Universe Storage Box

C2821 Triumph

C2821 Triumph

The news that the Eighth Prince had obtained a great victory had already been sent back to the capital before him. The entire capital was singing and dancing, and no matter if it was the ordinary people or the officials of the Imperial Court, they were all filled with joy and joy.    


The reason why everyone was so happy was because... They had received a series of bad news after Wu Yan's defeat. Almost all of them had received good news. One group after another had been defeated by the rebel army. Whether it was the experienced generals or the inexperienced princes... All of them had suffered a great loss under Wang Cheng's hands.    


In particular, there were two recent news about First Prince and the Third Prince. Both of them had been defeated by Wang Cheng, and they had suffered great losses. At that time, the capital was in a state of panic. Many people had even requested to seal the door. No one was allowed to enter, and at the same time, they also requested the various regions to quickly reorganize their armies. They were preparing to come to the capital to protect it.    


This was because everyone knew that following the defeat of First Prince and the Third Prince... The Imperial Court's strength had been severely damaged. Wang Cheng's rebel army... In terms of strength, it had already surpassed the Imperial Court's army. If he attacked in one go, the Imperial Court might not be able to hold on. Those who lived in the capital were naturally very worried. Many of them were influential people who could live in the capital. Naturally, they did not want to see the rebels attack the capital. If that was the case, not only would they lose their property, but also their property. Even their own lives are in danger.    


At this time, there were also people who started to doubt Princess Qi. They blamed her for forcing the princes to surround the rebel army. The princes had grown up in the palace. Without any experience in leading troops, they were no match for Wang Cheng, the veteran. This was a waste of the last of the imperial court's power.    


Princess Qi was actually very worried, although it was because First Prince and the Third Prince were just like what Huang Feng had said. Nothing had happened to the two of them, and they had escaped safely. However, the loss of the army was also huge. To the Imperial Court, this was a huge loss. It might cause the Imperial Court to suffer a great loss in a short period of time. If they were unable to recover, they would be breached by the rebel army. There was a risk of being overthrown.    


However, it was already too late for regrets at this moment. First Prince and the Third Prince had lost the battle. The only thing that made Princess Qi feel relieved was... The Eighth Prince, who was accompanied by Huang Feng, had yet to receive any news of defeat. This gave Princess Qi a glimmer of hope.    


When she was outside the pass, Princess Qi had also witnessed Huang Feng's abilities. That was why she had listened to Huang Feng's suggestion before. Furthermore... She had no doubt about Huang Feng. At this critical moment, Princess Qi could only choose to continue to believe in Huang Feng.    


Because the Eighth Prince was her last hope. She couldn't allow anything to happen to him. If something happened to him, it wouldn't be a big deal for him to fail the test. However, it would be a huge blow to the Imperial Court. The Imperial Court could no longer bear such a huge blow. It would cause the people inside and outside the Imperial Court to collapse.    


Furthermore, her prestige would also fall further. Princess Qi was not greedy for power. If she was greedy for power, she would not organize this examination. As long as she let the previous Little Emperor continue to be the Emperor... And she could control the Little Emperor behind the scenes, just like the previous Imperial Concubine Wu.    


Princess Qi did not want her prestige to fall further because... Once that happened, the Imperial Court would be in chaos. Now was the time for many things to happen. Once the Imperial Court was thrown into chaos... Then... Everyone would jump out and be unable to unify. It would only be a bad thing at that time. It would be even more disadvantageous for them to eliminate the rebel army.    


Therefore, at this time, Princess Qi had almost reached the edge of the cliff. She could only place her hopes on the Eighth Prince and Huang Feng, hoping that they would bring her good news.    


The Eighth Prince and Huang Feng did not disappoint Princess Qi either. The atmosphere in the capital became more and more solemn, and the pressure in everyone's heart became greater and greater. The latest news finally came from the front line, and this news... It was finally good news, and it was also a great news.    


The Eighth Prince won! Wang Cheng was dead! Wang Cheng's main force had disappeared! The Eighth Prince was on his way back to the capital, and his subordinates were the cities that Wang Cheng had occupied before he reclaimed them.    


When such news was sent back to the capital, it immediately caused it to boil with excitement. The people who were still worried earlier were all cheering with joy at this moment. Excitement could be heard everywhere, singing praises for the Eighth Prince and praising Princess Qi for her foresight. The voices that questioned Princess Qi disappeared in an instant.    


Princess Qi was naturally very happy as well. The Eighth Prince had won the examination and was now praised by the crowd. Then, there was no longer any suspense about him ascending the throne. Secondly, with Wang Cheng's death, the greatest threat to the Imperial Court had been removed. Although there were still some rebel forces within the borders, they were still incomparable to Wang Cheng. It wouldn't be too difficult to eliminate them. Furthermore, it could be used as a credit for New Emperor's ascension.    


Therefore, after Wang Cheng's death, it could be said that the problem of the rebels in the territory had been resolved. The remaining problems were minor. As for the outer area, it was because of Huang Feng's presence. It could be said that the Great Lu Dynasty had officially entered a recovery period.    


Hence, Princess Qi was very happy because the matters of the Imperial Court had been resolved. She could then leave with Huang Feng in peace. She knew that... Huang Feng didn't belong here, and he wouldn't stay here forever. However, this wasn't important. Wherever Huang Feng went, she would follow him. She didn't want to think about other things.    


Because the Eighth Prince wanted to return the capital. The entire capital was like a festival. Therefore, when the Eighth Prince's team approached the capital... What they saw was a group of people who came out from afar to welcome them. These people were led by Princess Qi. The members were the ministers of the Imperial Court. It could be said that... Anyone who was qualified to attend the court had come out to welcome the Eighth Prince.    


If the Eighth Prince was still a prince, he naturally would not have the right to be welcomed by such a lineup. Only the Emperor had the right to enjoy such a lineup. Therefore, it was obvious what these people were trying to say. Therefore, when the Eighth Prince saw this formation, since such a line-up had appeared... It meant that the matter of him ascending the throne was already settled. Everyone had already accepted it, even though he felt that there shouldn't be any more problems with this matter. However, seeing it with his own eyes was another matter. Now, this matter was truly within his grasp!    


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