Universe Storage Box

C762 Xiao Wu Broke Through

C762 Xiao Wu Broke Through

Just like that, Huang Feng and the other two had their own matters to attend to, so they temporarily stayed in the city.    


On this day, Huang Feng called over the Xiao Bai and Little Five. After spending some time with them, Huang Feng and Little Five had a pretty good relationship.    


The Xiao Bai had once told Huang Feng that Little Five was already at the bottleneck of the ninth grade. He could break through at any time, but this could take decades at any time. It could also be a hundred years. This was hard to say. It could also be that he would never be able to break through. After all, in this world, no one had ever seen a Divine Beast before. They were all legendary existences.    


And today, Huang Feng called them over, preparing to give the remaining Holy Purple Fruit to Little Five to consume. After some consideration, Huang Feng still decided to give this Holy Purple Fruit to Little Five to consume. Not to the emperor of the Crimson Moon Kingdom.    


Of course, Huang Feng was also a little reluctant in his heart. Not to mention after completing this mission... The mercenary group experience he could get was the one million gold coins. It was enough for Huang Feng to covet it. After all, it would be exchanged for soft sister coins. That was one billion gold coins, a number that Huang Feng did not even dare to imagine.    


However, in the end, Huang Feng still decided not to complete this mission. The experience of a mercenary group could be slowly accumulated. As for money... He could also slowly earn 1 billion, although it was a lot. However, Huang Feng was confident that he could still earn it. Especially after discovering that there were a lot of things that could be earned in this time and space. Huang Feng was even more confident now.    


Therefore, these things were easy to deal with, but not everyone could have Divine Beast. As long as his mercenary group had the Divine Beast, no one would dare to make a move on his mercenary group. Although the Xiao Bai was also a Divine Beast, it had not grown up yet. He could not stay in this time and space forever. Therefore... Huang Feng had to level up Little Five.    


"Little Five, come here." Huang Feng said to the Five Elements Demonic Wolf.    


The Five Elements Demonic Wolf obediently came to Huang Feng's side. Although it was because of the Xiao Bai at the beginning, however, during this period of contact, it had a very good impression of Huang Feng, especially since Huang Feng could make it. It had never eaten delicious food before, so he liked Huang Feng even more.    


"Take this and eat it!" Huang Feng took out a Holy Purple Fruit from his Storage Ring and said.    


At first, the Five Elements Demonic Wolf didn't know what Huang Feng was calling him for, but when it saw the Holy Purple Fruit Huang Feng took out, it immediately became excited.    


Of course, it knew the effects of the Holy Purple Fruit, and it really wanted to use it. However, at the same time, it also knew how precious the Holy Purple Fruit was. It had the Xiao Bai. It didn't dare to snatch it from Huang Feng. Originally... It didn't expect that Huang Feng would give it such a pill today.    


The Five Elements Demonic Wolf looked at Huang Feng with gratitude and doubt, not knowing why he would do it.    


"I gave you this to eat because I hope that you can break through. In the future, you will be the guardian of my mercenary group, protecting my mercenary group. It's impossible for Xiao Bai and I to stay here forever. The mercenary group will have to rely on you to protect them in the future. " Huang Feng said.    


Huang Feng also knew that there was a chance of breaking through the bottleneck after consuming the Holy Purple Fruit. However, it was not absolute. There was still a high possibility of failure. However, Huang Feng still decided to gamble.    


The Five Elements Demonic Wolf clearly understood what Huang Feng said. It nodded with all its might. Even if Huang Feng didn't give it the Holy Purple Fruit, because of the Xiao Bai... But now, Huang Feng gave it the Holy Purple Fruit. It had no reason not to protect it.    


The Xiao Bai was also very happy. After all, Little Five could be considered its little brother. Of course, it also hoped that its little brother would be stronger.    


"Pick it up and eat it." Huang Feng said to the Five Elements Demonic Wolf.    


The Five Elements Demonic Wolf excitedly took the Holy Purple Fruit from Huang Feng's hand. That rich fragrance made it somewhat intoxicated. After that, without any hesitation, it put the Holy Purple Fruit into its mouth.    


Then, Huang Feng and the Xiao Bai looked at the Five Elements Demonic Wolf as if they were looking at a dramatic change in expression. The expression on their faces kept changing, sometimes red, sometimes purple. Sometimes white, it made Huang Feng and the Xiao Bai worried. The Xiao Bai looked at the other party with encouragement, hoping that the Five Elements Demonic Wolf could break through the bottleneck.    


As for the Five Elements Demonic Wolf, it didn't have a very good feeling at the moment. The energy of the Holy Purple Fruit was extremely tyrannical. It kept colliding within its body, and it could only suppress and digest it. Absorb! This energy was used to break through its own cultivation bottleneck.    


And reality proved that the Five Elements Demonic Wolf had indeed reached a bottleneck for a very long time. It had accumulated a large amount of energy within its body. Thus, it quickly suppressed the impact brought by the Holy Purple Fruit. After that, it began to absorb its energy.    


After some time, the Five Elements Demonic Wolf suddenly raised its head and let out a howl.    


"Owoo..." The sound was distant and loud, as if it had penetrated through the entire city.    


Some of the livestock in the city, and even some of the Devil Beast that had been raised by humans, involuntarily knelt down upon hearing this sound. They lay prone on the ground, trembling.    


Some of the people who were taller than the Cultivation Level also felt a monstrous aura suddenly appear in the city at this moment. It was enough to suppress them until they could not breathe.    


Fortunately, this voice quickly disappeared. The people and Devil Beast in the city also returned to normal. However, the doubt and shock in their hearts did not reduce in the slightest.    


"Little Five, you broke through?" In Huang Feng's residence, Huang Feng looked at the Five Elements Demonic Wolf with a pleasantly surprised expression and said.    


The Five Elements Demonic Wolf nodded. Then, its body suddenly moved, and its huge body disappeared. In its place was the appearance of a middle-aged man, and it appeared in front of Huang Feng and the Xiao Bai.    


"Thank you, Master, for your generosity." The middle-aged man knelt down on one knee toward Huang Feng and said respectfully.    


"You are Xiao Wu?" Huang Feng said with some surprise. Although he had heard that the Divine Beast could transform into a human form, he had never seen it with his own eyes, so he wasn't sure.    


"En." Little Five still said respectfully, even though he didn't care about his Qi. In terms of strength, he was stronger than Huang Feng and the Xiao Bai. However, he didn't show any disrespect to Huang Feng and the Xiao Bai. He knew why he was able to break through.    


"Get up. It's more convenient for you to take human form." Huang Feng said, "You can register as a mercenary in the future and join my mercenary group."    


Huang Feng was surprised that Xiao Wu called him master, but he did not say anything. Huang Feng would not object to being recognized as master by a Divine Beast.    


"Okay, master." Xiao Wu said. After that, he turned to the Xiao Bai and said, "Greetings, Sister Bai."    


Although Little Five and the Xiao Bai were both Divine Beast, in terms of strength alone, however, Xiao Wu still didn't dare to underestimate the Xiao Bai. One should know that even the Divine Beast was divided into different levels. Obviously, the Xiao Bai was of a higher level than the Xiao Bai.    


"Sister Bai?" Huang Feng was shocked by the way Little Five addressed her.    


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