Universe Storage Box

C2800 A Mother and Son Dispute

C2800 A Mother and Son Dispute

As a consort who lives in the palace, she has always been a virgin. However, due to the influence of the environment, she must have some desire for power. Thus, she had previously hoped that she could become the Empress Dowager. If her son could become the Emperor, then... Their lives in this harem would be much better. They wouldn't be bullied or looked down upon.    


However, when this desire for power was related to their son's life, consort Li still chose her son without any hesitation. She would rather live the same life as before. She would rather not be the empress dowager and her son not be the emperor. She also did not want to see her son go to the front lines and take risks. She only had one son, she couldn't bear to part with him.    


However, after the Eighth Prince heard his mother's words, he shook his head and said, "This won't do. I have already promised Princess Qi in front of all the ministers in the hall. At this time, how can I go back on my word?"    


The Eighth Prince was naturally afraid and nervous in his heart. He also couldn't bear to part with his mother. The rebel army was no longer the same as before. Once he went to the front line, it was very likely that he would be defeated just like the generals from before. Captured.    


However, since he had already made his choice, the Eighth Prince did not plan to regret it. Originally, he should have had no fate with the throne. But now, because of Princess Qi, he had a chance. He did not want to miss this opportunity. He wanted to give it his all.    


"You can go and find Princess Qi and tell her that you want to give up on fighting for the throne, right? If others want to talk, then let them talk." Consort Li said. She would rather listen to those gossips than see her son take the risk. Besides, it wasn't like she hadn't heard of gossips in the Imperial Palace all these years. Furthermore, being able to survive in the Imperial Palace meant that she had a mentality in this aspect. There was no problem with that, and she would not care about those gossips.    


"If it really doesn't work, just say that I'm sick. You have to stay and take care of me." For the sake of her son's safety, Li Fei was willing to lie.    


The Eighth Prince was both amused and touched when he saw that his mother was so worried about him. If possible, he would also want to stay. He had always been by his mother's side, but he knew... This time, he had to give it his all for the sake of his future life with his mother... He had to do it this time, even if it was really dangerous. He couldn't back down either.    


"Mother, don't worry. Even if I go to the front line, nothing will happen to me. I'm a prince. It's not my place to fight and kill. At most, I'll be commanding the troops in the camp. Nothing will happen to me. " The Eighth Prince comforted his mother.    


"That's not safe either" Consort Li shook her head and said, "I heard about the camp where the army was stationed. Even if you stay in the camp, you will not be able to escape. Not going to the battlefield to kill the enemy is also not safe. Who knows if those rebel soldiers will come again? "    


Li Fei's worry was clearly not unreasonable. When the rebel army was not that powerful, they were able to bypass the troops at the front line and destroy the old lair of the imperial army. But now, after a huge victory, the rebel army had become even stronger. If they were to attack the old lair again, the side of the imperial army would definitely not be able to withstand it.    


"It's fine. They were too careless and underestimated their enemy. That's why they did that. Don't worry, I won't underestimate my enemy, and nothing will happen to me." The Eighth Prince consoled.    


In fact, the Eighth Prince wasn't confident either. If one were to say... Previously, if the imperial court's army did not underestimate their enemy, they were confident that they could defeat the rebel army. However, now that the rebel army was stronger, their side was even weaker. Even if they did not underestimate their enemy, they might not be able to defeat them.    


However, the Eighth Prince was obviously not going to tell his mother that he was so worried. His mother was already very worried about him. He could not say those things that made her even more worried.    


However, Li Fei wasn't persuaded by the Eighth Prince. She still urged the Eighth Prince to give up on the competition with a worried expression.    


At this time, a servant came to report that Princess Qi had come.    


Consort Li and the Eighth Prince were slightly stunned. They did not know why Princess Qi had come at this time. However, Princess Qi's current identity was not ordinary after all. Imperial Concubine Li and the Eighth Prince did not dare to be neglectful. They hurriedly got someone to welcome Princess Qi in. Especially Consort Li, who was already thinking about how to tell Princess Qi about the Eighth Prince.    


"Princess Qi came just in time. Later, I will tell her that I am sick and I hope that you will stay and take care of me." Imperial Concubine Li said.    


"Mother, how can you do this? Isn't this cheating Princess Qi?" The Eighth Prince was somewhat dissatisfied.    


"If you are lying, then so be it. It is better than you going to the battlefield to take the risk. After this, I will apologize to Princess Qi." Consort Li said.    


"No, I don't agree." The Eighth Prince said.    


Imperial Concubine Li still wanted to say something. At this time, Princess Qi had already walked in under the guidance of a servant. Imperial Concubine Li could not say anything else.    


"Welcome, Your Highness Princess Qi." Imperial Concubine Li and the Eighth Prince hurriedly bowed.    


According to common sense, in this Imperial Palace, the identities of Consort Li and the Eighth Prince were not lower than Princess Qi. There was no need to be so polite to Princess Qi. However, Princess Qi had a lot of power now. She was the most powerful person in the entire Imperial Palace, not to mention Imperial Concubine Li and the Eighth Prince. Even other people would have to bow respectfully when they saw her.    


"Don't be so polite. All of you, get up." Princess Qi said. After that, she sat down beside Consort Li and said to her, "Yun'er is about to enter the battlefield. Big Sister won't blame me for sending him to the battlefield, right?"    


"I was just about to talk about this matter." Seeing Princess Qi take the initiative to talk about this matter, Consort Li hurriedly said, "Little sister, I have been feeling a little unwell recently. I hope Yun'er can stay and take care of me. I am really sorry that I am not going to the battlefield. "    


"Mother!" The Eighth Prince shouted.    


However, Li Fei only gave him a glance and ignored him. She continued to look at Princess Qi and said, "I know, this is not appropriate. However... I only have one son. I don't want him to take the risk. It just so happens that I'm not feeling well, so let him stay. As for the battle for the throne, we've given up. "    


"Is this Big Sister's idea or Yun'er's idea?" Princess Qi asked.    


"It's my idea." Consort Li said, "But Yun'er also agrees."    


"I don't agree!" The Eighth Prince did not go along with his mother. Instead, he immediately retorted, "I don't want to give up. I want to go to the battlefield!"    


"What nonsense are you talking about!?" Consort Li reprimanded, "This matter is settled!"    


"No, I don't agree!" The Eighth Prince insisted.    


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