Universe Storage Box

C1052 Huang Feng's Motorcade

C1052 Huang Feng's Motorcade

Meanwhile, in Gaoke City, which was thousands of kilometers away from capital, the surface of the city was the same as other cities. It was in ruins, traffic was paralyzed, houses were collapsing, and everything was in ruins.    


Before the outbreak of the Zombie virus, this city was quite prosperous. It was the city with the best development apart from the capital. A large number of top companies were gathered here, both domestically and externally. The Umbrella Man Company, which was once second to none in the field of bio-medicine in the country... It was also located here.    


Most people did not know who the leader of the Umbrella Man Company was. To the ordinary people, this company was a little mysterious. There were not many exposed information, but the products of this company were not bad. Whether it was healthcare products or all kinds of medicine to treat illnesses, they were all trustworthy.    


It was a pity that at this time, the building of Umbrella Man Company was also in ruins. Ever since the outbreak of the Zombie virus, there had been no one in the building.    


What everyone didn't know was that this building was not only thirty floors high, but also had more than thirty floors. After the outbreak of the Zombie virus, there were more than twenty floors below the building. ... The people of Umbrella Man Company were transferred underground to work. Therefore... This company was not as dilapidated as people thought it was, it was just a transfer. And what people didn't know was that the Zombie virus had erupted. It had something to do with this Umbrella Man Company!    


"Dr Jim, how's your research going?"    


In the underground office building of the Umbrella Man Company, a middle-aged man in a suit was asking an old man who was busy looking at test tubes in the laboratory.    


The old man said without raising his head, "It's almost ready. If nothing unexpected happens, we can start the injection test tonight!"    


"Great. Dr Jim, you really did not disappoint us." The middle-aged man said with a happy face.    


This middle-aged man was the boss of Umbrella Man Company, a person who rarely appeared in public. After hearing Dr Jim's words, he became excited again. He had been waiting for this day for nearly three years. Now, he had finally received a definite answer from Dr Jim.    


"How's the situation outside?" Dr Jim asked casually.    


"What else can it be? It's a mess!" The middle-aged man said. However, there wasn't much of a negative expression on his face. Instead, he seemed very happy: "But this is also good. Let those Zombie destroy as much as they want. When the time comes, we will appear as saviors. At that time... The entire world will be ours! "    


Looking at the seemingly crazy middle-aged man, Jim's hand paused for a moment and a complicated expression flashed across his face. However, he continued with his work and did not say anything else.    


The middle-aged man only woke up from his crazy fantasy after a long time. He looked at Dr Jim who was still busy and said, "Doctor, you should be busy first. I won't disturb you anymore."    


After saying that, the middle-aged man led the others out of the laboratory. Dr Jim saw the middle-aged man leave and sighed deeply. Then, he continued with his work.    


"Boss, Dr Jim has recently been secretly researching the medicine to resist the Zombie virus." Not long after the middle-aged man left, a person wearing a white coat came to his side and whispered.    


"Humph!" The middle-aged man snorted and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes. "This Jim doesn't want to live anymore. I will fulfill his wish. After the thing in his hand is verified, I will send him to God."    


The man in the white coat listened to the middle-aged man's words. His face was filled with joy. He was originally the number two person in the laboratory. Once Dr Jim died, he would become the person in charge of the laboratory. One should know that the status of the laboratory was still very high in Umbrella Man Company. At that time, he would become one of the higher ups of the company.    


"When the time comes, you will take over the laboratory. I hope you won't be as stupid as Jim!" The middle-aged man said to the white coat.    


"No, boss. Don't worry, I'm extremely loyal to you." The man quickly promised.    


"That's good." After saying that, the middle-aged man left without looking back.    


On the other side, Huang Feng and the others had already arrived at the outer region of the capital. This place was indeed as they had imagined. The situation was a little better than the other cities, although it also seemed very dilapidated. However, there were not many corpses in the entire city. Of course, there were still some Zombie. They were just wandering around on the streets.    


"We've finally arrived. This journey isn't easy. ” Marcus said with emotion.    


It could be said that they had fought their way here. The number of Zombies was increasing. Even if they were on a desolate road, they would still be able to encounter Zombie. In addition to that, there were more and more flying Zombie. It could be said that... The journey did not go smoothly.    


Fortunately, everything was over now. They had already reached their destination. As long as they could find the human scientists, they would have hope.    


"Turn on the loudspeaker." Huang Feng said to Marcus through the walkie-talkie.    


"Okay!" Marcus responded, then turned on the loudspeaker on the roof of the car.    


"This is Huang Feng's motorcade. Is there anyone around? There is sufficient food and water here. This place provides protection. This is Huang Feng's motorcade..."    


This loudspeaker was found in a certain city. , everyone recorded a voice message and played it continuously. The main reason was to attract the attention of the surrounding humans. If there were any humans around... When they heard this voice, they would look for Huang Feng and the others. Huang Feng and the others had also taken in many surviving humans through this method.    


Of course, apart from finding those scattered survivors, Huang Feng and the others also wanted to use this method. To let those who had a large number of humans discover them. And now... They had already arrived at the capital. Their first priority... Naturally, they had to find the human's base camp.    


As expected, the loudspeaker continued to ring for half an hour. Huang Feng and the others saw a convoy of vehicles driving towards them. They stopped in front of them, and after that, a group of soldiers with loaded guns got out of the vehicles.    


If it were a peaceful era, seeing so many armed soldiers, everyone might feel nervous and afraid. However, in this post-apocalyptic era, seeing these people, they could only feel at ease.    


"I am Colonel Manning! Congratulations, you are saved!" The leading soldier walked in front of them and said. At this time, Huang Feng and the rest also got out of the car. "Then, who is the captain of this convoy?"    


"I am." Huang Feng took a step forward and said to the leading soldier, "My name is Huang Feng. I will be in charge of this convoy."    


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