Universe Storage Box

C1085 No Loopholes to Exploit

C1085 No Loopholes to Exploit

With the help of the dummies and the slaves, Huang Feng could finally free himself from the troublesome matters. It was only now that he had the time and energy to deal with his own matters.    


However, this world had almost been destroyed by the Zombie. There was nothing worth playing in this world. Moreover, due to the time, there were still some scattered Zombie at the edges of the world. Therefore... This world was still not very safe.    


And just as Huang Feng had thought, his hundreds of millions of savings... Like flowing water, they were constantly being used up. Because he wanted to invest in the world, control this country, and rebuild it. All of this required money, for the construction of a country... The money required is definitely not a small amount, so, Huang Feng had previously felt that he no longer needed to worry about money. However... He realized that he was thinking too much.    


In Huang Feng's plan, this country called Nance... It would be his base camp in the real world. After all, this place had been destroyed by the Zombie. It could be said that everything was lacking. Therefore, this was a completely empty market. No one was competing with him.    


In other countries, Huang Feng had also invested in this place. He wanted to turn this place into his own territory, and from the looks of it, he still had a high chance of doing so.    


However, it was also because of the massive amount of destruction caused by the Zombie that there weren't many good things left in this world. Huang Feng was currently thinking about what he could bring back to the real world. Although this world was in the post-apocalyptic era, he was still thinking about what he could bring back to the real world. However, it didn't mean that everything here was better than the things in the real world. In fact, in some aspects, this world was even worse than the real world. This was also the reason why Huang Feng planned to sell things from the real world here.    


However, in some aspects, this place was much better than the real world. For example, in terms of weapons and equipment, this place was much better than the real world. Therefore, when Huang Feng was considering what to bring back to reality, the first thing he thought about was weapons and equipment.    


A year's time passed very quickly in the grand construction of the world. Because of Huang Feng's series of policies, he had gained a firm foothold in Nance. No one could threaten his position. However... Huang Feng was not satisfied with this. He knew that politicians would sometimes do it for their own interests. They would ignore their own orders, and only those in the upper echelons were their own people. Only then could he be truly at ease. He could truly control this country. This was also the reason why he wanted to exchange for so many slaves previously.    


And after this period of nurturing and promotion, among the upper echelons of the government, there were already three slaves that Huang Feng had placed in the government. Huang Feng's authority in this country once again increased. The other people were also in high positions now, and with Huang Feng's help behind the scenes, it wasn't too difficult to get promoted.    


As for Marcus, he had been following him since the beginning, even if it was the most dangerous situation for him. He had never left him when he was at his lowest point. Huang Feng didn't treat him unfairly. He had already been transferred out of the Space and Time Corporation. He entered the army. After all, with Huang Feng's help, he quickly rose up. He would be one of the important helpers for Huang Feng to control this country in the future.    


"After I leave, I'll leave this place to you all. If you have any problems in the future, just tell Huang Bing. He will report to me. " When Huang Feng didn't have much time in this world, he once again gathered all the slaves he had exchanged for. He told them what happened after he left.    


Because they were all slaves that Huang Feng had exchanged for, their loyalty towards Huang Feng naturally didn't need to be doubted. Even if Huang Feng asked them to die, they wouldn't hesitate at all. Therefore, they naturally had no objections to Huang Feng's arrangement.    


In the end, Huang Feng chose to take away a piece of information regarding the design of bulletproof vests. This was the result of Huang Feng's choice after many selections. In reality, there were bulletproof vests too, but... In terms of effect and weight, obviously, they couldn't be compared to the one Huang Feng chose. The weight of this bulletproof vest... It was only equivalent to the weight of an ordinary T-shirt. But... Its bulletproof ability was quite powerful, even if it was shot at close range. There wouldn't be any problem. Even the powerful sniper rifle couldn't penetrate it.    


However, because of the USB, Huang Feng thought of another way. That was to copy a lot of information into a USB, and then he would choose to take the USB out in the end. If he could take the USB out, then it would be equivalent to bringing out a lot of information. Huang Feng was worried that the Storage Box would not allow it, so he made two sets of preparations.    


When the last second passed, the scene in front of Huang Feng changed once again. He left the post-apocalyptic world and returned to the villa in reality. Looking at the quiet environment around him, Huang Feng slowed down. Only then did he get used to it.    


"Sure enough, it still doesn't work?" Not long after, Huang Feng said with a bitter smile on his face.    


Just now, the Storage Box had asked him to choose something to bring out. He first chose the USB drive. The Storage Box had also agreed. However, it had asked him to include it in the information. If he chose one of the items, the rest would be deleted. Clearly, the Storage Box also knew what Huang Feng was planning. He did not want him to take advantage of the loophole, so in the end, Huang Feng still chose the design information for the bulletproof vest.    


However, Huang Feng wasn't too depressed. Now, in that time and space... The most developed country had already been controlled by him, and everything there would belong to him. As for Huang Bing's memory ability, he still believed it. If he had the chance to meet Huang Bing in the future, he could ask him to memorize some information. Then, he wrote it down in the mansion in the dimensional space. Although it would be slower to give it to him, however... It was also an adaptable method.    


After putting away the design information on the bulletproof vest into the Storage Box, Huang Feng got up and tidied up before walking out of his room.    


After Huang Feng left his room, he went straight to the room next to his. Su Yumo lived here. Huang Feng wanted to find her at this time and chat with her about his life's ideals. However, he didn't know if Su Yumo would open the door.    


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"    


Huang Feng knocked on the door of Su Yumo's room in a low voice. He was afraid that his voice would be too loud. It would wake up the people in the other two rooms. But... What Huang Feng didn't know was that at this moment, the people in the other two rooms... They had not slept yet. Xie Mengjiao was doing it because of the swimming pool at night. Tang Muxue was thinking about whether Huang Feng would come to find her tonight. So... Neither of them had slept yet.    


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