Universe Storage Box

C1601 The Demon Race Has Reappeared

C1601 The Demon Race Has Reappeared

When Huang Feng and the other three returned to their residence, Qiu Ningshuang had yet to rest. Before Huang Feng left, he told her to rest early so that she could recover as soon as possible. However, Huang Feng had gone to carry out a dangerous mission. Qiu Ningshuang, who was worried about Huang Feng, obviously could not rest early.    


Now that she saw that Huang Feng had returned safely, a smile finally appeared on Qiu Ningshuang's face.    


"Rest early. It's fine now." Huang Feng comforted Qiu Ningshuang.    


"Yes." Qiu Ningshuang replied obediently.    


Although she almost died today, she was still very happy. Because there was finally an outcome between her and Huang Feng. And this result made her very satisfied. Therefore, she was in a very good and relaxed mood right now. This was a feeling that she hadn't felt for a long time.    


In a certain space and time, under the bright daylight, there were black shadows flying in the sky. These black shadows flew from all directions, but their destination was the same. It was the tallest mountain here.    


There was a large platform on that mountain. There were already some people on the platform. They looked up at the approaching black shadows and began to chat.    


"The ones coming from the east should be people from the Purple Cloud Sect, right? It looks like there are quite a few of them. It's just that I don't know who they are leading." One of the young men in a long robe said.    


"Maybe it's Master Bu Yi. This matter seems to be very serious. Sect Leader and the other elders had appeared. Even the few elders who had been in secluded cultivation had come out. It could be seen that this was definitely a big matter. Sect Leader had invited the people of the other sects to come here and discuss. I think the people who must come must have a high status." The person next to him said.    


"Hey, what do you mean by that?" the person next to him asked. The person who spoke earlier said, "Why do I feel like Sect Leader and the elders are a little nervous? The atmosphere in the sect doesn't seem to be much these few days. I keep feeling that something is going to happen."    


"I don't know either, but something big must have happened. Otherwise, why would Sect Leader invite people from other sects?" Another man said.    


While the two of them were chatting, a black shadow had already flown above their heads. Then, it slowly landed. There were about ten people in this group. Each of them was stepping on a Longsword. It looked like they were flying at a high speed.    


The person who had been chatting earlier quickly went up to them and bowed. "Welcome, Sect Leader Qing Song!"    


Although the two of them spoke, they were very shocked in their hearts. They had previously guessed that the level of the people who came this time would not be low. However... They had never thought that this group of people would be led by Sect Leader himself. The Heavenly Martial Sect's Sect Leader Qingsong was a Soul Formation Stage expert. He was a legendary figure of the Cultivation Realm. What exactly had happened? Even this old man had appeared?    


"En." The old man in the lead nodded slightly, then said, "Where is Brother De Hou?"    


"Sect Leader is waiting for everyone in the hall." One of the young men said.    


The old man nodded his head, then he led his men towards the main hall.    


"Sure enough, things aren't funny anymore. Even Sect Leader Qing Song is here. Besides, look at those people behind him. They are all elders of the Skyless Sect. They are at least Golden Core Stage warriors." Seeing Sect Leader Qing Song leaving with his men, the two young men started chatting again.    


"That's right. I didn't expect Sect Leader Qing Song to come. I remember the last time I saw Sect Leader Qing Song was ten years ago. That time when the major sects joined forces to suppress the Devils, many experts from the major sects came." The person next to him said.    


"Eh? Do you think this matter has something to do with the Devils? Otherwise, why would Sect Leader and the others be alarmed? Even Sect Leader Qing Song has come out of the mountain."    


"That's possible." The man who spoke just now said, "But I think we will soon find out what is going on inside."    


The two of them quickly stopped chatting because someone else had come. After Sect Leader Qing Song brought people here, more people came one after another. What shocked the two of them was that the people who came were all experts from different sects. Moreover, they were basically all led by Sect Leader or the elders, some of the top experts that they rarely saw. All of them had appeared one by one. It had been a long time since they last saw such a golden age.    


However, everyone understood that the stronger the person who came, the more it indicated that this matter was not simple. It was definitely not a small matter to be able to alert so many experts.    


At this time, the guests had already sat down in the hall and were chatting with each other. They were exchanging the information that they had obtained. All of them were experts of Cultivation Realm. They were usually busy with their cultivation and rarely had the time to meet. Naturally, they had a lot of things to say when they met this time. He also had a lot to say.    


Of course, what everyone was most concerned about was the matter this time. The reason Sect Leader of Blackheaven Sect sent a message to them wasn't just to gather them together. He only gave them a general idea in the letter, although it was only a general idea. However, it was enough to attract their attention.    


"Cough cough, everyone!" At this time, the old man sitting at the front stood up and said: "I believe you all already know the reason why I sent you all here"    


"Sect Leader De Hou, what you said in the letter wasn't very detailed. You should tell us more about it." A middle-aged man said.    


"Alright, I will tell everyone." Sect Leader and De Hou of Blackheaven Sect said.    


"Some time ago, a group of juniors from my sect went to the Hundred Thousand Mountains to train. Unintentional. In He entered a cave, where... They met another group of people who were in the middle of some sort of ritual. They were repairing a strange formation on the ground."    




" That's right! " De Hou continued, "We all know that up until now, we have no way to fully understand the Hundred Thousand Mountains. That place is a forbidden area. It's strange to find anything there. Those disciples of my sect wanted to go there and take a look, but who knew that another group of people would suddenly attack them. The disciples of my sect suffered heavy casualties. In the end, only three of them came back alive. After returning, one of them died. After I checked his condition, I found that... He died under the destruction of the Heavenly Demon."    


"The destruction of the Tianma? The martial arts of the Heavenly Demon Sect? " Discussions immediately broke out in the hall.    


"That's right. It's precisely the Heavenly Demon Sect's Heavenly Demon Annihilation. After I discovered this situation, I realized that something was amiss. That's why I called everyone here to discuss this matter. Let's see what we should do about this matter." De Hou said.    


Everyone's facial expression turned serious. One of them said, "Why would the people of Devils appear in the Hundred Thousand Mountains? Didn't we chase them out of the Mortal World? Did they go to the Demon Realm? There was a seal between the two spatial zones. They shouldn't have appeared in the Hundred Thousand Mountains. "    


" That's right. How could this be? " The others said as well. All of them had solemn expressions on their faces.    


The Heavenly Devil Sect was the number one sect in the Devils, and all the people in it were from the Devils. Ten years ago, when the Devils invaded, the human race fought back with all their might. Finally... They had to pay a heavy price to chase away those people from the Devils. Furthermore, the passageway between the two worlds had been sealed. Logically speaking, it was impossible for the people of the Devils to appear in the mortal world again. However... It had only been ten years, why did the people of the Devils appear again? Could it be that the catastrophe from ten years ago was going to reappear once more?    


Thinking of this, someone asked, "Brother De Hou, is your previous investigation accurate? Were your disciples really killed by the Heavenly Devil?"    


"It was accurate. I also participated in that battle. I'm very familiar with this cultivation technique of the Heavenly Demon Sect. Naturally, I wouldn't mistake it for something else. " De Hou said. He was the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Profound Sect ten years ago. Naturally, he had also participated in the great war between humans and devils, and he was the backbone of the force.    


Upon seeing his affirmation, everyone's facial expression became even uglier. In other words, there were really people from Devils in the Human World. The key was how they came here and how many of them came here. None of them knew about these things.    


"I suggest that we send our representatives to the Hundred Thousand Mountains to investigate. Those people must be there for some reason. It's definitely not a coincidence." Sect Leader Qing Song stood up and said.    


"That's right. What we know about the Devils is still not enough. This is very disadvantageous to us. Therefore, we must investigate this matter thoroughly." Another Sect Leader said.    


As this matter concerned the Devils, none of them dared to be careless. This was also the reason why they had rushed here after receiving the news.    


Finally, after a discussion, everyone unanimously decided that each sect would send some people out. Each sect would send an elder to lead the team. And then... He would bring some younger disciples to investigate. It was also a trial. After all, once the Devils appeared again... It would certainly be another great war. All of these young disciples were going to participate in it. Now, it was better to let them familiarize themselves with each other.    


As for the remaining Sect Leader, they returned to their respective sects. Gather all the disciples under their tutelage, and train them outside. They also called them back. If there was any accurate news from the Hundred Thousand Mountains... Everyone would set off together and chase the Devils out!    


"Sure enough, it has something to do with the Devils." The two young men who were in charge of welcoming the disciples of the various sects were watching the disciples of the various sects leave on their flying swords in the square, sighing with emotion.    


These two men had also participated in the battle against the Devils in the past. However... Back then, they weren't old, so naturally, the Cultivation Level wasn't very tall either. Therefore, they could only follow the seniors of the sect, and they had also witnessed the ferocity of the Devils. However, there weren't many battles between them and the Devils.    


"That's right. I never thought that after ten years, the Devils would appear once again. I'm afraid this world is going to be thrown into chaos." Another man said.    


Everyone understood that once the Devils appeared again... The Devils wasn't a friendly place to visit. As long as they showed up, there would be another war between the two parties. It would be hard to say how many people would die at that time.    


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