Universe Storage Box

C1812 The Mysterious Altar

C1812 The Mysterious Altar

After a week of fleeing, Meng Yaoer was completely lost. She didn't know where to go, but at this moment... The injuries on her body were already very serious. During this period of time... She often encountered the Vicious Beast in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, although she could always escape in the end. However, the injuries on her body were getting more and more. It was getting more and more serious.    


Furthermore, because she was rushing, Meng Yaoer did not have the time to properly treat her wounds. This made her injuries worsen. In the end, after she had completely lost her direction, she did not have to rush on the road anymore. Anyway, she didn't know which direction was the right one.    


Because of this, Meng Yaoer decided to find a place to treat her injuries first. After she recovered a little, she would continue to look for the direction to go. That way, her safety would be further enhanced.    


However, there were dangers everywhere in Hundred Thousand Mountains, even if it was a harmless plant. It was possible to suddenly launch an attack, so she wanted to choose an absolutely safe place to recover from her injuries. It was definitely not an easy task.    


Fortunately, after searching for a few days, Meng Yaoer finally found a hidden cave. There were dense weeds at the entrance of the cave. If one did not look carefully, she could not find it at all. She only found it by accident. After that, she performed a simple cleaning and disguise of the cave. Meng Yaoer began to recuperate in this cave.    


Although Meng Yaoer was the last disciple of the Still Water House's building owner, she was loved by the people of the Still Water House. In fact, she had long regarded the Still Water House as her home. She had long decided to promote the Still Water House in the future. Therefore... She was usually very serious in her cultivation and was able to endure hardships. She did not have any arrogance.    


Because of this, even though it was a tough life to live in the open, Meng Yaoer did not complain too much. Instead, she tried her best to get used to it. Although she was separated from the main group and lost her direction, however, Meng Yaoer did not give up hope.    


If it was another sect, a disciple with her status might not be as good as her.    


After finding a place to recuperate, the next thing to do was to treat her wounds and eat. She had yet to reach the state of fasting, so she still had to eat.    


Although there were dangers everywhere in Hundred Thousand Mountains, there were still many cultivators who risked their lives to come here every year. It was because not only were there dangers here, there were also all kinds of treasures. There were all kinds of spiritual herbs, cultivation herbs, magic treasure materials, and so on. They could be found here.    


Meng Yaoer had learned some medicinal herbs from her master before. After all, cultivators would also be injured. It was necessary to recognize the medicinal herbs and learn how to treat injuries.    


Because of this, it was not difficult for Meng Yaoer to find healing herbs in the rich Hundred Thousand Mountains.    


As for what she ate, it was even simpler. In the Hundred Thousand Mountains. These wild beasts were dangerous. However, after killing them, they were basically edible. Meng Yaoer did not go and find trouble with those big guys. She just carefully targeted those less dangerous Vicious Beast. After killing them, she would treat them as food.    


After solving these two problems, Meng Yaoer began to recuperate in this small cave. Every day, she ate and slept. The rest of her time was used for cultivation. Not only could it increase her Cultivation Level, but in this dangerous place... With every additional Cultivation Level, there would be an additional guarantee.    


At the same time, cultivation could also increase the recovery speed of the injuries on his body.    


And in about a month's time, Meng Yaoer's injuries were finally completely healed. Only then did she leave the cave and continue to search for the direction of the exit. Although she was not in any danger for the time being, she had been staying in this Hundred Thousand Mountains. Therefore, it was necessary to go out.    


However, because she had lost her direction, in Hundred Thousand Mountains... Apart from many towering mountain peaks, there were still weeds everywhere. This was also Meng Yaoer's first time coming to the Hundred Thousand Mountains, so it was definitely not an easy task to find the right direction.    


However, there must be a lot of ways to stay in the same place. Hence, Meng Yaoer could only choose one direction to advance in. At the same time, she made a mark along the way. If she found that the direction she was going in was not right... She would return to the original path and then look for another direction to go in.    


Although this method was rather stupid and it would also take a lot of time, Meng Yaoer did not have any other good methods at the moment.    


"I wonder how Master and the others are doing. I wonder if the people of Devils have launched an attack. I wonder what the situation outside is like." Meng Yaoer was thinking about what was happening outside as she hurried on her way.    


In this one month in Hundred Thousand Mountains, Meng Yaoer had completely lost contact with the outside world. Therefore, she had no idea what was going on outside.    


However, she felt that there might be a lot of things happening outside. After all, the reason why she had fallen to this stage was because she couldn't be separated from the Devils. The people of the Devils were using the transfer formation to transport people from the Demon Realm. They were definitely not here for sightseeing. There would definitely be conflicts with the outside world. As for the various sects in the Mortal World, after learning about the news of the Devils, they wouldn't be indifferent either.    


Therefore, the war between the two parties was unavoidable in Meng Yaoer's eyes. She knew that Meng Yaoer didn't know about the situation outside. She didn't know who had the upper hand and whether the people of the Devils were chased away.    


"What a pity. I lost my jade pendant. I don't know where it was." Meng Yaoer looked at her empty waist. The jade pendant that she had been wearing had been lost at an unknown time.    


That jade pendant was neither a magic treasure nor a very precious thing. However, she heard from Grand Nun Jing Wen that the jade pendant had been with her since she was young. It should have been left to her by her parents, and that was the only thing that her parents had left for her. Therefore, Meng Yaoer had always attached great importance to that jade pendant. She always carried it with her as if her parents were still by her side.    


That's right. Meng Yaoer was an orphan. When she was very young... She was brought into the mountain gate by Grand Nun Jing Wen. At that time... Other than the bed sheet wrapped around Meng Yaoer, there was only that jade pendant on her body. After Meng Yaoer grew up and became sensible, Grand Nun Jing Wen told her about this matter. Therefore, Meng Yaoer attached great importance to the jade pendant.    


However, during the escape, the jade pendant was lost. This made Meng Yaoer feel sad. In this kind of place, losing a jade pendant was as difficult as ascending to heaven.    


Therefore, Meng Yaoer was disappointed and sad. She did not have any hope of finding the jade pendant.    


Meng Yaoer's luck was not bad. Plus, she was very careful. Hence, she walked in the deep mountains for a few days. She actually did not encounter any fierce beasts. This made her feel somewhat fortunate. However, she did not dare to relax in the slightest.    


On this day, Meng Yaoer was still on her way. She was quick-witted but when she heard the voices of people in the distance, Meng Yaoer was overjoyed and hurriedly sped up her pace to catch up.    


However, when Meng Yaoer got close to that place, the joy on her face had already disappeared. Instead, it was replaced by fear and fear.    


Because at this moment, in front of Meng Yaoer, there was a group of people. Surprisingly, they were the people from the Devils wearing black clothes, and one of them was standing at the outer perimeter. Meng Yaoer also had some impression of them. When they were near the transfer formation... She had seen him before.    


If she remembered correctly, that person's name was Mond! He was one of the ten great generals of Devils, and his strength was quite terrifying. None of the elders of those sects were a match for him. Meng Yaoer naturally wouldn't be so arrogant as to think that she could defeat her opponent.    


Therefore, after confirming the identity of the other party, Meng Yaoer carefully hid herself so that she would not be discovered by the other party. At the same time, she also wanted to leave this dangerous place as soon as possible.    


"But what are they doing here?" After Meng Yaoer turned around, she had some doubts in her heart. These people from the Devils were gathered in this place. Obviously, they wouldn't come to this place out of boredom. Something must have happened.    


Thinking of this, Meng Yaoer once again stopped in her tracks. After that, she quietly squatted on the ground and carefully looked ahead.    


At this moment, Meng Yaoer finally noticed that there was a very large altar in the middle of these people. There were more than ten people from the Devils in black surrounding the altar and were muttering something. Their hands were also moving continuously, as if they were casting a spell.    


"What are these people doing?" Meng Yaoer's heart became more and more doubtful. She thought of the transfer formation in the cave. Meng Yaoer felt that something was going to happen, but what exactly was going on? She did not know, but this altar was different from the transfer formation. What was the use of not knowing?    


Mond looked at those people casting spells with a serious face. Apart from being serious, there was also some nervousness and excitement on his face. Meng Yaoer was even more certain about what these people were doing.    


However, she was alone. Even if she wanted to destroy it, she might have been killed by those people before she could even reach them. Because of this, Meng Yaoer was slightly anxious. However, she did not dare to show herself.    


Just as Meng Yaoer was seriously looking at the people from the Devils in front of her, a huge snake slowly swam towards it. The snake's forked tongue and the sharp teeth in its mouth. All of these indicated that this was not an ordinary snake.    


When the snake approached Meng Yaoer, it paused for a moment before revealing a trace of cold light. After that, it stuck out its tongue and called out to Meng Yaoer's thigh.    




Under the situation of being ambushed, Meng Yaoer subconsciously cried out. After that, she kicked towards the snake. At this time, Meng Yaoer already knew that the situation was not good.    


"Who is it?!" Mond turned his head and looked over. His tone was a little cold.    


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