Universe Storage Box

C3043 There Was an Internal Problem

C3043 There Was an Internal Problem

"Master, what should we do now?" Alex's adjutant contacted him through the communicator.    


Originally, they were in a good situation. As long as they persisted... Then, even if Huang Feng and Alvin were on the other side... Alex was confident that he could win this battle. Although those two were strong, but it doesn't change the situation of the battlefield.    


But with the arrival of the people from New York City, the situation changed again and began to be unfavorable to them. After those people came, not only did they take away the people from New York City, but they also took away the people from New York City. During the battle, just now, both sides were still cooperating in the battle, but now they were fighting against each other. Both sides wanted to take the credit, but they were not willing to charge at the front.    


As a result, although the army of Flaming Wind Kingdom had the advantage in numbers, their combat strength was much lower than before.    


"What should we do? How should I know!" Alex said somewhat impatiently.    


The good situation was ruined just like that. If only his own team was here... That was good. He felt that he could still win. The key was that the team in New York City was also there, so it was fine if they were there. Not only did they not help, they were even dragging him back. They're making it so that I can't use my full strength.    


"These damn bastards!" Alex angrily cursed: "Ignore them, let our people charge!"    


Alex was very angry at those people's actions, but they weren't on the same side. No matter how angry he was, it didn't help. Those people wouldn't listen to him at all. Apart from creating some conflicts, there wouldn't be any help.    


"Yes!" After the adjutant received the order, he immediately relayed Alex's order to the people below.    


Alex's troops began to launch a large-scale attack, unlike before, where they shrunk back and waited for the troops of Newscity to attack. Alex planned to completely abandon the troops of Newscity and do it himself.    


However, what made him even more furious was that after he gave the order to launch a large-scale attack, the New City troops actually gave the same order. They were also charging forward together. The teams that belonged to two different forces were squeezed together. Previously, it was fine if they had a unified command, but now, they were being commanded by different people. Both sides were blocking each other's attacks, making it impossible for Alex's side to fully launch their attacks.    


"Bastard, bastard! Damn it! What are those pigs thinking? " This situation made Alex furious once again, and he fiercely cursed the people of New York City.    


However, the people of Newscity didn't feel that there was anything wrong with what they had done. They would rather let go of the Fengji Country than see Alex defeat the enemy in their territory. If they made a great contribution, it would undoubtedly be a slap to their faces. And if the operation failed and the Fengji Country army was released... Then, they and Alex would be responsible. At that time, they would be able to shirk responsibility. It could be said that they had their own plans. It was Alex who came uninvited, which led to the failure of their plan. The responsibility of letting the Fengji Country's army go should be on Alex's shoulders.    


So, when the people from New York City came, they had already thought about it. They would do whatever Alex did. They couldn't let Alex's team steal the spotlight. If that was the case, if they won, they would have contributed, but if they lost, they could shirk responsibility.    


It was perfect!    


So, when Alex was cursing, the people of New York City were in a good mood. Even when they noticed the situation of the battlefield slowly changing, they didn't take it to heart. In their minds, it didn't matter even if the Fengji Country army in front of them ran away. In any case, the strength of their Flaming Wind Kingdom was much stronger than the Fengji Country. It wouldn't affect them much if they ran away.    


However, these people of New York City obviously didn't understand. The army of Fengji Country did not think of leaving so easily after coming here this time. From the start of the battle until now, they weren't thinking of breaking out of the encirclement and escaping. Instead, they wanted to defend their position and wait for the reinforcements from their country to arrive.    


This time, they were prepared to give it their all.    


Alex cursed at the people of New York City alone for a long time, but he didn't have any good ideas. Now, those people in New York City clearly wanted to follow him. He moved forward. Those people also moved forward, he retreated, those people also retreated. It was very difficult to shake them off and act alone.    


"Let everyone continue attacking. Don't care about those bastards from New York City. Work harder and get rid of those people from Fengji Country!" Alex said to his adjutant.    


Alex didn't have any good ideas. He could only choose this way. The situation on the battlefield was ever-changing, and he couldn't hesitate for too long. He could only continue to attack. Right now, he could only hope that his side could get rid of the Fengji Country army in one go.    


"Yes!" the adjutant replied.    


After that, Alex's team no longer paid attention to the people from Newscity who were causing trouble. They only cared about attacking themselves. The people from Newscity naturally wouldn't leave and also attacked together.    


Although it was the same as before, facing the joint attack of two forces, however, the pressure on the Fengji Country's side was clearly much less. This feeling was real. Everyone could clearly feel it. This made the group of people who were initially nervous and even in despair. I'm relieved.    


Huang Feng was the same. In fact, he had already noticed it earlier. Although the Machine Armor he controlled was quite powerful, however... It seemed too weak in the battlefield of tens of thousands of people. He might as well use his own strength to fight.    


However, if he were to use his true strength to fight... Although he would be able to obtain a good result, it would cause some unnecessary sensationalism. Moreover, this uproar didn't have much benefit to him, and it might even bring him some trouble.    


Therefore, Huang Feng still eliminated this option. However... He also could not watch the army of Fengji Country being defeated like this. At least... He can't let either side fail until both sides expand the scale of the battle. That would not do him any good. So, under the circumstances where he can't use his true strength... Huang Feng even wanted to use the team he was hiding in.    


Fortunately, at this critical moment, there was obviously something wrong with the internal affairs of Flaming Wind Kingdom. This had caused their combat strength to drop drastically. This way, the pressure on the Fengji Country's side would be reduced significantly. He didn't need to use his men anymore.    


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