Universe Storage Box

C1005 Purchasing Research Institute

C1005 Purchasing Research Institute

In Journey to the West, there are two places where Mutton-fat Jade Clean Bottle appear. One. The other was when Guan Yin Bodhisattva used the water in her jade bottle to save the ginseng tree that was knocked over by Sun Wukong. There was also another place where one of the tribulations Monk Tang had encountered, the one in the Pingding Mountain, Golden Horned King, also had such a thing in his hand. This thing itself was not his. It was stolen from Old Lord Taishang.    


However, Golden Horned King's Mutton-fat Jade Clean Bottle seemed to have a different function from Guanyin's. The immortal dew in Guanyin's hand could save the dead ginseng fruit tree, while Golden Horned King's... It can suck people in and then refine them, however, there was one thing in common between these two jade bottles: they could suck in all kinds of water. It could be stored inside.    


The Mutton-fat Jade Clean Bottle that Huang Feng had obtained was the one in Golden Horned King's hands. However... This thing didn't have much of an effect when he was fighting with Sun Wukong. Golden Horned King and Silver-Horned King had too many treasures in their hands. Just the Purple Gold Gourd and the Golden Canopy Rope had made Sun Wukong suffer a lot. If they were to fight head on, Sun Wukong wouldn't be able to do anything to them. In the end, he had to use a trick to subdue the two demons.    


Because he had already obtained the things in the Journey to the West world, which was to help him break through to the First Class State. At the same time, he had also obtained the Peaches of Immortality that caused him and Bai Xiaorou to have a relationship. However, he had already eaten the peaches. Hence, there was one less Teleportation Certificate.    


And because he had previously obtained something from that space... So... Huang Feng still had some fantasies about obtaining something from Journey to the West again. After all, it was a world of immortals and magic treasures. He would be happy even if he exchanged some of the Storage Box for something else.    


Today, the thing that Huang Feng had been looking forward to had finally happened. The Storage Box had once again exchanged for a good treasure. Huang Feng was very satisfied with this Mutton-fat Jade Clean Bottle.    


After stroking the bottle for a while, Huang Feng kept it into the Storage Ring. After that, he left. He still had quite a lot of things to do today.    


First of all, Huang Feng wanted to find a place first. When he arrived at his research institute, he had already exchanged the slaves for a long time. It was time to let them out for official work. After all, the earlier they started, the better. This way, he would have less trouble.    


In addition, Li Bingyun was coming today. What was wrong with him? He also had to see him once. Also, it was the matter of the little girl, Xue Mengzhu, asking him for help last night. He also had to do it. Otherwise, the little girl might come looking for him. Furthermore, Huang Feng didn't want Zhang Mingjie to continue harassing the mother and daughter. At the same time, Huang Feng didn't forget that he still wanted to buy a house. The earlier he bought a house, the earlier he would live with Su Yumo and the others. Huang Feng was still looking forward to the coming life of living together.    


In addition, Huang Feng also wanted to buy a media organization. He had this idea before, but now his Entertainment Company had been established. The best thing was that he had some control over his own throat. In this way, it would be more convenient for him to support the company in the future.    


Thinking of purchasing the media organization, Huang Feng thought of that paparazzi who had exposed him twice. In any case, he also wanted to purchase the media organization. Then... Just buy the media behind him... Although that fellow had exposed him and Li Bingyun twice, it made him a little unhappy, but it also showed that... He still had the ability.    


Other than these things that he had to do, Huang Feng also had to think of ways to help Su Yumo settle the company's matters. Although, no matter what the Heaven'S Pride Group did in the end, it wouldn't affect the final outcome between him and her. However, the Heaven'S Pride Group was founded by Su Yumo after all. They had feelings for each other. Furthermore, Huang Feng had stayed there before. Naturally, he didn't want to see it fall into ruin.    


Thinking about this, Huang Feng felt that he had too many things to do. One day might not be enough.    


However, this matter still needed to be done one by one. Huang Feng first contacted Zheng Shuai, wanting to ask him if he knew anyone who could help him buy a place that could be used as a research institute.    


"Why do you want to buy that kind of place?" Zheng Shuai asked.    


"I have other properties here, don't I? If you want good development and don't want to make technological innovations, then you definitely can't. So, I was thinking of creating a place like this... I specifically wanted to do some technical public relations." Huang Feng explained.    


"You are really rich. Do you know how much it costs to set up such a research institute? Without a large amount of funding, it's impossible to have any results." Zheng Shuai said. He had previously seen that Huang Feng had quite a bit of money in his card. However, opening the Entertainment Company also required a lot of money. Furthermore, the investment of the research institute couldn't be small. If it was less, it wouldn't have any effect. He was afraid that Huang Feng wouldn't know about this. At that time, both sides wouldn't have enough funds.    


"I know. Don't worry. I still have some money with me." Huang Feng said.    


"Alright, as long as you know it yourself." Zheng Shuai said. After all, that was Huang Feng's matter. He could only give advice and suggestions. In the end, he still needed Huang Feng to make the decision himself. "Now that you mention it, I have really thought of this place. I know of a research institute that seemed to have been built by some big boss. However, because of the long-term investment, they didn't get any good results. Thus, the other party gave up and wanted to sell it. If you want to buy it, I can help you contact him. "    


One had to admit that Zheng Shuai was better than Huang Feng in terms of connections and information. He actually found a good place for Huang Feng in such a short period of time.    


"Where is it? Of course I want to buy it." Huang Feng said immediately.    


"I'll send you the address later. I'll also contact that boss. You can go directly." Zheng Shuai said.    




Not long after Huang Feng hung up the phone, he received a message from Zheng Shuai. There was an address on it. Huang Feng immediately drove to the place where the address was.    


When Huang Feng arrived, there were already people waiting there. The person wasn't the boss of this place, but the gatekeeper. The boss wasn't in Jiang Prefecture, but he had already received orders from the boss. He would bring Huang Feng in for a stroll if Huang Feng was satisfied. Both parties continued to discuss the price.    


Huang Feng naturally had no objections to this arrangement. On the way, he had already transferred a slave scientist from another dimension. After all, he didn't know much about the research institute. Or... Let these professionals evaluate it.    


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