Universe Storage Box

C2010 A Messenger from the Western Region

C2010 A Messenger from the Western Region

"That's enough. Don't think about it. That woman might not even have that life to be the head of the six palaces. " The handsome young master said, "Also, if that's the case, don't speak nonsense when you go back. Do you know? "    


"This servant is clear." Xiao Huan said. In other words, her mistress trusted her very much. The two of them had a very good relationship, which was why she would talk about this matter in front of that handsome young master. If it was someone else, she would not have said anything at all. Although she did not like to scheme and scheme against each other, she also knew the principle that trouble comes from words. To be able to live in the Imperial Palace for so many years without any ability or self-awareness... It was simply impossible, even with Mistress protecting him. Too simple people would not be able to live there for too long.    


"It's all your fault, Xiao Huan. All of these are disappointing things." The handsome young master said, "Let's go. Let's go to the front and see if there are any fun things there."    


"Sigh." Xiao Huan responded.    


After that, the two of them started to stroll around again. There was indeed someone performing acrobatics in front of them. Even though such acrobatics were in the Imperial Palace, they could also see it, but they could see it outside the Imperial Palace... It was another scene, especially when it was surrounded by ordinary people.    


"Those who are idle move out of the way! Those who are idle, move aside!"    


Just as the two of them were getting excited, a group of people suddenly came from afar. They were all riding tall horses, led by a few people. They were also dressed in the official robes of the Imperial Court. They were familiar with the official robes of the Imperial Court. With a single glance, they recognized that those people were the people of the Dari Temple officials. The one in the lead was a Rank Three official.    


Behind these officials of the Imperial Court were some robust men dressed in strange clothes. One of them was tall and sturdy, and his entire body was filled with an intrepid aura. Half of his body was exposed, and there was even something that resembled a bird's feather stuck into his head.    


Moreover, these people's appearances were different from the people here. One look and one could tell that they were not from the Central Plains.    


"Who are those people? They look really strange." A man dressed like a scholar standing beside the handsome young master and Xiao Huan said.    


"I heard he is from the Fengjue Country of the Western Region." Another scholar said as he waved the fan in his hand.    


"Fengjue Country? The country that has fought with me for more than ten years? They still dare to come here? " The person who heard this immediately said with a face full of anger.    


"They should be the envoys of the Fengjue Country. These two countries are fighting each other, and they don't kill envoys. Our dynasty is a country of etiquette, we will never do something like killing envoys. Presumably, the people of the Fengjue Country should know this as well. Therefore... How dare you come here?" Shizi, who was fanning himself, said.    


"It's really letting them off easy. These barbarians' wildness is hard to change. These few years, they have done quite a number of evil things at the border. I really want to submit to them and go to the border and kill them!"    


"Strange. That Fengjue Country and I have been fighting at the border for so many years, why did it suddenly send an envoy? Could it be that it wants to discuss and discuss something?" The scholar who had been fanning himself said with a puzzled expression.    


"Who knows what they are thinking? However, they definitely don't have any good intentions. The hateful thing is, my dynasty actually received them so grandly. They even asked a Rank-3 official to welcome them and open up a path for them. This is really infuriating. " The man from before said indignantly.    


"If they really come for the sake of discussion and discussion, then send out a Rank-3 official to welcome them. It's not impossible. After all, over the years, our dynasty and the Fengjue Country have been in chaos at the border. The people are suffering from financial losses, causing the treasury to be empty. They want to settle down as well."    


"It's fine if you don't want to fight, but you must not agree to their excessive demands."    


"I hope so."    


As the group of people left, their conversation slowly came to an end. The handsome young master and Xiao Huan stood beside the two of them. After listening to their conversation from the beginning to the end, the crowd gradually dispersed. Only then did the two of them leave.    


"Young Master, are those the people from the Fengjue Country? They look really strange, no wonder. I know I heard it from someone. The Fengjue Country is a barbaric land, and they are all uncivilized people. I saw a lot of fur on their bodies. " Xiao Huan said while clicking her tongue.    


"I heard from Royal Brother that the Fengjue Country is barren and desolate. The environment is clear and bitter. The people there are often hungry, so the customs of the people are tough. If there is a lack of food, they will come to our border to plunder. Kill! Robbing for food, doing everything! How detestable!" That handsome young master said with a slight frown, "I just don't know why they came here this time."    


"Could it be like what those two scholars said just now, they are here to negotiate peace?" Xiao Huan asked.    


"It is possible. I am not sure either." The handsome young master said, "Forget it. I won't think about it anymore. Royal Brother will think about national affairs. Go and bother me. I'm a girl. It's useless to think so much. It's rare for me to sneak out once. Let's walk around again. "    


After saying that, the handsome young master walked forward, his footsteps cheerful. Obviously, what happened just now did not make her think too much. He also did not disturb her mood, just like what she had said. It wasn't up to a girl to worry about national affairs. It was up to her, Royal Brother, and all the officials in the court to think about it. What she needed to do now was to take advantage of this opportunity. She wanted to have some fun.    


"Young Master, wait for me! It's getting late, shouldn't we go back?" Xiao Huan said as she jogged after him.    


"It's still very early. Don't worry. Let's play again." The handsome young master said without stopping.    


On the other side, in the Imperial Palace, the current emperor was sitting in the main hall. He quietly looked at the door with no expression on his face. No one knew what he was thinking.    


On the two sides of the hall, there were two rows of officials. The civil and military officials stood on each side with solemn expressions. They lowered their heads and did not speak. After all, this was the throne room. Without the permission of the emperor, they could not speak casually.    


"Where is the envoy of the Fengjue Country?" After a long while, the emperor who sat at the top suddenly asked. His tough voice echoed in the spacious hall.    


"Your Majesty, the envoy of the Fengjue Country has entered the city and is heading to the Imperial Palace." The first person on the left side said.    


The Emperor nodded and looked at the person who just spoke and said, "Minister Wu, you are the one who is contacting the Fengjue Country. Do you think they are sincere in discussing peace?"    


Obviously, the messenger sent by the Fengjue Country was guessed correctly by the two scholars outside. They really came to discuss peace.    


The first person standing on the left side was Minister Wu Yan from the Ministry of Personnel. Other than Minister from the Ministry of Personnel, he also had another identity. That was Concubine Wu's father! The reason why Concubine Wu was so powerful in the Imperial Palace, and had even spread rumors that he was going to be conferred the title of Empress, was because of this. This had a lot to do with Wu Yan.    


Originally, as Minister of the Bureau of Personnel, Wu Yan didn't have a chance. He also didn't have the right to interfere in the matter of the Fengjue Country. However... For some unknown reason, the Fengjue Country had connected with Wu Yan, and through him, transmitted the thoughts of wanting peace. After that, he arranged for the special envoy to come.    


"Your Majesty, the sincerity of the Fengjue Country in negotiating peace is definitely there." Wu Yan said respectfully, "However, I'm afraid they will put forward some conditions. After all, our dynasty has been in chaos at the border for ten years, but we still haven't gotten any advantages."    


Speaking up to this point, Wu Yan even cast a sideway glance at Minister of War and Li Yuangu. The first person to be punished for losing a battle on the battlefield was naturally Minister of War.    


Li Yuangu also saw Wu Yan's eyes, and immediately said angrily, "We didn't get any advantage, but their Fengjue Country didn't get any benefits either!"    


"The Fengjue Country's food for winter every year seems to be 'provided' by us." Wu Yan said slowly.    


Everyone present knew that the food was not provided to them voluntarily. It was the other party who came here to rob them. It was just that they were unable to defend themselves. That was why they were snatched away.    


"Then, many of them die here every year." Li Yuangu said.    


"Alright, stop arguing!" The Crown Prince suddenly spoke. His voice caused Wu Yan and Li Yuangu to immediately shut up, not daring to speak anymore. The entire hall returned to its deathly silence.    


"There's no problem for them to raise their conditions." The Emperor said, "As long as it's not too much, I can agree to them!"    


As the emperor of the court, he knew the situation of this country better than anyone else. It was not that he could not continue fighting with the Fengjue Country. However... For so many years, he had never been able to gain the upper hand, let alone completely defeat his opponent.    


This battle could not continue to be in a stalemate like this. For so many years, in order to deal with the matters at the border, he had spent a lot of manpower and resources. He had used up a lot of resources in the national treasury. As the Emperor, he wanted to be a Lord. He did not want to see the people suffer. Therefore, after the Fengjue Country sent out the idea of peace, he thought for a moment and agreed. It was a great honor to arrange a meeting with the envoy.    


Of course, deep in his heart, he didn't want this war to happen... He did not want to let it go just like that. Those who are not of my race will definitely have different thoughts. All of this had proven this point. Even if he was able to get along peacefully with the Fengjue Country for the time being... However, it wouldn't be long before the two of them started fighting again.    


However, during this period of peaceful coexistence, to them... It was also very important. With this period of time... He would definitely be able to make the country rich, accumulate wealth... Training soldiers, when there were more disputes, he would be able to completely destroy the other party.    


The reason why he was so confident was because their Great Lu Dynasty was vast and abundant. People were outstanding and had rich resources. As for the Fengjue Country, it was very desolate. If both sides developed together, he was confident that he could surpass the other. Furthermore, he would be able to shake off the other party by a great distance.    


Therefore, even if the other party proposed some conditions, as long as it was not too excessive, he would still accept it. It was all for the sake of buying a short period of ten years, or even a few years of recuperation.    


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