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C2798 Give up

C2798 Give up

"Her Highness the Princess, do you want to change your previous proposal?" After considering for a while, First Prince said tentatively, "It's not that we are afraid of the rebels. It's just that the rebels are now very powerful. Although we have some abilities, we still have some abilities. However, in terms of combat, we are not as good as the generals. It is not a big deal if we fail, but we are afraid that we will further strengthen the rebel forces. We will be a threat to the Imperial Court. "    


"That's right. I think what Royal Brother said makes sense. Her Highness the Princess, would you consider changing the content of the examination?" The Third Prince also agreed.    


Following that, the other princes also voiced their agreement. Obviously, they were unwilling to go to the front line at this time. It was too dangerous.    


"Her Highness the Princess, this lowly subject feels that what these princes said makes sense. The rebel army is getting stronger and stronger. Even the generals in the army do not have full confidence in defeating them. The princes did not have actual experience in leading troops. Perhaps... We'll be at a disadvantage on the battlefield." A minister also stood out and said.    


Then, a few other ministers stood out to support this view.    


If it was before, these ministers would not have said anything. They thought that choosing the Emperor was a matter of the royal family and they did not have the qualifications to ask. Furthermore, they also felt that Princess Qi's suggestion was very good.    


However, it was different now. Now, they knew that the strength of the rebel army had greatly increased compared to before. Even the experienced generals at the frontlines were at a disadvantage under the hands of the rebel army. After suffering a defeat, the princes wanted to surpass the generals. Defeating the rebel army on the battlefield was basically impossible.    


If it were any other examination, the princes would have all failed. It didn't matter. At most, they could try again. However, things were different when it came to battles. Firstly, the safety of the princes is a huge risk. If something were to happen, their lives would be in danger.    


Secondly, the princes did not have much experience, so the possibility of failure was very high. If they failed, they would further fund the development of the rebel forces. At the same time, the loss of the Imperial Court's strength would be a huge threat. It could even threaten the state of the Great Lu Dynasty and their status.    


That was why these ministers stood out at this moment to agree with the opinions of the princes.    


Of course, Princess Qi's suggestion was not a problem. However, no one had thought that the strength of the rebel army would develop so quickly. The Imperial Court had reached a point where they could not afford to fail again. The Imperial Court was in real danger.    


Princess Qi, who was already hesitating, heard the words of these princes and ministers. Her heart became even more hesitant. The worries of the princes and ministers. It was also the worry in her heart. She was worried about the safety of those princes. She was also worried about the empire of the Great Lu Dynasty. But now, when she saw the princes and ministers... This made her even more worried.    


"Since that's the case, then..." In the end, when she was worried about the situation with the other suggestions... Princess Qi intended to change the content of the examination. However, at this moment... Huang Feng, who was standing beside her, shook his head slightly at her. He motioned for her not to change the content of the test.    


In this court session, Huang Feng followed Princess Qi. However... He appeared in disguise as a eunuch and stood beside Princess Qi. He did not say a word, so no one had noticed anything unusual before. The reason why Huang Feng followed was naturally because Princess Qi knew that today's matter was very important. She was afraid that she would not be able to suppress the situation, so she let Huang Feng follow her.    


Princess Qi, who had originally planned to change her words, immediately stopped when she saw Huang Feng's signal. After being stunned for a second, she made a decision.    


"The content of the test will not change." Everyone thought Princess Qi would change her words, but they did not expect her to insist.    


Previously, everyone could see the hesitation on Princess Qi's face. Hence, they were still very confident about Princess Qi changing her words. However, everyone did not expect Princess Qi to change her words halfway. She withdrew her words again.    


"This time it is the Emperor who chose our Great Lu Dynasty. As an Emperor, we have to think about the entire Great Lu Dynasty and the people of the Great Lu Dynasty. Now, the people are enjoying themselves, and the rebels are wreaking havoc. As a candidate, we shouldn't retreat at this time, we should be afraid. " Princess Qi looked at the princes and said, "Besides, I also believe that as the son of Royal Brother, you are all the best. You will definitely be able to defeat those rebel forces!"    


However, those princes were used to enjoying life. How could they be willing to take the risk at this time? Therefore, most of them were still afraid in their hearts and were not persuaded by Princess Qi.    


"Of course, all of you have your own concerns. I can also understand." Princess Qi said, "I allow you to give up on this exam. Those who give up. You don't need to lead the army to the front line. You can stay in the capital. Of course, correspondingly, you will lose the right to fight for the throne. "    


The princes hesitated. Princess Qi had made it very clear that if they wanted to fight for the throne, they had to lead the army to the front line. Of course, they could not go, but they had to give up the throne.    


This put the princes in a dilemma and they did not know how to choose.    


"What is it? Why are you all hesitating? Choose whatever you think in your heart! " Princess Qi said.    


"Her Highness the Princess, isn't this a little too hasty?" A minister asked.    


Obviously, they did not want to see the fate of the Great Lu Dynasty. In the hands of these princes who had never been on the battlefield, the Wu Yan from before was an example. He was indeed very powerful as an official. However, after going to the battlefield, he was just a rookie who had suffered a crushing defeat in the end.    


And now, the Great Lu Dynasty could no longer afford to lose. Hence, at this time, sending the princes to the front line, wasn't this just messing around?    


However, Princess Qi had already steeled her heart. She shook her head and said, "No, if you want to become the Emperor, you have to go through the most difficult challenge. Otherwise, how can you convince everyone?"    


At this time, it was hard for the princes to speak. Since Princess Qi had said so, if they still object, it would appear that they were incompetent and cowardly.    


However, after hesitating for a while, a few princes still took the lead to reject. Of course, they would not say that they were afraid. Instead, they said: They were afraid that they would make a mistake and let the army be defeated, resulting in the damage to the Imperial Court's strength. If they threatened the country, then they would be condemned for thousands of years. At this moment, it was better to let those professionals do it.    


Most of the princes present chose to give up. In the end, only First Prince, the Third Prince, and the Eighth Prince remained silent.    


However, the three of them had hesitant expressions on their faces. Obviously, no one dared to guarantee that there would be no problem for them.    


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