Universe Storage Box

C2025 And Then Come

C2025 And Then Come

"Is he that powerful?" The higher-ups of the company said in surprise.    


One should know that his bodyguards and assistants were not ordinary people. Because he had connections behind his back, the bodyguards he used were naturally not ordinary people. It was the retired soldiers of Special Force. Their skills were naturally not something that ordinary people could compare with. Under normal circumstances, it would not be a problem for one to deal with five or six people.    


The man in front of him knew about this situation. Under such circumstances, even if the enemy said that they were ten times more powerful than Huang Feng, they still wouldn't be a match for him. This showed how powerful Huang Feng was.    


"There are many things that he is powerful in. It's just that you don't know about it yet. Otherwise, why do you think I came all the way from the Mi Country just to meet him? Why do you think I took the initiative to express my goodwill to him?" The man said.    


The higher-ups of the company thought about it and agreed with him. If Huang Feng wasn't capable enough, why would these people care about him so much? They had specially rushed over from the Mi Country and had even taken the initiative to express their goodwill. Not only did they ask him to raise the price when he was working with them, but they also asked him to do so. In other aspects, there were also many preferential treatment. This was obviously not a treatment that an ordinary person could enjoy.    


"Alright, this Mr. Huang Feng is a little harder to deal with than we thought. It seems like I will have to stay in Huaxia for a little longer." The man said.    


The senior executive of the company nodded and did not say anything. He knew the purpose of the other party coming to China. Before reaching the goal, or rather, before it was confirmed... Before this matter was completely impossible, the other party wouldn't leave China.    


However, this was also good. He could also take this opportunity to get closer to the other party. Although my company is related to the other party and the people behind it, however, those relationships are mostly formed by the other higher-ups in the company... As for him, he had never had much contact with these things before. And this was obviously an opportunity. As long as he was still in China... The two of them would have enough time to get to know each other. To get to know each other.    


From this point of view, the higher-ups of the company were still somewhat grateful to Huang Feng. If it wasn't for him, the other party wouldn't have come to China in person. Furthermore, he would have stayed here for a while. Naturally, he wouldn't have had the chance to get closer to the other party.    


At the same time, the higher-ups of this company also had the idea of building a good relationship with Huang Feng. After all, he had personally witnessed the attitudes of these people towards Huang Feng. This meant that Huang Feng was definitely strong enough to make these people pay attention to him, and that Huang Feng was definitely not an ordinary person. There was absolutely no harm in building a good relationship with Huang Feng.    


At the same time, if Huang Feng was really recruited, it would depend on the attitudes of these people. Huang Feng's status in the Mi Country wouldn't be low either, and building a good relationship with Huang Feng... Obviously, it would be very beneficial to his future development in the Mi Country.    


Thinking of this, he felt somewhat fortunate that he didn't have the impulse to attack Huang Feng. Putting aside the fact that he couldn't keep Huang Feng alive, it would also worsen their relationship. If that was the case, perhaps he would inadvertently create a powerful enemy.    


On the other side, after Huang Feng left the coffee shop, he did not really take this matter to heart. Because, in his heart, he never thought about the possibility of this matter. So, he didn't need to think too much about this matter. It was impossible for him to rely on those people. Then, to him... It was definitely something that would bring more harm than benefits. Huang Feng wasn't a fool. Naturally, he wouldn't do such a foolish thing.    


However, it was obvious that Huang Feng hadn't thought that this matter wouldn't end here. Instead, it had just begun.    


Ever since he was forced to stop by a few cars from the Mi Country that day and met with the people from the Mi Country in the coffee shop, the representatives from the other countries seemed to have discussed it. In the next few days, they actually came knocking on their doors one after another. Although Huang Feng didn't want to see them, those people... They could use all kinds of methods to meet Huang Feng.    


And the purpose of these people's visit was the same as the person from the Mi Country. They were all representing the people behind them to express their goodwill to Huang Feng. Some of them even directly invited Huang Feng to express their intention. They wanted to recruit Huang Feng.    


As for these people who came to their doorstep, Huang Feng rejected them all. He had even accepted the invitation of the Mi Country, let alone those people from other countries. Although those representatives had given Huang Feng generous terms, these people all thought that Huang Feng was just an ordinary businessman. Little did they know that Huang Feng's identity in some spatial zones was incomparable to them. Even the people behind them couldn't be compared with Huang Feng. After all, Huang Feng was a man of his word in other spatial zones. In the real world, no one had such a right.    


Some people were very generous to Huang Feng's refusal. Before they came here, they had already thought that this trip wouldn't be easy. Huang Feng wouldn't easily agree to their invitation. Therefore... They were very calm about Huang Feng's refusal. Of course, they didn't have any intention of giving up. They were prepared to fight for a long time.    


However, some of the representatives didn't have such a good attitude. They did not seem to be accurate about Huang Feng's position. They felt that Huang Feng was just an ordinary businessman. They could take the initiative to express their goodwill and try to rope Huang Feng in. That was already giving Huang Feng face. In the end... However, Huang Feng refused without giving them any face. This was giving them face. It was a little difficult to get through.    


Therefore, when these people faced Huang Feng's refusal, their expressions were very ugly, and even their words were somewhat eccentric. Some of them even threatened Huang Feng, and their words were even a threat to them. Huang Feng just smiled, and didn't take it to heart at all. Not to mention, this was his territory. Even in their country, Huang Feng wasn't afraid of them. He was now a Half-immortal, although he was only a Half-immortal. That was almost out of the category of ordinary mortals. How could he be afraid of these mortals?    


The attitude of not caring about Huang Feng seemed to have angered those people even more. Some people even turned hostile and attacked Huang Feng on the spot. As for these people... Of course, Huang Feng wouldn't be polite to them. Not only did he teach them a lesson on the spot, he also taught them a lesson. He no longer sold those cars to the companies in those countries.    


Those people didn't expect that Huang Feng would really dare to fall out with them. To them, they felt that they had a background to back them up. Huang Feng must be wary of them, even if he was dissatisfied with them. But in the end... Huang Feng had given them a good beating. They wanted to take revenge on Huang Feng. However, they realized that they couldn't do anything to Huang Feng. In the end, they could only put down their words. They left in a sorry state.    


He had to leave. Because, although they had no way to take revenge on Huang Feng... However, Huang Feng had a way to deal with them. The slaves around Huang Feng weren't just for show. After Huang Feng turned against them, those people had gone to find trouble with them a lot. As a result... Those people realized that they couldn't stay here any longer. If they didn't leave now, they could only continue to suffer losses here.    


Huang Feng didn't care about the departure of those people. To be honest, Huang Feng didn't really care about those people. People like them who didn't know what was good for them. He couldn't even be bothered to attack them. He just asked his men to teach them a lesson.    


However, Huang Feng was also annoyed by these people. Although some of them had already given up, or rather, they had become hostile after being taught a lesson by him, they had no choice but to leave, but more people were still thinking of all kinds of ways to meet him. If he couldn't do it once, then he would do it twice. If he couldn't do it twice, then he wouldn't be able to. In short, those people seemed to be wasting their time with Huang Feng. If they didn't persuade Huang Feng, they wouldn't give up. Some of them even found Huang Feng and the other women to see him.    


Of course, these people's actions were still carried out carefully. Just like the representative of Mi Country, before meeting Huang Feng... They had done so to prevent the people of the outside world from doing so. He knew that they were in contact with Huang Feng, but there were so many people who were in contact with him. It was still easy to find out who they were.    


The reason why those people were so careful to contact Huang Feng was naturally because they didn't want the higher ups in Hua Xia to know about this matter. Thus, they became wary of them and Huang Feng. If that was the case, it would be even more difficult for them to get rid of Huang Feng.    


However, because there were too many people who knew Huang Feng. In addition, the higher ups of Hua Xia attached great importance to Huang Feng. They didn't want to miss out on anything that happened to Huang Feng. Therefore, these people thought that they were very careful and discreet. Soon, the higher-ups found out about it.    


"I'm sure everyone knows about what happened in Jiang Prefecture." In a conference room in China, the higher-ups of China... Everyone had taken the time out to have this meeting today. It was for the sake of the matter with Huang Feng. After all, Huang Feng was no longer an ordinary person. Every action of his had attracted the attention of many people, not to mention... This incident had a huge impact on them. If they didn't pay attention to it... The consequences would be severe.    


"This young man really makes people worry." Another boss said. There was no lack of complaint in his tone.    


"You can't say that either. I think this matter... I don't think Huang Feng would have thought of this, and he wouldn't have wanted it to happen either." Elder Lee said, "We all know that Huang Feng is deliberately avoiding those people in Jiang Prefecture. It's just that those people aren't willing to give up and insist on pestering him. "    


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