Universe Storage Box

C1984 Bai Xiao Rou's Strength Increased

C1984 Bai Xiao Rou's Strength Increased

Huang Feng had considered the issue of selling the car abroad. Although he wanted to earn money, he was not blindly earning money. He was a patriot and naturally would not do such a thing. He wanted to make China suffer.    


Therefore, although Huang Feng would sell those hovering cars overseas, however, he would control their quantity and quality. The number of cars sold to each power would not exceed the number of Huaxia people. Moreover, in terms of quality, it would be better than selling it to China. The difference was that even if they met on a foreign battlefield... China wouldn't suffer too much.    


After hearing Huang Feng's explanation, Elder Lee heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. However, he still reminded Huang Feng, "I can understand you, but other people... He was afraid that they wouldn't think that way. Many of them were already thinking of obtaining the techniques in your hands. Now you want to sell those cars overseas. I'm afraid many people will be dissatisfied. "    


"Even if they are unhappy, I have no choice." Huang Feng's tone became serious. "It's not like I didn't hand in good stuff, right? Besides, I am a businessman. I want to make more money. I can't just hand over all the good stuff, right? If that's the case... What business do I have to do? I might as well close the door."    


Of course Huang Feng knew. If he sold those cars overseas... There will definitely be people who will be dissatisfied, even if he sells them. Just some defective products would cause some people to be dissatisfied. This was something that Huang Feng could totally imagine.    


However, there was nothing Huang Feng could do about it. It was just like what he had said. In essence, he was still a businessman. Naturally, he wanted to earn more money. He could hand some things over to the country, and he could also contribute in other aspects. However, if he didn't want to develop anymore, he would have to hand over all the good things. Huang Feng would definitely not be satisfied.    


"Alright. I know that you have a sense of propriety in your actions. I also know what kind of person you are. I will help you deal with them." Elder Lee said over the phone.    


"Thank you, Elder Lee." Huang Feng said sincerely, although he was not afraid of some people. However, Huang Feng would never be willing to shed all pretenses if he didn't want to. After all, his roots were all here. The women around him... Most of his roots were here as well. How could he give up on this place so easily?    


"Alright, that's all for now. Remember, produce more for us as soon as possible." Elder Li urged again, worried.    


"Don't worry. I won't forget it. It will be placed first." Huang Feng said.    


"Alright." Elder Lee hung up the phone in satisfaction.    


Huang Feng also hung up the phone. Tang Jie then said to Huang Feng, "The people on top do not agree with us selling the car?"    


"That's for sure." Huang Feng put away the phone and said, "But for the time being, we don't have to worry. What kind of extreme means did they use? However, they will definitely let those companies contact you. When the time comes, you can also cooperate with those companies. You can even give them some unimportant parts. It can also be considered as giving out some profits. "    


"Alright, I know what to do." Tang Jie actually understood this very well. He didn't need Huang Feng to say it out loud. He also knew what to do.    


"By the way, what's the attitude of those foreign companies recently?" Huang Feng asked.    


Previously, those foreign companies had contacted Tang Jie. But... They were still in the process of communicating through the phone and did not make any further moves. They were probably waiting for the results of the people in the dark. Then, according to the results... Then, they would decide their attitude.    


"Recently, they seem to be a bit anxious as well." Speaking of those companies, Tang Jie himself also smiled. "They don't seem to know that many people have lost their lives here. So... Their attitudes have changed. Some of them even... He seems to be unable to hold himself back and wants to come over and talk to us about our cooperation in person. "    


If they really wanted to cooperate, then they would definitely have to talk to us in person. If they just talked through the phone, it was obviously impossible to reach an agreement, especially with such an important agreement.    


Therefore, as long as the two parties haven't met for a day, there is basically no possibility of cooperation. Tang Jie understood this point, and so did those people. However, it seemed like they were waiting for the result of the actions of the people behind them. If they could succeed, they would then take the information from the people behind them. The price they would have to pay would be much smaller. Furthermore... It would also be much more convenient.    


However, from the looks of it, that kind of result seemed somewhat unlikely. Many people returned with nothing. The higher-ups of those companies... They seemed to know this too, so their attitudes had changed a little.    


Furthermore, those companies had always had a competitive relationship. One. It was very likely that there was more than one company under the influence. So... There is also competition amongst each other, and the higher-ups of those companies... Obviously, they weren't stupid. They knew the profit of this project... And the meaning behind it. Therefore, many people seemed to be anxious. They didn't want to see their Competitor being faster than them.    


Because of this, Tang Jie had received some hints. Therefore, he was very relaxed and optimistic. Those companies would definitely not be able to resist coming to his door. Once those people came to his door, then the initiative to negotiate would be in his hands.    


"Alright, I will leave the negotiations to you, including those companies in China. You just need to control the size." Huang Feng said.    


"No problem." Tang Jie said confidently. In many aspects, Tang Jie felt that he was weaker than Huang Feng. However, he wasn't here to mess around. He still had some ability. There wouldn't be any problem if he were to handle these matters of negotiation.    


When Huang Feng returned from the factory to his residence, he received some news from Bai Xiaorou.    


"So they promoted you?" Huang Feng asked after he heard what Bai Xiaorou said.    


Bai Xiaorou had always been the team leader of the National Security Agency, the team leader. She had been the team leader for many years. Actually, inside the National Security Agency... It was originally divided into a group. Other than the team leader... The higher ups were the directors, and it was impossible for Bai Xiaorou to be the director. She was only promoted in terms of treatment and rank, even though she was still the leader. However, it could be said that her current status was much higher than the other team leaders. She was only lower than the bureau chief. In the National Security Agency, she could be said to be below one person. She was above everyone else.    


"That's right, it's because of those things that happened to you." Bai Xiaorou said. Her level had been raised. Bai Xiaorou did not feel too excited, even though it was her career. But as long as she was a member of the National Security Agency, she would be satisfied. As for her rank and position, she didn't think too highly of them. This was what she had thought before meeting Huang Feng. After meeting Huang Feng, she had the same thought.    


"From now on, I will be in charge of the security around your car factory." Bai Xiaorou said to Huang Feng, "The other National Security Agency members nearby are now under my command. If needed, they will appear at any time."    


Obviously, the people above attached great importance to the information in Huang Feng's factory. In addition to Bai Xiaorou's original group, they also transferred a group over. Of course, that group was currently on standby. If Bai Xiaorou had any pressure on her side, she would come over to help.    


"Looks like the higher-ups really value those things." After that, he told Bai Xiaorou about the conversation he had with Elder Lee.    


"If that's the case, those cars of yours have indeed moved boss," ___ said. "However, if you sell them overseas, it will definitely make some people unhappy," Bai Xiaorou said.    


Obviously, Bai Xiaorou also understood the reasoning behind this.    


"It's fine. They will not fall out with me over this matter." Huang Feng said, "At most, I'll just contribute some techniques to the outside world. But... I have to sell these cars. After all, they are related to the development of my car factory. I can't give in on this matter. "    


Huang Feng had already considered this matter. If it really wasn't possible, he could just exchange for another technique from the Storage Box. He would leave it to those people. In any case, regarding the technique of the suspension car... He wouldn't hand it over.    


"It's fine as long as you understand it in your heart." Bai Xiaorou said, "As for the security matter, I will not let people get too close to your factory. I also know that there are a lot of people there that you exchanged for. There won't be much of a problem. I will let them guard the surroundings. If that's the case, you can contact me directly when you need help. "    


"Alright." Huang Feng said, "Actually, before you guys came, I knew that there were some people lying in ambush around. Those people who escaped from my factory were probably unable to escape from their line of defense."    


Huang Feng did not know much about what happened outside his factory. However, during these few days, when he went to the factory, he could clearly feel it. When he was some distance away from the factory, there were some people who were obviously not ordinary people. Obviously, these people should be the people sent by the higher-ups.    


And now, they sent Bai Xiaorou and the others. One of them was obviously worried about the information and really cared about the safety of the information. In addition, there was more or less some intention of monitoring them. Huang Feng could understand this as well. In fact, Huang Feng knew that there were some secrets in his body. There would definitely be someone watching him. However... Those people had never shown themselves, nor had they made any moves.    


"It should be." Bai Xiaorou was not very sure about this. After all, she was only a person of National Security Agency. She was not clear about the matters of the other departments.    


"There might be some trouble in the following period of time. After this period of time, there should not be too many things left." Huang Feng said.    


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