Universe Storage Box



"This is my territory?"    


An hour later, Huang Feng stood in an empty area as he muttered to himself.    


The area in front of him was extremely open, and not far from him was the training area. The monsters' levels were around forty to sixty, just like how City Lord had described before, and this was the most welcomed level by the players in a very long time. Furthermore, based on the player's current levelling speed, it would take at least half a year before he could level up from Level 40 to Level 60, so Huang Feng didn't need to worry about the flow of people at all.    


"Yes, Lord City Lord. If you are satisfied with this place, I will immediately arrange for people to start building a city here." He was arranged by the City Lord of the Black Turtle City for Huang Feng's butler. Although every Guild created by the city would receive a system character to help them familiarize with the city's management, there were still differences in these system characters that were sent over.    


The City Lord s of the Black Turtle City were obviously very considerate of Huang Feng, so there was no need to doubt the capabilities of the people sent to him.    


"Satisfied, I'm very satisfied." Huang Feng said: "You can arrange for people to build a city here."    


"Understood, Lord City Lord." The butler said.    


After that, without knowing that it was like a magic trick behind him, many people suddenly appeared, all of them had tools in their hands, after they appeared, they started getting busy at the location that Huang Feng pointed to, and in front of Huang Feng, they slowly saw walls emerging from the ground.    


This game was built as close to reality as possible, so even if the city was built, it would not be able to suddenly rise up just with a single word from Huang Feng. It required a whole process, regardless of it, this process was shortened by the system by a lot, and normally, it would take around a week.    


Huang Feng looked at the busy crowd and nodded his head in satisfaction. He was very satisfied with the attitude of these people.    


However, Huang Feng did not continue to stay here. Instead, he arranged for the butler to supervise here before he left, and thus, he did not have much things to do here, so he did not need to continue to stay here.    


The person Huang Feng needed to do now, was naturally to expand his association. With the promise of the Black Turtle City City Lord, Huang Feng could finally unload his limbs and expand his association.    


This game was very realistic. Within the Black Turtle City, the players had their own things to do, while the First Nations players also had their own things. They wouldn't be like other games, where they could only do the same things over and over again every day.    


This was one of the reasons why the City Lord had given Huang Feng such special care. Of course, Huang Feng had to promise him that his guild only had to have the First Nations, and not a single player.    


Huang Feng arrived at a large plaza in the Black Turtle City. This place was a rarely visited place, and most of the people here were First Nations. Some of them were First Nations s who came to find work, and some were slaves who were sold here.    


They couldn't hire these people, but the price was too high. Moreover, these people were just normal people with all sorts of restrictions. This was the reason why almost no players would come to this place.    


However, this place was a very good place for Huang Feng. He had the authority of the Black Turtle City City Lord, so it was possible for him to recruit First Nations s into the guild. That is to say, as long as he took a fancy to the people here, and the other party was not opposed to joining his guild, he could bring anyone away, but the corresponding price would be pitifully small.    


Huang Feng was not in a hurry to find someone, but instead observed them slowly. After all, he had the experience of buying slaves and had interacted with slaves for a long time, knew which slaves had strong bodies and were honest and which slaves liked to cheat and cheat. Such people were clearly not what he wanted.    


After spending around half a day's time, Huang Feng finally managed to recruit around three hundred slaves and commoners, and after entering his guild, he spent a lot of money to buy those slaves, so, it was fine as long as he provided them with food.    


Of course, Huang Feng would rather have his guild be filled with slaves, that would be easier for him to manage. But to recruit some commoners, it would also be a part of the City Lord s that he promised.    


Because he had completed his previous mission, Huang Feng's current "Hua Xia" Guild was already a Level 2 Guild. However, amongst the numerous guilds, a Level 2 Guild was not very conspicuous, so it did not attract too much attention.    


As for the Level 2 Guild, they could recruit 3,000 members. However, based on the principle of "getting what you want", Huang Feng was not in a hurry to use up all the spots.    


And once they had members, Huang Feng could arrange for his members to complete corresponding guild missions to raise their guild's grade. Because it was all because of the First Nations, Huang Feng was able to order them with ease, and no problems would occur.    


After everything was arranged, Huang Feng started to practice his Medicine Refining Arts, although he had the necklace and ring as well, he was now a grandmaster level alchemist and could use the Divine Dragon Cauldron, but he still needed to borrow other things. When he returned to reality, he could not bring back all these things, so he still needed to practice the Medicine Refining Arts, and without using any other equipment, he could use the Divine Dragon Cauldron.    


Huang Feng trained for a week, and in that one week, many things happened within the game.    


Firstly, because Huang Feng had completed the Black Turtle City City Lord mission, the other guild leaders who had accepted the mission were determined as having failed, and those who failed would be punished, and the only ones who accepted the mission were not just the guilds with Black Turtle City. There were many guild leaders, even from other cities, who came to the Black Turtle City to accept the mission.    


As a result, many of the guild leaders had their levels dropped, and at the same time, their guild levels dropped by one level. The Great Guild leaders were not low levelled, and the guilds were also high levelled.    


Thus, one of Huang Feng's actions, was immediately caused by the fact that the strength of the game's players had dropped by a level, while the other guilds' players were all asking who had completed the quest. However, until now, they had no clue, they had no way of finding out, and Huang Feng had gone into closed door training to practice Medicine Refining Arts, so he did not tell the others that he had completed the quest. Thus, the others naturally did not know.    


Other than this, there was one other thing related to Huang Feng, and that was the System s Player City Power Rankings. Originally, there were only nine cities, but now there was an additional city called "Hua Xia", and this "Hua Xia" Guild's city had been established, as if it had suddenly appeared. Before, no one had heard any news about it, so everyone was naturally very curious and concerned about the city.    


However, it was destined that they wouldn't be able to investigate's background, because after Huang Feng had arranged for the butler to supervise the construction of the city, he had not shown his face anymore.    


Other than these two things, the other guilds' conflicts were still unending. This was something unavoidable, because when players were in the game, they often wouldn't control their words and deeds. Even if they encountered something that made them uncomfortable, they wouldn't swallow their anger.    


It was very easy for players to come into conflict with each other. Sometimes, just a casual glance could cause a large scale conflict, and players all had good friends in the game. If they suffered a loss, they would definitely get their good friends to help them out.    


Of course, Huang Feng did not need to worry about that, his guild was the First Nations, and without his permission, they would not recklessly fight with other people.    


However, the other guild leaders would not have such good luck with Huang Feng. Furthermore, most of the time, in order to obtain better levelling points, they would even take the initiative to clash with him.    


However, these conflicts were unavoidable in the game, so no one cared.    


And a week later, Huang Feng stopped his cultivation. It was not that he did not want to contact the Medicine Refining Arts, but because his city was already completed, so naturally, he had to check it out immediately.    


"This is my city?" Huang Feng said to himself as he stood at the city gate and looked at the two big words "Hua Xia" on top of the door.    


"Yes, Lord City Lord." The butler said, "However, the defenses of these city walls are not high. If there is an enemy attack, they may not be able to withstand it. We still have to reinforce our defenses."    


Huang Feng nodded his head, that was for sure, after the city was built, it would definitely take more time and money to build it, and at that time, it would become useful as a butler. With them, they could understand how to build the city more quickly, but most of the housekeepers just needed to follow the rules and not help them save money, and only knew how to strengthen the defenses of the city.    


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