room with a stranger made Qing Xuan feel a little uncomfortable. However, at this time, she could not care about so much anymore. Furthermore, Huang Feng had always given Qing Xuan a feeling that he was trustworthy. Therefore, after Qing Xuan was slightly shy for a while, she accepted this moment. The most important thing for her now was to contact her father and tell him where she lived. She wanted him to send someone to pick her up.    


However, after making a few phone calls in the room, Qing Xuan's expression became uglier and uglier.    


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