Universe Storage Box

C847 He Wanted to Buy It

C847 He Wanted to Buy It

Boss Fu's factory, on the other hand, was definitely in Jiang Prefecture, or even the entire Qing Province. With all his effort, he was able to forge weapons for Huang Feng at a very high efficiency.    


"As long as the things are satisfactory, I also hope to continue working with Boss Fu." Huang Feng said.    


"I will bring the two of you to visit my small place." Boss Fu was not in a hurry to bring Huang Feng to check the goods. Instead, he wanted to bring Huang Feng and Tian Jun around to take a look. However, his place was not a small place. The area it occupied was not small either.    


Huang Feng and Tian Jun didn't object, and they were also very curious about this place.    


Under Boss Fu's lead, Huang Feng and Tian Jun visited his weapon forging workshop.    


According to Boss Fu's introduction, he had two forging modes here. One of them was purely handmade. The weapons that came out like this had special characteristics, were beautiful, and were very practical.    


The other type was a weapon that was mass-produced using lathes and other instruments. In terms of quality, this type of weapon was slightly worse than handmade ones. However, the advantage was that the forging speed was fast and... It was cheap.    


Huang Feng needed a lot of weapons and time was tight, so it was impossible for him to forge them one by one.    


"Boss Huang, don't worry. Even if those swords and sabers were forged by flowing water, in the entire Qing Province, there would be no problem with the quality of those swords and sabers. I can't even find a better quality one here." Boss Fu promised Huang Feng.    


Huang Feng nodded and did not say anything. When he went to check the goods later, he would see the specific effects of the swords and sabers. He would know if this Boss Fu was bragging.    


In addition to the forging workshop, Boss Fu also had a laboratory. According to him, only by following the times could they not be eliminated by the market. Therefore, they needed to constantly innovate technology and make better swords and knives.    


No matter what, Huang Feng still admired Boss Fu's courage and eyesight. He looked at Boss Fu and said, "Boss Fu, I wonder how this industry is now? Your business should be good, right?"    


"You can barely make a living." At this moment, his face showed some melancholy. "Nowadays, there are not many custom-made swords like you. The main source of profit here is from the fans of those swords in the country. They will spend money to customize some swords and sabers, but there are not many of them. They are all handmade, so the price is relatively higher. However, there were not many of such people. So... I can only barely maintain this situation. It's already good enough that I'm not bankrupt. It's already impossible to earn big money."    


Huang Feng's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. However, he didn't show any expression on his face. Instead, he continued to follow the other party around. Perhaps it was because of the conversation just now, Boss Fu wasn't very interested in the rest of the conversation.    


Soon, the viewing of the place was completed. Boss Fu brought Huang Feng and Tian Jun to the warehouse. There were many boxes there. He opened one of the boxes and said, "These are the swords and swords that I wanted. They are all here. Take a look. "    


Huang Feng nodded and picked up a knife from within. This knife looked like a Tang knife. It was about 70 centimeters long and had a sharp edge. Obviously, it was not a knife without a sharp edge. This was also Huang Feng's request. He wanted these knives and swords to kill people. He wanted to kill the Devil Beast, not just to hurt them. Therefore, it was necessary for him to open his sword. Of course, this request also made him pay a little more.    


Huang Feng took it and walked to a wooden stake that Boss Fu had prepared earlier. That wooden stake was about 30 centimeters in diameter and about 40 centimeters in length. Huang Feng held the knife with one hand and fiercely chopped down. The wooden stake broke into two parts from the middle. Huang Feng looked at the broken part. The opening was very smooth. He did not encounter much resistance during the process of chopping down. Obviously, this blade was very sharp.    


After that, Huang Feng came to a hanging rope. His blade cut through it, and the rope was cut off. The port was also very smooth.    


Huang Feng nodded. He was obviously very satisfied with this knife. After that... Then, he stood on a piece of metal next to him. He slashed a few times, but nothing happened. Of course, that would still happen if he did it many times. After all, Boss Fu had already told Huang Feng the truth. This was the finished product of running water. There would definitely be some flaws. However, it was already very good.    


At the same time, due to the problem of the materials and some technical problems... Huang Feng could not ask him to spend that little money. He just needed the other party to forge so many divine weapons for him at the same time to reach his current level. Alright.    


"Is Boss Huang satisfied with these things of mine?" Seeing the expression on Huang Feng's face, Boss Fu's face finally showed a smile again. If Huang Feng was satisfied, this list would be considered a success. As for the rest, he could still continue to work with Huang Feng. His factory could also be nourished for a period of time.    


"Satisfied, very satisfied. Boss Fu's things are really good." After Huang Feng put the knife into the box, he said to Boss Fu with a smile.    


Boss Fu finally felt relieved and said, "Then what do you think about our subsequent cooperation?"    


"That's not urgent." Huang Feng waved his hand and said, "Let's talk about another cooperation now."    


"What cooperation?" Boss Fu asked with some doubt.    


"I just saw that Boss Fu's situation didn't seem to be very good. I wonder if Boss Fu has any countermeasures?" Huang Feng said.    


Just now, when they were looking around, Huang Feng suddenly discovered something. The forging and trading of this weapon was also a lucrative business. If that was the case, why didn't he hold it in his hand? I have two space-time blank markets behind me, perhaps there will be more in the future. He didn't have Competitor in such a large market. If he still didn't make money... There was no justice in this world. The arms business had always been a very profitable business.    


If he wanted to make money, he would need a lot of weapons in the future. If that was the case, why didn't he build a weapon factory? If that was the case, he would earn more money. Furthermore... It would also be more convenient, and he wouldn't be in danger of being controlled by others in the future.    


Huang Feng was very satisfied with the factory in front of him. Therefore, he had the idea of purchasing this place. Of course, if Boss Fu wasn't willing, Huang Feng wouldn't force him. He would just find another factory, even if it wasn't big in the beginning. With his own investment, it would expand very quickly.    


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