Universe Storage Box

C3031 Why Are You Here?

C3031 Why Are You Here?

Alex's actions were very covert, and he had indeed escaped the eyes of those people from the Fengji Country. He had successfully approached the periphery of the army that the Fengji Country had laid in ambush. Moreover, he was slowly surrounding them.    


"When I complete the encirclement, it will be the time of your death!" Alex stood on his flagship and muttered to himself. His tone was full of confidence.    


The strength of Flaming Wind Kingdom's army was originally stronger than Fengji Country. And now... Alex's team didn't have a lot of people, plus... They had launched a counter-attack, so the people from the Fengji Country weren't prepared at all. Alex couldn't think of any reason why he would fail.    


However, Alex had missed a person. That person was Huang Feng, who had been in the dark all this time.    


In fact, even if Alex's army attacked his planet, Huang Feng wouldn't care too much. He was confident that he could defeat the enemy. However, it would take more time and losses. Besides, the infrastructure that he had built up could be destroyed. Therefore, if Huang Feng could avoid it, he would avoid fighting on his own planet.    


In addition, Alex's army this time was not small. Even if Huang Feng could defeat his opponent, it would take a long time. This was obviously not what he wanted to see. Once he got entangled with Alex's army... Then, the other forces might think that the opportunity for revenge had come. Then they would also take revenge, which meant that he would have to pay an even greater price. He would have to spend more time, and he would have to lose even more soldiers.    


These were obviously not what Huang Feng wanted. Therefore, after discovering the Fengji Country's action, he thought of a way for the snipe and the clam to benefit from the conflict, which was to let the Flaming Wind Kingdom and the Fengji Country benefit from it. These two superpowers were the first to fight. If that was the case, these two superpowers would not only lose their own strength, but also... They wouldn't have the time and energy to cause trouble for themselves in a short period of time. He could secretly act and continue to sow discord between the two superpowers. He would only need to pay a small price to make the scale of their battle continue to increase. He would be able to cause these two superpowers to suffer heavy losses. Furthermore, the location of the battle isn't on my planet, it won't destroy the infrastructure of my planet. At the same time, it will not affect the mining of resources on his planet.    


Therefore, after Huang Feng discovered the army hiding in the Fengji Country, he told this news to Alex because he didn't want to see the operation of the Fengji Country go too smoothly. It wouldn't do him any good. He only wanted to see the two countries get anxious.    


Because of this, Huang Feng couldn't watch Alex easily wipe out the troops sent by the Fengji Country. If those troops were easily wiped out, how could the two countries get anxious?    


Therefore, when Alex led the troops to surround the troops that were ambushed by the Fengji Country, as the person in charge of this mission, just like Alex, he also received an envelope and some photos. The contents of the envelope were naturally that Alex had led the team back and was surrounding them. And the photos were Alex's military action photos.    


"Who was the first to discover this letter?" Dower asked his adjutant and some other generals.    


"It's me." One of the adjutants said, "When I was about to report to the lord, I found this letter at his door."    


Dole then looked at his own guards. As the highest commander this time, it was impossible that there were no guards around him, but his guards did not discover anything. This made him dissatisfied. This time, the other party was just delivering a letter. What if he wanted to kill him? Wouldn't he be killed in a daze?    


This situation naturally made Dower very dissatisfied.    


"Sir, we've always been outside the door and didn't notice anyone approaching. We also don't know when that letter appeared." The guard quickly said.    


"No one approached. Could it be that this letter fell from the sky?" Dole said unhappily.    


The guards did not dare to speak, because they knew that no matter how this letter appeared, there was indeed a negligence in their defense work. Otherwise, the letter would not have appeared at Dole's door for no reason.    


After Dole vented his anger, he calmed down. He knew that now wasn't the time to blame the guards. The most important thing right now was to determine whether the letter and the photo were real.    


It was not difficult to determine whether this matter was real or not. After all, they had been monitoring Alex's team before, but now they were a little careless. It wasn't too hard to know Alex's team's situation now.    


Soon the news came back. Alex's team didn't appear on the original route, but disappeared from that route!    


Dower immediately ordered the scouts in his station to increase their scouting and expand the range. Sure enough, they found Alex's team.    


When he saw the location of Alex's team, Dower's forehead broke out in cold sweat.    


Alex's team had unknowingly arrived at their periphery, but they actually didn't find anything. If they reacted a little later, Alex's team would surround them. At that time, their situation would be really dangerous.    


"Gather the team and prepare for battle!" Dole immediately ordered.    


Alex's team had already arrived in front of them. Obviously, they had discovered their existence. At this time, even if they wanted to escape, it was already too late. If they were bitten by Alex's team, they might really die here.    


"Yes!" The messenger immediately gave the order.    


Dole's face was a bit ugly, "That Alex didn't carry out his own mission. He went to attack Huang Feng's planet. Why did he attack us? Was his brain fried? Simply stupid! "    


However, no matter how much he cursed, there was no way to change the fact that he was going to be attacked by Alex. Dole couldn't understand how Alex found them and why he attacked them. However, this wasn't the most important thing right now. The most important thing was to resist Alex's attack.    


Alex's team wasn't small, and Dole had brought a lot of people this time. However, this was the territory of Flaming Wind Kingdom after all. Once the battle started, then, the reinforcements from the Flaming Wind Kingdom would be much faster. Therefore... After ordering his team to prepare for battle, Dole ordered them to start asking for help from his back.    


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