Universe Storage Box

C1966 A Fierce Turtle Shell

C1966 A Fierce Turtle Shell

Blanco nodded her head in satisfaction. Apparently, she was very satisfied with her subordinate's reaction. However, he still reminded her subordinate not to be too careless.    


"Boss, they have appeared." At this time, a team member pointed to the distance and said, "It should be those two cars!"    


Blanco also looked into the distance and saw two black cars speeding towards them.    


"Attention, get ready to shoot!" Blanco said to her soldiers.    


After Blanco gave the order, more than ten soldiers beside her started to shoot crazily at the two cars. Because the two cars were very fast, many of the bullets missed.    


Of course, there were also many bullets that hit the two cars. However, after the bullets hit the two cars, they only made crackling sounds and could not break the two cars. Or it could be stopped. Even the speed did not change at all.    


Seeing this scene, Blanco frowned. She called a few other people over and took out a rocket launcher to aim at the car.    


"Put it down!"    


Blanco gave the order and two cannonballs flew out. After flying for a while, they hit the two cars accurately. When Blanco saw this scene, the corners of her mouth revealed a proud smile. Bullets can't do anything to you. Don't tell me the cannonballs don't want to? I don't have much else here, but I have enough cannonballs.    


However, the smile on Blanco's face did not last long. Then, a shocked and frightened expression appeared on his face. Because, in his field of vision, the two cars... After being hit by the cannonballs, they were actually unscathed, and the cars weren't blown up. They did not flip sideways, and there were no obvious scars on the surface.    


At this moment, the speed of the two cars did not even decrease by much. They were still driving at a relatively fast speed.    


"F * ck, shoot, shoot, shoot fiercely? Where are the cannonballs? Don't save them. Hit him hard. I don't believe I can't beat him! " After Blanco reacted, she gritted her teeth and said to her subordinates.    


At this time, his subordinates were also somewhat shocked. After all, this kind of situation was something they had never seen before. After hearing Blanco's order, not only did their hands not stop, they even moved even faster.    


Bullets and cannonballs seemed to be free as they crazily shot towards the two cars. As the two cars got closer and closer to them, the hit rate of the crowd also kept increasing. The bullets and cannonballs were like raindrops. They kept falling on the two cars.    


However, this should have been something that Blanco and the others were happy about. It made them not happy at all because... They realized in horror that even though they kept hitting the two cars, however, the two cars were not damaged in the slightest... They were like a moving iron wall, no bullets or cannonballs. No bullets or cannonballs could harm him.    


"What, what is going on? Why can't I just blow him up?" Blanco muttered to herself in shock.    


Logically speaking, even if the other party's car was bulletproof, moreover, the bulletproof ability was very strong. However, so many bullets and cannonballs hit it. And, not too far away... Then, those two cars should have exploded... Even if they didn't explode, they should at least have been broken.    


However, the two cars didn't slow down at all. Furthermore, there wasn't even a piece of paint on the car. The rear-view mirrors and the like did not affect them in the slightest. This was very hard to accept. Could it be that the glass on the mirror... Was it bulletproof?    


However, the calculator Blanco could not accept it in her heart, but the fact was indeed so. No matter whether he accepted it or not, there was no way to change it.    


However, the worst thing had clearly not happened yet. Just as Blanco was in shock, suddenly, in the two cars... Two machine guns rose up. Blanco realized a lot. She wanted to let her subordinates hide. But... It seemed to be too late, the two machine guns... Like vipers, they kept coming towards them. Spitting out bullets.    


At this time, the distance between the two sides was not far. In addition, Blanco wanted to cause more damage to the two cars, so many people were gathered together, at least very close to each other.    


At this time, the bullets directly rushed towards the crowd and hit the soldiers on their side.    


"Spread out! Spread out!" Blanco shouted in fear. She did not expect the two cars to not only have strong defense, but also strong attack power. This was very terrifying.    


In that instant, at least ten soldiers were swept down by the two machine guns. They either died on the spot or were lying on the ground screaming.    


The others quickly found cover to hide, and so did Blanco.    


However, the two cars did not have any intention of letting them go. They kept shooting at them, and they were getting closer and closer to them. Blanco and the others were beaten so badly that they could not even raise their heads. Occasionally, they would shoot once or twice, but it was useless.    


"Requesting assistance. Requesting assistance. We have been violently attacked by the enemy's firepower. Requesting assistance!" Blanco shouted madly into her earpiece.    


"What did you say? Blanco, say it again. It's too noisy over there. I can't hear you clearly." The voices of the frontline members could be heard from the headphones.    


" Requesting backup. Damn it, their cars are too fierce. We can't beat them at all! " Blanco repeated.    


"Blanco, hold on a little longer. We have also suffered a fierce counterattack from the other side. You only have two cars on your side. You can definitely defeat them."    


"What the hell did I defeat!" Blanco said loudly, "Their cars can't penetrate at all. The firepower is fierce. We can only passively take a beating now."    


"Blanco, we can't provide support here. You can hold on. Good luck!" The person in the headset said.    


Obviously, from the tone of the other party, he did not seem to believe Blanco's words. Although they had attacked the two cars previously, they were bulletproof. However, Blanco had heavy weapons. No matter how strong the other party's bulletproof ability was, they would not be able to win against those heavy weapons.    


"Hey hey..." Blanco shouted at the headset that had been cut off. She did not get a response. Then, she threw the headset hard. "These bastards, are they trying to kill me?"    


"Shoot, shoot!" Blanco had no choice but to let her subordinates fight back. It was impossible to support them. They could only rely on themselves.    


However, their counterattack could not cause any substantial damage to the two cars. Instead, it was because the shooting exposed their position. People were continuously hit and killed.    


"This won't do. If this continues, we will all die here. Retreat, retreat!" Blanco said to her subordinates.    


Blanco's subordinates had wanted to retreat a long time ago. They realized that... These two cars were simply monsters. How could they fight? They couldn't even break them. They were here, and the final result was... They could only be killed by the people in those two cars.    


Therefore, at this moment, with Blanco's order, everyone could no longer care about the cannons. They turned around and ran.    


However, two legs could not outrun four legs. How could their speed be faster than the two cars? Therefore, there were still people being killed continuously. At this time, Blanco... He saw his subordinates falling one after another. His expression was very ugly, but he did not have any good ideas. He could only continue to run with an ashen face. He found a somewhat dilapidated small building. He directly went up to the second floor, wanting to avoid the two cars' line of sight.    


After all, this was within the city, so there were still many houses. In Blanco's mind, although they could not outrun the two cars, however, as long as they found a place to hide, the two cars... There was nothing they could do about it, especially when they were hiding in this building. Unless they got out of the car and attacked... Blanco felt that once those people got out of the car, their advantage... It also disappeared.    


"Damn it! When I return this time, I must kill more of Hanssen's men! These bastards dare to kill my men just because they have good defensive abilities! Fortunately, there were a lot of restrictions on cars during the street fights in this city. As long as they come out of the car, I must kill them. You guys keep an eye on them. Once they stop the car and come out, hit them hard! " Blanco said to her subordinates.    


"Don't worry, Boss. We will beat their shit out!"    


"Yes! Once they leave that iron box, they'll be dead for sure!"    


The other members were also filled with righteous indignation. Indeed, they had been suppressed by the other party and had been unable to fight back. This made them feel very aggrieved. They all felt that... Hanssen's men were only relying on the defensive power of the two cars. That was why they dared to be so arrogant. When they came out of the cars... It would be their time to die!    


Blanco also felt the same way. Furthermore, he felt that he had not lost yet. He could make good use of these bunkers to deal with them.    


However, just as Blanco was thinking about how to take revenge on Hanssen's subordinates, the bodies of the few of them suddenly flew out. The wall behind them that was used to hide their bodies also collapsed. After that, they discovered in horror that two familiar things had appeared in front of their eyes.    


It was the two cars from earlier!    


What frightened Blanco and the rest was that the two cars were currently suspended in the air. They were like two huge beasts, staring coldly at them!    


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